Using Makefile to run multiple programs - makefile

Whenever I try to run this, the only output I get is "make: foo.o is up to date." It seems as if the rest of the program does not run and I do not know why. My instructions are as follows: "Compile a C program. Run a C program. Run a Python program. Compile and run a java program. Check for a README, display it. Compare 2 files. Clean up intermediary files."
cc = gcc
EXE = foo
JAVAC = javac
JRE = java
PAGER = less
TEST_OUT = test.out
EXP_OUT = expected.out
foo.o: foo.c foo.h
$(cc) -c foo.c
main.o: main.c foo.h
$(cc) -c main.c
$(EXE): foo.o main.o
$(cc) -o$(EXE) main.o foo.o
run-c: $(EXE)
read: README
run-java: foo.cass
$(JRE) foo
./(run-java) >> $(TEST_OUT)
test-java: $(TEST_OUT) $(EXP_OUT)
#if diff $(TEST_OUT) $(EXP_OUT) &> /dev/null ; then \
echo "Passed!" ;\
else \
echo "Not the same!" ;\
-rm test.out

Whenever I try to run this, the only output I get is "make: foo.o is up to date."
By default, make runs the topmost rule when no target is specified. You have to run for example make run-c to invoke a corresponding recipe, or you can just put an all rule before any others which depends on and does all the things.
read: README
I suspect you might have missed putting $# after $(PAGER) as the argument.
./(run-java) >> $(TEST_OUT)
You can't just "include" other recipes this way. Instead, repeat what's in run-java and append the redirection.
If you want to specify "pseudo" targets, I recommend you to specify them as .PHONY, such as:
.PHONY: all run-c run-py run-java save-java test-java clean
To mark some targets as intermediate files, use the .INTERMEDIATE directive. GNU Make manual (texinfo) is available both online and via the info command.


Makefile 'missing separator' for ifneq

I know there are other issues with similar titles, but they don't seem to hold the solution.
Heres my makefile:
# Compiler Command
CC = mpiCC
CFLAGS = -c -I./header
# collecting object file names
src = $(wildcard source/*.cpp)
src1 = $(src:.cpp=.o)
objects := $(src1:source/%=bin/%)
# Compile object files into binary
all : $(objects)
$(CC) -o run $(objects)
ifneq($(n),) // <- error location , line 15
mpirun -np $(n) run
# Generate object files by compiling .cpp and .h files
bin/%.o : source/%.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $?
mv *.o bin
# Clean Recipe
.PHONY : clean
clean :
rm -rf all $(objects)
The goal of the ifneq is to have the binary run whenever it finishes compiling.
for example, a user runs the command:
make <- builds without running
make n=5 <- builds and runs on 5 processes
Whenever I use either of these, I get the error:
makefile:15: *** missing separator. Stop.
I've used cat -e -t -v to verify everything is tabbed instead of spaced. according to ( this conditional should function.
#MadScientist solved it. You need to put a space in between ifneq and its argument. For example:
ifneq($(n),0) is invalid.
ifneq ($(n),0) is valid.

