Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError in installing sass - sass

I'm beginner in sass and would like to install sass on window 10 then installed ruby installer and when I enter gem install sass command in command prompt I get the following error:
Fetching: rb-fsevent-0.10.3.gem ( 22%)ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
too many connection resets
command prompt image
I googled the error and couldn't resolve that and installed ruby installer in three different versions but every time enter gem install sass I get the same error.
Also in windows firewall the ruby interpreter has the public permission.

I found the answer. when I created a system variable with name RubyOpt and value rubygems sass installed properly.


Debugger in Rubymine 8.0.3 not working

I have "installed" the 7zip Ruby version 2.2.4 as well as the corresponding DevKit. The PATH variable has been set.
When I start the debugging mode in Rubymine 8.0.3 the necessary gems have been installed. But than the following error occurs:
Error running speed: Cannot start debugger. Gem 'ruby-debug-ide' isn't installed or its executable script 'rdebug-ide' doesn't exist.
When I open the command line (cmd.exe) and type c:\rdebug-ide then the command line answers correctly
Using ruby-debug-base 0.2.2.beta6
When I call in the command line gem list then the gem is listed as ruby-debug-ide (0.6.0).
Do somebody has an idea?
Personally I deleted Rubymine from Applications and installed again the last version, now it works for me.

cannot load such file -- 2.2/gherkin_lexer_en, how to fix?

I need a little help. How do I resolve this problem?
When I call cucumber I get the following error:
*** WARNING: You must use ANSICON 1.31 or higher (
on/) to get coloured output on Windows
WARNING: cannot load such file -- 2.2/gherkin_lexer_en
Couldn't load 2.2/gherkin_lexer_en
The $LOAD_PATH was:
Windows 8.1 x64
Ruby 2.2.1 installer
I got answer:
I'm afraid Cucumber on Windows/Ruby requires ruby 2.0.0 (x86). The
reason is that the gherkin gem doesn't yet ship with compiled binaries
for more recent versions or Ruby, and not for x64.
We're working on a Gherkin3 which will address this issue. See this
post for background. I cannot give you an ETA, but it's at least a few
months away.
I download Ruby 2.0 x86 from
Install exe
Command in cmd: gem install calabash-android
ERROR: Error installing calabash-android:
The 'json' native gem requires installed build tools.
Download from DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe
Extract DevKit to path C:\Ruby200\DevKit
Run cd C:\Ruby200\DevKit
Run ruby dk.rb init
Run ruby dk.rb review
Run ruby dk.rb install
And again use command gem install calabash-android
I have simply solved by removing Gherkin and reinstalling it by bundle install
gem uninstall gherkin
>> select all
bundle install
This problem looks like this issue. Maybe you can resolve by following comments in it. (y)
sanjaykumar5115 commented,
my probelm have been solved after uninstalling gherkin and installing gherkin-2.12.1-x86-mingw32

why is this sass command giving me an error

I am trying to learn sass so I can develop my front end skills a little bit more because that is what I hope to be some day. The only thing is I can't get sass to work.
Whenever I run the sass --watch . command it returns this error.
>>> Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
write ./test.css
LoadError: no such file to load -- rb-fsevent
Use --trace for backtrace.
I did a bit of research on this error and it was suggested on this site to just simply install the rb-fsevent file that is missing so I ran the gem install rb-fsevent command and then got this error.
Fetching: rb-fsevent-0.9.4.gem (100%)
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory.
so I did a bit of research on THIS error and it was suggested agin on this site to just run the install with sudo. So i did just that I didn't get an error so i was quite excited because I have been fighting with this for a while so i want back to the start of this question and ran the --watch command and got the same exact error. Can anyone help me fix this?
Your first error is because Ruby can't load the rb-fsevent gem. This could be because the gem is not installed. Trying to install the gem was a good idea.
Your second error is because you are trying to install the gem to a directory that you do not have permissions for. Using sudo to do the install is an acceptable solution. You can also do gem install --user-install to install to your home directory.
You are still getting the first error because even though the gem is installed, Ruby cannot load it. This could be because sudo installed the gem with the wrong permissions, or installed it to the wrong location, or Ruby is looking for it in the wrong location.
Thus your solution would be to
Locate the gem files you installed
Check that their permissions allow you to read them
Check ruby -e 'p $LOAD_PATH' to see if Ruby is looking in the right place for the gem

