fuchsia: Failed downloading prebuilt Jiri binary - fuchsia

I tried to get source code of fuchsia following the instructions.
zelongg#zelongg-ThinkPad-T430:/media/user/DATA/zelongg$ curl -s "https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/scripts/+/master/bootstrap?format=TEXT" | base64 --decode | bash
Cannot find prebuilt Jiri binary.
Could anyone share how to fix it?
I have no glue here.
Or anyone ever successfully downloaded the fuchsia source code?
Here is the verbose

You can download the file of the url ,then decode it ,and add set -x to the bash file. Then run to check what is happing when have this error


sphinx-build force fail on "download file not readable"

I have some docs which include some download files. See example:
Make sure to download :download:`this file</foo/bar_v1.2.tar>` for more details
The site/downloads/foo/bar.tar file is created and moved into the directory as part of the build process.
I am using the sphinx-build -M html . site -W to build the docs.
My issue
When we change the version of the file, the file name changes. Sometimes folks can forget to update this place in the docs and rename the download file correctly.
When I run the sphinx-build command, I see the following error:
download file not readable: /path/to/site/downloads/foo/bar_v1.2.tar
... but the build process continues and sphinx-build exits 0.
My question
I would like sphinx-build to error out when it encounters an unreadable file, but I cannot figure out how to do this.
As noted above, I have tried the -W which is supposed to turn warnings into errors, but it does not work.
Other possibilities
My question stated that I think my problem will be solved by causing sphinx-build to fail for download file not readable messages, but if anyone else has solved similar issues in another way, I would love to hear about it

get error when downloading the chromium src code

I try to download the chromium source code and compile it on my mac.
According to the instructions:
I did everything before:
$ fetch chromium
but when I try to download the chromium, it gives the error:
fetch chromium: Get chromium: unsupported protocol scheme ""
Any ideas, why?
ok, I think what happens is someother command override the fetch command. I'm not really sure. But since it is an executable command, I just use the absolute path of the fetch file to run it and it works.

how to edit existing debian package in installation cd?

ive been trying to edit a Debian installation CD,
followed tutorial on debian website
successfully extract cd, use genisoimage to recreate iso, try to install debian, no problem.
and then the problem, when i tried to edit one of the package, say i want to change a picture in a package .deb, i used this command:
extract .deb:
mkdir directoryname
cd directoryname
dpkg-deb -x pathtopackage/package_name.deb .
dpkg-deb -e pathtopackage/package_name.deb
building .deb :
dpkg-deb -b . pathtopackage/new_package_name.deb
and replaced the very same package on /pool/main debian cd directory
however after built the iso, it failed to install my edited package,
i've tried to fix md5 sum inside cd, rebuild dist/Release, still no luck.
any advice?
thanks in advance
finally did it.
first mistake
building .deb :
dpkg-deb -b . pathtopackage/new_package_name.deb
correct command:
dpkg-deb -b -Zgzip . pathtopackage/new_package_name.deb
to recreate exact package as original one
and then following the rest tutorial on https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Modify/CD,
except for debootstrap error, it can be done by following tutorial from this page
edit my debootstrap.deb, repackage, and voila, done all the works.
apparently my error was because debootstrap error from official debian page doesnt work for me.
hope this information useful for anyone

Topojson command on .shp file not working?

thanks for reading this; I could use some help.
I read this article, it is about creating a makefile to convert a topojson file from a .shp file. I am following the steps contained in downloadable Makefile available whithin the article's link, however I simply can't get to create the .json file; it just doesn't appear. These are the steps I am trying to replicate:
curl -o counties.zip 'http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2010/gz_2010_us_050_00_20m.zip'
unzip counties.zip
touch gz_2010_us_050_00_20m.shp
topojson -o counties.json -- counties=gz_2010_us_050_00_20m.shp
Step 4 is simply not working. I have no reason to think topojson is not properly installed, although I have never been able to create a topojson file. What could be wrong?
After downloading the Makefile and executing it in order to convert the topojson file the following message is displayed in the terminal:
topojson -o counties.json -- counties=gz_2010_us_050_00_20m.shp
make: *** [counties.json] Error 1
These are some of my PC's specifications:
I am running Ubuntu on Oracle virtualbox v4.3.26, my main OS is Windows 8 64 bit.
Intel Celeron 1.90 GHz
4.00 GB Ram.
Thank you very much for your help in advance.
Process validation
Your / The following commands are correct :
curl -o counties.zip 'http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2010/gz_2010_us_050_00_20m.zip'
unzip counties.zip
touch gz_2010_us_050_00_20m.shp
topojson -o counties.json -- counties=gz_2010_us_050_00_20m.shp
Running it is successful :
Visualisation is fine :
File is visible, to inspect, and downloable there, on jsoneditoronline.org.
Way to go
Did you ever produced a single topojson file via the command line topojson script ? If not, I guess topojson is either not installed or corrupted. There is a common issue with some dependency. I advice you to uninstall topojson, then to reinstall it.
Bug repporting
Please report the error message you get when running topojson -o counties.json -- counties=gz_2010_us_050_00_20m.shp without makefile. So we get a topojson or npm error, not the make error.
Search for "how to install topojson + bug". Example : Trouble installing topojson on ubuntu

spring-tool: the package of 3.6.2 is not useful on linux

I am using mint linux, and I tried many time by re-download the file, and unzip. but it always throw the following error.what's wrong with the package?
$ gunzip spring-tool-suite-3.6.2.RELEASE-e4.4.1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
gzip: spring-tool-suite-3.6.2.RELEASE-e4.4.1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated
I was able to download and unzip that file with no problem.
This is the URL I used to download the file:
The md5 hash for my file is:
$ md5sum spring-tool-suite-3.6.2.RELEASE-e4.4.1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
d2ee324ab22bdafef934276967a0dbf8 spring-tool-suite-3.6.2.RELEASE-e4.4.1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
Would be good to compare hashes to be sure that your download was not corrupt.