Define a choice of prerequisites in a pattern rule

For example, lets say I have a compiler that can build foo files from either bar or baz sources.
The rules for this might look like:
# commands to
# invoke compiler %.baz
# commands to
# invoke compiler
However, this could start getting a bit long and redundant as the number of input types and recipe commands increase. Is there any syntax available to compress this into a single rule? $(oneof %.baz)
# commands to
# invoke compiler
What you propose at the beginning is right: Makefiles should be clear and concise regarding building rules.
In the other hand you may take a look at Canned Recipes to try to avoid repeating the same recipes once and again:
define MAKE_FOO =
#You may use automatic variables such as $^ or $#.
mv $< $# #In this example just a file renaming.
$(MAKE_FOO) %.baz
The canned recipe MAKE_FOO will expand to whatever recipes you write inside the define statement as if they were copied manually.
Here's an illustration for the concrete problem of making an .o file
from either a .c file or a .cpp file with a combined pattern rule.
An executable is also built to aid the illustration.
.PHONY: all clean
all: test
%.o: %.c %.cpp
gcc -c $?
test: main.o hw.o
g++ -o $# $^
rm -f test *.o
where we have:
#include <stdio.h>
void hw(void)
puts("Hello from C");
#include <iostream>
extern "C" void hw()
std::cout << "Hello from C++" << std::endl;
extern "C" void hw(void);
int main(void)
return 0;
Make from clean and run:
$ make clean && make && ./test
rm -f test *.o
g++ -c -o main.o main.cpp
gcc -c hw.c hw.cpp
g++ -o test main.o hw.o
Hello from C++
Both hw.c and hw.cpp were compiled per the pattern rule.
Each one of them was compiled to the same object file, hw.o, with the second, C++
compilation overwriting the C compilation. So the C++ object file was linked,
simply because it was the last to be built. Be clear about what you expect to
happen when the combined rule is triggered by multiple prerequisites.
Now let's update hw.c and repeat:
$ touch hw.c
$ make && ./test
gcc -c hw.c
g++ -o test main.o hw.o
Hello from C
This time, hw.o was compiled only from hw.c, and linked.
Update hw.cpp and repeat:
$ touch hw.cpp
make && ./test
gcc -c hw.cpp
g++ -o test main.o hw.o
Hello from C++
Once again, the hw.o from C++ was linked.
The key element of the combined pattern rule is $?, which
means all the prerequisites that are newer than the target

How to avoid this recursive Makefile to relink?

today I'm requesting your help about a Makefile that's driving me crazy. There it is:
# Executable name
NAME = libft.a
# Compiler and archive linker settings
CC = gcc
AR = ar
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O3 -g3
ARFLAGS = -rsc
IFLAGS = -I./includes/
# Project layout
SRC_DIR = ./src/
INC_DIR = ./inc/
OBJ_DIR = ./obj/
OBJ = $(shell grep -r .o ./obj | awk '{print $$3}' | tr '\n' ' ')
.PHONY: all clean fclean re
all: $(OBJ_DIR) $(NAME)
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
$(NAME): compile $(OBJ) $(INC_DIR)libft.h
#echo "Linking library $(NAME).\n"
#$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(NAME) $(OBJ)
#echo " ✧ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(NAME) object files: OK! √\n"
make -C src/io
make -C src/lists
make -C src/memory
make -C src/strings
make -C src/tests
I've tried multiple combination of dependencies, rules, etc but I just don't get it. Sometimes I got it to stop relinking but in thoses cases it wouldn't re-compile object files because $(OBJ) was empty and wasn't updated after I ran compile.
This version is close to be good, but everytime I run make it executes the recipe $(NAME) and does the ar -rsc %(OBJ) .. How can I put them in dependencies to $(NAME) ?
Well, basically your entire approach here cannot succeed. Just for one example: you are trying to find the object files using grep (honestly I don't understand that shell command at all; what does printing the $3 word from the output of grep -r do??? Don't you just mean find $(OBJ_DIR) -name \*.o here?) This will expand to all the object files found in your subdirectories. But, that shell command runs when your top-level makefile is parsed, and that parsing happens before make runs any rules... so, no object files have been built yet! So, this target doesn't depend on anything. Even after some object files have been built, it only depends on object files that already exist, not on object files that are created during the build.
Really if I were you I'd do this completely differently. However, the simplest way to make your makefile work properly as written is to build $(NAME) using a recursive make as well; change your makefile like this:
all: compile
$(NAME): $(OBJ) $(INC_DIR)libft.h
#echo "Linking library $(NAME).\n"
#$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# $^
#echo " ✧ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# object files: OK! √\n"
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
$(MAKE) -C src/io
$(MAKE) -C src/lists
$(MAKE) -C src/memory
$(MAKE) -C src/strings
$(MAKE) -C src/tests
Here all doesn't depend on $(NAME); instead, the compile step first builds everything then at the end it recursively invokes itself to build $(NAME); at this point we know everything is up to date and we can depend on the object files existing.
Other things: note I used the automatic variable $^ here not $(OBJ); that variable is a simple variable that runs a shell script: it's expensive! Every time you expand the $(OBJ) variable you pay that cost, so you only ever want to do it one time. Alternatively, you can use := to set OBJS instead so it's only invoked once per make instance. That's still one more time than you need but avoiding this will be painful.
I also moved the mkdir into the compile rule. It's cleaner there than as a prerequisite of all.
Finally, you should never invoke sub-makes using the make command directly. Always use the $(MAKE) variable, or various things will not work correctly.
The question was obvioulsy solved by the previous post.
You need to use the $(MAKE) variable to call recursively your make file with the $(NAME) rule instead of putting $(NAME) as a all dependency, after subsequent calls to your underlying Makefiles using the $(MAKE) variable again.