How to install Compass on Windows

I have installed Ruby on my system, and now I want to install Compass. But when I execute the gem install compass command, it shows an error like this:
could not find valid gem 'compass' <>=0> in any repositary
And also:
SocketError: getadressinfo: no such host is known.<>
I don't know what the problem is. If I run ruby -v, it shows the Ruby version. So what's the problem with installing Compass?
Can anyone explain this to me properly? I've searched Google, but all I could find was some proxy problem - and I couldn't understand how to set the proxy at all.
I'm using Windows and a company internet connection, so I don't know the username and password of my proxy.
I was behind a proxy and HumberFrench's solution above helped:
Go to Ruby bin folder:
cd c:/Ruby193/bin
And then install compass gem:
gem install compass --http-proxy http://<proxy_adreess>:<port_of_proxy>
Another tip: am on Aptana Studio, so this could be run from within Aptana's terminal.
Cant up-vote so adding this here.
I had the same problem, finally solved it manually.
Goto the rubygems compass page, and download the gem by clicking the Download link. Scroll down and you will see three Runtime Dependencies. Goto each of them and download those gems also. Put all of them in a directory, and try
gem install downloaded_compass_filename
This should solve your problem.
If it gives an repository not found error message, you can force gem to try local files through the gem --local install option
if you use a proxy, and get error, do it
gem install compass --http-proxy http://<proxy_adreess>:<port_of_proxy>
gem install -h gives you a lor of options
The proxy is the most likely cause. You will have to get permission from the network admin, or manually download compass. For more info, See this SA post.
If you decide to go the manual route here is a link to the RubyGems compass page. This not ideal, but also better than having to write css without compass magic ^^
Good luck!
On windows i had a few instalations of ruby:
install compass in both places, using:
gem install compass
Try running the install command in the bin folder.
$ cd C:\Your_Ruby_Folder\bin
$ gem install compass
I have same problem and i resolve it with.
Uninstall ruby end deleted folder ruby
Download ruby version 1.9.x
After thet install sass
last stem: install compass

ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error) not in gzip format

I am developing a Sencha touch 2 application. I have been following the "Styling the user interface of a Sencha Touch application" tutorial on theming of secha touch applications.
It requires me to install Ruby, Compass and SASS.
I installed Ruby using the installer from
On executing the following command, I get the expected result which confirms correct installation:
C:\>ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p327 (2012-11-10) [i386-mingw32]
Current source is up to date:
C:\>gem sources
Next, since I am behind a proxy, I used the following command to install HAML/Compass:
C:\>gem install -p [proxy:port] compass
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error)
not in gzip format**
Can someone help me? I found solutions such as system update, gem sources update, but everything is up to date on my system.
C:\>gem install compass
works perfectly fine on my private system. When I try the same command from my workplace I need to use the proxy as mentioned above and that results in an error.
I assume the ERROR occurs since the web sense at my workplace blocks these downloads.
Solution: I downloaded the required gems: chunky_png, fssm, compass, sass, haml etc.. directly from and placed these gems in my local directory.
After this I tried gem install compass. This first searches your local directory. On finding the required gems, installation takes place. Does not require connection to the ruby website.
Note: Run the command from the path where the gems are located
eg: I have placed the gems in C:\Ruby193\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems
So I run the following command :
C:\Ruby193\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems>gem install compass
I had a similar problem, it worked on my own private laptop, but failed while using a virtual server at work (running Ubuntu 12.10) that used a proxy.
Following the suggestion I found here, from the command line I defined:
export HTTPS_PROXY=proxy-address:proxy-port-number
export HTTP_PROXY=proxy-address:proxy-port-number
and then my gem install package worked fine.
