X11 programming, some questions - x11

I would like to make a simple visualisation using X11. I don't want a fancy guy with buttons and stuff, I simply want to display an ordinary line chart in a window and that's it.
Since I have not that much experience in programming X11, I used this example code:
It compiles fine and works, but when the window it creates is closed, the error
XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0"
after 11 requests (9 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
appears in the terminal. So I wonder what the reason for this could be and how it could be fixed?

Use The Source, Luke.
while (1) {
XNextEvent(d, &e);
if (e.type == Expose) {
XFillRectangle(d, w, DefaultGC(d, s), 20, 20, 10, 10);
XDrawString(d, w, DefaultGC(d, s), 10, 50, msg, strlen(msg));
if (e.type == KeyPress)
If you exit the loop by pressing a key, you call XCloseDisplay(). If you kill the window "from the outside" (say, with your mouse) that function is never called. The process goes away abruptly, and X warns you about it.
On my system at least, kill(1) doesn't produce the warning, either. I suspect there's some interaction with your window manager, something you'll deal with later in your xlib education. :-)


Draw BITMAP over Window Handle (HWND) of another process

I have bitblt a screenshot of the entire screen, and its indeed a valid BITMAP since after writing it to a file, I can clearly see its there.
Lets say I have the window handle of Calculator. I want to be able to constantly BitBlt the BITMAP (containing the desktop screenshot) onto the window of Calculator so that whenever calculator is open, whether its the background window (visible or overlapped by other windows) or foreground - It will always show the latest screenshot instead of the default Calculator application & its buttons.
I took a screenshot (bitmap) of the desktop and expected to use StretchDIBits to cover the region of the target application with my bitmap. However, when calculator is opened, nothing happens to it/it doesnt get replaced by the screenshot of the desktop, although the StretchDIBits function still returns the number of scan lines copied to the destination.
void* calculator_hwnd = (void*) FindWindowA("ApplicationFrameWindow", "Calculator");
void* composition_window = GetWindowDC((HWND)GetDesktopWindow());
if (composition_window)
void* composition_environment = 0;
if ((composition_environment = CreateCompatibleDC((HDC)composition_window)))
int window_x_axis = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN);
int window_y_axis = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN);
void* bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap((HDC)composition_window, window_x_axis, window_y_axis);
if (bitmap)
void* composition_bitmap = SelectObject((HDC)composition_environment, bitmap);
int status = PrintWindow((HWND) GetDesktopWindow(), (HDC)composition_environment, 0x00000002);
if (!status)
BitBlt((HDC)composition_environment, 0, 0, window_x_axis, window_y_axis, (HDC)composition_window, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
BITMAPINFO* pbi = CreateBitmapInfoStruct((HBITMAP)bitmap);
unsigned char* lpBits = (LPBYTE)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, pbih->biSizeImage);
GetDIBits((HDC)composition_environment, (HBITMAP)bitmap, 0, (WORD)pbih->biHeight, lpBits, pbi,
void* calculator_window_environment = GetDC((HWND)calculator_hwnd);
StretchDIBits((HDC)calculator_window_environment, 0, 0, window_x_axis, window_y_axis, 0, 0, window_x_axis, window_y_axis, lpBits, pbi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
SelectObject((HDC)composition_environment, composition_bitmap);
ReleaseDC((HWND)GetDesktopWindow(), (HDC)composition_window);
This is where I got CreateBitmapInfoStruct
This question says what I am trying to do is possible, but doesn't explain how - can anyone answer that with respect to my code?
This isn't supported by the OS. Window rendering is at the discretion of the window owner (i.e. the thread that called CreateWindowEx), and there aren't any customization points external threads or processes can hook into.
While you can render into a device context that belongs to a foreign window, there's no way for you to (reliably) find out when you need to update, nor is there any way to let the destination know that it shouldn't overwrite part or all of the window contents you just rendered.
That's as far as GDI rendering goes, which is really only supported for compatibility with applications that haven't been updated to take advantage of desktop composition (introduced in Windows Vista). With this model, applications can choose to render window contents without ever providing a redirection surface (which is required if you wish to BitBlt/StretchBlt into a device context).
So, in essence, there's no way for you to reliably render onto a window you did not create. The common workaround is to create a (partially transparent) overlay window, which you would then move around to keep it in sync with the window it is supposed to augment. This is undoubtedly going to create a pretty poor user experience, as your contents are inevitably going to lag behind as the user moves the window.