Makefile is skipping certain dependencies

So I am writing a makefile that will take some files (*.in) as input to my C++ program and compare their output (results.out) to given correct output (*.out).
Specifically I have files,,,, and
I have verified that $TESTIN =
The problem is that it seems to run the %.out block only for three of these files, 1,3, and 4. Why is it doing this?
OUTPUT = chart
SOURCES = chart.cpp
OBJS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
TESTIN = tests/*.in
all: $(OUTPUT)
$(COMPILER) *.o -o $(OUTPUT)
%.o: %.cpp
$(COMPILER) -c $< -o $#
test: $(TESTIN) %.out
./$(OUTPUT) < $# > tests/results.out
printf "\n"
ifeq ($(diff $< tests/results.out), )
printf "\tTest of "$#" succeeded for stdout.\n"
printf "\tTest of "$#" FAILED for stdout!\n"
Additionally, if there is a better way of accomplishing what I am trying to do, or any other improvements I could make to this makefile (as I am rather new at this), suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: If I add a second dependency to the block ( %.out %.err), it runs the block for all five files. Still no idea why it works this way but not the way before.
First, I don't see how TESTIN can be correct. This line:
TESTIN = tests/*.in
is not a valid wildcard statement in Make; it should give the variable TESTIN the value tests/*.in. But let's suppose it has the value or tests/ tests/ tests/ tests/ tests/, or wherever these files actually are.
Second, as #OliCharlesworth points out, this rule: %.out
is a rule for building *.in files, which is not what you intend. As for why it runs some tests and not others, here is my theory:
The timestamp of t01.out is later than that of, so Make decides that it must "rebuild"; likewise and But the timestamp of t02.out is earlier than that of, so Make does not attempt to "rebuild"; likewise The timestamps of t02.err and t05.err are later than those of and, respectively, so when you add the %.err prerequisite, Make runs all tests. You can test this theory by checking the timestamps and experimenting with touch.
Anyway, let's rewrite it. We need a new target for a new rule:
TESTS := $(patsubst,test_%,$(TESTIN)) # test_t01 test_t02 ...
.PHONY: $(TESTS) # because there will be no files called test_t01, test_t02,...
$(TESTS): test_%: %.out
./$(OUTPUT) < $< > tests/results.out
Now for the conditional. Your attempted conditional is in Make syntax; Make will evaluate it before executing any rule, so tests/result.out will not yet exist, and variables like $< will not yet be defined. We must put the conditional inside the command, in shell syntax:
$(TESTS): test_%: %.out
./$(OUTPUT) < $< > tests/results.out
if diff $*.out tests/results.out >/dev/null; then \
echo Test of $* succeeded for stdout.; \
else echo Test of $* FAILED for stdout!; \
(Note that only the first line of the conditional must begin with a TAB.)

