Scrolling up one line in bash, when opened via the PyCharm IDE - bash

PyCharm offers the option to use the bash terminal (see File->Setting, where this screen comes up:)
Now when I have the bash terminal open while coding in PyCharm, like so
and want to scroll up line by line with the keyboard (in this case to view line by line the output of the previous command, pytest, that I ran that output the error message), I can't, no combination of Ctrl, Sift, Alt, Super, Up, Page Up will work (only Shift+Page Up scrolls up - but by a whole page, not a line, which is too much).
I'm not sure, is this because of bash or because of Pycharm (I'm using Ubuntu (16.04), if that matters).
This issue is really driving me nuts!


Weird Vscode terminal/output

Hey i was coding a C program with vscode today and out of nowhere when I runned my code through code runner the output looked like this
and when I switched it to the regular bash terminal it looks like this
It seems to run the program fine and for bash it runs terminal commands normally so this might only be the font of the terminal.. How can i fix this back?
this is my settings.json
Edit: Typing on the terminal made me realized that as I type, the text cursor comes glitched in the already printed text which might mean that it is not only the fault of the font?

How to get colourful integrated terminal ("cmd") in VS Code

Recently after updating my VS Code I saw the following image in the Release Notes (in the Split terminal feature section)
I can't figure out a way to add such Syntax Highlighting in my terminal. Obviously, this is bash in the integrated terminal. Well, I'm using Command prompt and I don't seem to find any satisfying answer for getting colored text on my terminal (that does not mean just foreground or background color). Mine looks like...
Is there a way to fill this dull terminal with interesting text colors.
The upper one is the output of something called "node"
the second one is your terminal
so the first one is an outputstream of e.g. an program which formats stuff a bit else, also is output of an program in a terminal displayed differently than just the shell
and now to your question, the shell inside vscode has the same theme like your standard shell
so windows -> cmd, ubuntu bash, ...

How can I change the newline code for fish shell

I'm using windows 10 and installed cmder, using the fish shell with omf Theme fishface.
But every new row, it will show a new row Mark as this picture. Screenshot for new row mark
How can I get rid of this mark?
** didn't work if I change to another theme too.
Additional information without cmder.
Screenshot with cmd.exe + bash + fish
You can't disable that feature. The fish shell uses a heuristic (inherited from zsh) to determine if the output of the preceding command ended with a newline. If it doesn't it displays the Unicode U+23CE symbol (what you're seeing) or a tilde. Search the code for the symbol PROMPT_SP. Commit 58347d49 that I wrote and merged 2016-12-23 fixed that behavior for the Windows ConEmu terminal emulator. See issue 789. Based on your problem description it appears that heuristic does not work correctly in the cmder terminal. This probably means that terminal emulator has a bug since it doesn't behave like nearly all the terminals that fish runs on. Feel free to open an issue

Emacs console mode is buggy when using solarized theme in OSX

I use emacs in console mode and I want to use the solarized dark theme in both my terminal and within emacs. I installed the theme and all the colors are working properly, but now emacs is malfunctioning.
The issues:
Terminal window is not confined to emacs. You can scroll up and see the terminal history from before emacs was started. Scrolling in general moves the terminal's view rather than moving the cursor. within emacs.
Quitting emacs does not get rid of the content on the screen, it just adds a new line at the bottom with a terminal prompt but keeps the emacs view in the terminal history
splitting the screen into multiple buffers (e.g. with C-x 3) causes two problems: the dividing boarder gets broken when a line is too long and carries over to the next line (on the new line the boarder is in the wrong column), and switching between buffers with C-x o will sometimes cause the visual representation of the cursor to become offset from where it should be (e.g. should at the beginning of line but is at the end of the line instead)
General problems with displaying indentation, and other formatting
Sometimes while editing text, unexpected things happen as if the display does not correspond to the contents of the file. E.g. getting an "end of file" error when trying to move down a line from the middle of the file, hitting backspace replaces one line with another, space and tab do nothing, etc.
OS: OSX Yosemite
Emacs version: 24.4.1
Solarized installation:
git clone git://
open solarized/\ Dark \ansi.terminal
git clone
mv emacs-color-theme-solarized .emacs.d/themes
relevant section of .emacs file:
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/emacs-color-theme-solarized")
(load-theme 'solarized-dark t)
EDIT: Solved (see answer)
I was able to fix it by going to terminal -> preferences -> Solarized Dark, then changing "Declare terminal as" from "ansi" to "xterm-256color".
Now everything works like it should.

How to run Octave from a Notepad++ file line by line or by sections?

I am looking for a way to have my Notepad++ window open for editing my code and run it line by line or by sections (more than 1 line) while I am editing. It would be like having a real IDE; the output could be shown in the same window (Notepad++) or directly in the Octave window.
I have tried what many many sites say. That is, writing this:
C:\Software\Octave-3.6.4\bin\Octave\Octave-3.6.5.exe "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
in the Run window in Notepad++, saving and giving it a shortcut. However, it is still not working. When I tried to run it, the black window starts showing-up but then it disappears and nothing else happens. In my Notepad++ window I have only one line (for now) where I have tried just "b=4" or "3*4". I have done this with and without semicolon at the end. Nothing happens.
I have Windows 8.0, Notepad 6.5.5 and Octave-3.6.4. I already change the octaverc file in Octave to make it work with Notepad++. I have work already only in the command line in Octave and is working fine. The Octave I installed was exactly "octave-3.6.4-vs2010-setup", it says it was compiled for Visual Studio 10. Is that the reason why this is not working?
Any help will be appreciated...
regarding Octave not processing the command: use supposed command line outside the N++ and see if it works. If not, find a way to make it working, then transfer it back to N++ (and use the token "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" instead of concrete filename)
regarding running the code in smaller portions: if you app can accept the code directly in the command line (SQL command line tools I use can do this), then you can use token "$(CURRENT_WORD)" what stands for content of current selection (all tokens are in wiki)