What has changed? Wake Windows and turn on monitor from Windows API

I have an old C program for displaying caller ID called YAC. Fortunately, the author Jensen Harris provided the source.
15 years ago, I modified the source to turn on the monitor if the computer was awake but the monitor was off. The code below worked well, turning on the monitor and making the caller ID message visible on the screen.
// TG - add a call to turn on the monitor if it is sleeping.....
Recently the behavior has changed (presumably a Windows update changed something)
Now when a Caller ID message should be displayed, the monitor turns on (as evidenced by the LED), but the screen remains black. The monitor remains in the black-screen condition for a few seconds, then turns off again.
What additional or different call is now required to cause Windows to activate the display and show the desktop? Possibly this could be forced by sending a mouse move, but is there a better way?
I have implemented the following additional code to press and release ESC. I was unable to find a good example of a relative mouse move of 1 pixel, so I used an example for keyboard. I will test and see if it is effective.
INPUT inputs[2];
UINT uSent;
// reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-sendinput
ZeroMemory(inputs, sizeof(inputs));
inputs[0].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
inputs[0].ki.wVk = VK_ESCAPE;
inputs[1].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
inputs[1].ki.wVk = VK_ESCAPE;
inputs[1].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
uSent = SendInput(ARRAYSIZE(inputs), inputs, sizeof(INPUT));
EDIT2 - I can confirm this approach does work to cause the monitor to display video, but of course has the potential for side-effects as any keyboard or mouse action would. I would still be interested in learning of a pure API function that works to fully wake the system like SC_MONITORPOWER used to.

Detect if compositor is running

I want my UI to change design depending on whether the screen is composited (thus supporting certain effects) or not. Is it possible to
Reliably query whether the X server is running a compositing window manager
Get notified when compositing is switched on/off?
To elaborate on Andrey Sidorov's correct answer for people not so familiar with the X11 API, this is the code for detecting a EWMH-compliant compositor:
int has_compositor(Display *dpy, int screen) {
char prop_name[20];
snprintf(prop_name, 20, "_NET_WM_CM_S%d", screen);
Atom prop_atom = XInternAtom(dpy, prop_name, False);
return XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, prop_atom) != None;
EWMH-compliant compositors must acquire ownership of a selection named _NET_WM_CM_Sn, where n is the screen number
To track compositor you'll need to check if selection is _NET_WM_CM_S0 is owned by anyone (assuming you are on screen 0) using XGetSelectionOwner. If not owned, acquire ownership yourself and monitor SelectionClear events to detect when compositor is started.

Steal focus as SetForegroundWindow can't do it

I know this sounds evil but my intention is not this at all.
A user has clicked "delay shot" and a countdown starts, during that time they go focus another application, then after countdown user expects my app to take back focus.
SetForegroundWindow fails when it runs from appliction with PID X while application with PID Y is focused.
This worked to bring my window forward, but it doesn't get focus:
SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE);
It sets the window to be always on top. However focus is not put into my window. And then setting it back to HWND_NOTOPMOST leaves it there, even though its not top most, but it still doesnt have focus. Running SetForegroundWindow won't do the trick after these calls to SetWindowPos Is there anyway to steal focus?
I have tried a combination of:
But can't seem to figure it out.
Another reason I think this has to be possible is because Mac OSX allows it with NSApplication activateIgnoringOtherApps: and Linux's allow it too. I'd like to get this cross platform.
As a last resort I was going to use the HWND_TOPMOST method, then GetWindowRect then SetCursorPos and send single click to my window at pos 0,0, I really don't want to though as there might be something at 0,0 and it shouldn't be auto clicked on.
This always works, no matter what app is in foreground (like Task Manager, etc.):
auto hWndConsole = GetConsoleWindow();
SetWindowPos(hWndConsole, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER);
As the comment says, SetForegroundWindow is sometimes useless intentionally. Basically, two ways are used to bypass restrictions:
Simulate keyboards / mouses
Get privileges
There is some smarter magic to achieve the goal without directly clicking the window you are going to activate. Since I'm not familiar with GUI, I would suggest inject code directly into current foreground window and hand over the foreground right.
Besides there're some examples on simulating.