Makefile trick to get dependencies of a rule

Is there any trick in GNU Makefiles to get all dependencies of a rule?
rule1: dep1_1 dep1_2 dep1_3
rule2: dep2_1 dep2_2 rule1
echo "Dependencies of rule1: $(call do_the_trick, $(rule1))"
echo "Dependencies of rule2: $(call do_the_trick, $(rule2))"
install: $(prefix install-,$(call do_the_trick, $(rule1)))
I'd like to be able to call make dump_deps and see:
dep1_1 dep1_2 dep1_3
dep2_1 dep2_2 dep1_1 dep1_2 dep1_3
Or automatically install dependencies with make install and things like.
Is it possible?
I changed the example to show better that I want something automatic, and not having to hardcode dependency lists myself.
You can't show the transitive dependencies, only the direct ones, however, you can take the output generated below and feed it into the programs dot (part of graphviz) to make sense of the these transitive relationships.
Edit: I guess you could also post-process the results in other ways to just list the deps, but I think pretty pictures are better; feel free to downvote if you disagree ;)
Here's a sample makefile (watch for missing tabs when c&p!):
# Makefile that demonstrates how to dump dependencies.
# The macros we use for compiling stuff.
CC_OBJ=$(CC) -o $# -c $(CFLAGS) $<
CC_BIN=$(CC) -o $# $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^
# If we get "DUMP_DEPS=1 DUMP_DOT=1" on the command line, then instead of
# make-style dependencies, we'll output 'dot' syntax.
# Note: normally, DUMP_DOT_TAIL is undefined, so it doesn't generate any noise.
ifeq ($(DUMP_DOT),1)
DUMP_DOT_HEAD=digraph dependencies {
DUMP_DOT_TAIL=#echo "}"
$(info $(DUMP_DOT_HEAD))
list_dep=#for f in $^; do echo " \"$#\" -> \"$$f\";"; done
list_dep=#echo "$#: $^"
# If we get "DUMP_DEPS=1" on the command line, then
# instead of building the code, just print the dependencies.
ifeq ($(DUMP_DEPS),1)
# An implicit rule that builds *.c -> *.o.
# Variables for stuff we wanna build.
# The top-level 'all' target.
.PHONY: all
all: $(target)
# Builds our final executable
$(target): $(objects)
# A standard clean target.
.PHONY: clean
-rm -f $(target) $(objects)
Now, you can do this:
make -B DUMP_DEPS=1
And it will go through and list all your pre-requisites is make style of "target: pre-requisite". Sample outputs:
Normal run:
cc -o main.o -c main.c
cc -o stuff.o -c stuff.c
cc -o yeah.o -c yeah.c
cc -o hello main.o stuff.o yeah.o
With make -B DUMP_DEPS=1:
main.o: main.c
stuff.o: stuff.c
yeah.o: yeah.c
hello: main.o stuff.o yeah.o
With make -B DUMP_DEPS=1 DUMP_DOT=1:
digraph dependencies {
"main.o" -> "main.c";
"stuff.o" -> "stuff.c";
"yeah.o" -> "yeah.c";
"hello" -> "main.o";
"hello" -> "stuff.o";
"hello" -> "yeah.o";
You could then run the following to output a pretty picture to an SVG image:
make -B DUMP_DEPS=1 DUMP_DOT=1 | dot -Tsvg > deps.svg
Here's what it looks like (this is actually a png, generated with -Tpng > deps.png):
I think this would need some extra work to produce accurate results in all situations, but the principle is sound (e.g. if you use gcc-generated dependency files, you'll need to create them first).
This should list all of the dependencies:
DEPEND = dep1 dep2 dep3
dump_deps: $(DEPEND)
#printf "%s\n" $^
You should remove the line with .PHONY target for your needs. It is used for the sake of the example. And please note that there is a tab between the beginning of the line and printf.
use the buit in variables available with the make utility , $^ -- this represents all the dependencies of the rule.
also looking thru your code , i did make the rule1 into a variable / macro form to suit my purpose ......
rule1 := dep1 dep2 dep3