Can a window be always on top of just one other window?

In Windows, is it possible to set window A such that it is always on top of window B, yet allow other windows to work as normal and appear over the top of both, when active.
In other words, I want a parent-child relationship between two windows. Can this be done without making window A a child of window B, MDI-style? Window B isn't mine (Internet Explorer), and screws my dialog A's graphics up when I try to achieve this with SetParent.
I thought I'd cracked it with this idea from an MSDN forum post, but alas windows A is still always on top of everything, not just window B.
// Place window A on top
SetWindowPos(hWndWindow, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE);
// Place window B underneath it
SetWindowPos(hWndParent, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE);
Is it possible?
Wouldn't creating an ownership relationship do the trick?
SetWindowLong(hwndChild, GWL_HWNDPARENT, hwndOwner)
The windows can be in different processes and you can call this from any process. This will ensure that the child window is always above the owner window. This is different than SetParent which actually creates a Parent / Child relationship. Read through this article (its from 1993 but still mostly correct) to see the distinction between ownership and parenting.
When your window's Z-order (or size or position) is changing, it should receive a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message. If you process that message, you have an opportunity to modify the final Z-order (or size or position) to which the window is moved.
To illustrate, in hWndA's window procedure:
DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
p->hwndInsertAfter = hWndB;
p->flags &= ~SWP_NOZORDER;
return 0;
should insert hWndA after hWndB in the Z-order any time hWndA's position changes.
Until Vista, one way to do it would have been to use SetWindowsHookEx, and hook the WH_CBT or WH_CALLWNDPROC hook, and then take appropriate action when you detect the Z order changing. However this doesn't work with Vista (as far as I can tell from googling).
The only other solution I can think of is to set up a timer to fire every few seconds, and then when you receive a WM_TIMER, you interrogate the system using GetNextWindow to find out which window is behind yours. If it's not IE, then call SetWindowPos to position your window above IE (I assume you have a HWND for the IE window you care about - remember there can be multiple IE windows).
This will cause problems if people try to bring your window to the front - it will flip back to being just above IE. In this case, in your code you could handle WM_ACTIVATE and try to change the Z-order of IE's window so it's below your window (call SetWindowPos to move IE's window so it's above the window that is currently below your window). This solution may be fraught with problems as Windows may try to prevent you messing with the windows of another process, for security reasons. On the other hand, the MSDN docs for SetWindowPos don't explicitly mention that you can't manipulate the windows of another process. There may be obscure limitations though.
Even with this timer hack, you're going to effectively have a busy-waiting loop in your app (with the frequent WM_TIMER messages) and this is generally a bad thing to do, especially for battery life of laptops etc. (because you prevent the CPU from entering a sleep state, and so on).
I'd say there's no good way of doing this, and anything you're likely to get working will be brittle and cause problems. I strongly recommend not trying to do it. Is it possible to make your program into some kind of plug-in or toolbar for IE instead?
NB Be particularly aware that SetWindowsHookEx imposes a performance penalty at a system-wide level if you go down this route.
Maurice's answer is the best out of what's here but is missing an important step. When you call show on your window that you want as the overlay, you need to call the show method that has the parameter. You'll need to define a class that implements the IWin32Window interface and just make a new instance of that. The only thing that interface cares about is the Handle so just set that to the handle of the IE window and it should work pretty well
If the parent-child relationship is made by yourself with the SetWindowPos() function, your desire can be implemented.
Can you access the Z-order of the windows?
I cannot recall the default z-order of windows, but I think it is 1. You might be able to set IE to a -1 and your app to 0.
Try this:
// Place window A on top of window B
SetWindowPos(hWndA, hWndB, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE);
The second window handle parameter specifies the next window down in the Z order.
Note this doesn't actually change the window parent-child relationships - but you can simulate it.
