How to add a facebook page's events to website - magento

I'm looking for a solution to get a list of events from a public page on Facebook to display on my website in a list. I'm using Magento 2 for the website. I know there are Facebook widgets, Facebook login capabilities, etc. I don't want any of that. I am not looking to integrate Facebook, I just want a list of the publicly viewable events so I can put them on my website. I don't want events for a user, I want the business page's events. This seems like it should be a straight forward thing but I can't seem to find anything that does this.
Alternatively, I've heard you can integrate Google Calendar to create events in Facebook, and I could integrate Google Calendar into my website. That seems a bit more convoluted as the social admins prefer to create events in Facebook, but I'll take what I can get. If this method is the best way, can you point me in the right direction? Are there libraries to use, etc?

Yes you're correct, you can integrate Google Calendar to Facebook and you can also embed a calendar in your Facebook Page. You don't need to code the integration, you can just follow the steps provided from this blog.
Here are the steps you on how to add your Google Calendar to your Facebook Page:
Open up your Facebook Page
In a separate tab open up your Google calendar
Click on the cog in the upper right-hand corner, and select “Settings”
Click on “Calendars”
Click on the calendar you want to add to your Facebook Page
You should see the embed code here (If you want to make any color changes or style changes you will need to do it before adding it to
your Facebook Page)
Select all the code and copy it to your clipboard
In another tab open this link: Static HTML: iframe tabs
Click “Add Static HTML to a Page”
Select the page you want to add a new tab to from the drop-down menu
Next click “Add Page Tab”
Once your page has refreshed, click “Set up tab”
Select all the text in the app editor, and delete it
Paste the code that you copied from your Google calendar
In the upper right-hand corner click “Save and Publish”
Refresh your Facebook Page and check out your new tab


How do i click on a web button that appears multiple times on a page and how do I click on all of them?

I am testing a web page and specifically a web button. In order to get a helping answer I'll provide all of the information I can on it. I am specifically testing the "Like" button on a website ( that is meant for you to view and operate your Instagram page from your desktop. 20 different pictures are displayed on a page and each picture has its own "like" button assigned to it. I can't identify it by "like" and in the outerhtml there are different values for each one. How do I write a script to identify each one. Please help I would GREATLY APRECIATE IT!!

Create a new tab instead of a panel

I have gone through the examples of Add-on SDK 1.5 yet haven't seen anything like a web page which the addon can interact with the user and get input from him. There are only dialogs called panels and I really would like to have a real page in a tab like in google-chrome addons.
Is it even possible with the Add-on SDK (1.5)?
Of course you can create a tab, you use As to interacting with this tab - you probably want to register a content script before opening the tab. Just like you would do it with Google Chrome.

facebook like button in wp7 app

For my WP7 app, I have an associated facebook page. How should I go about adding a Like button in my WP7 app that the users can click to do a LIKE? Do I create a webbrowser control that opens webpage containing the LIKE button?
Looking for some ideas. Thanks.
For applications I made, I created a WebBrowserTask and redirected the user to the facebook page URL.
With current APIs you can not run Facebook tasks. Hopefully in future :)

Bookmarklet for posting to my site: use IFrame or separate browser window

In a site I'm working on,, we have a bookmarklet.
songfountain is like delicious and twitter, except it's specifically for song links.
The songfountain bookmarklet functions similarly to the delicious and twitter bookmarklets. It grabs the URL and copies it in to a form field; the form has a button, and submits to -> simple social bookmarking.
Google Notebook (when it was still available) also had a bookmarlet. Google Notebook's and songfountain's bookmarklet open the form within an IFRAME within the current page.
Delicious and twitter open a new browser window.
Opening a new browser window looks more robust, but I myself don't like windows opened for "small stuff" like this. I don't know if I'm overlooking some technical problem that I haven't run into yet.
Question: Is it better to use an IFRAME? Or is it better to open a new browser window?
From a user/usability perspective, an IFrame is, generally, less disruptive and more user friendly. It also doesn't run into problems with pop-up and ad-blockers on the users' machine.
Look at the "Note in reader" bookmarklet that is provided to Google Reader users for inspiration. There may be other tricks you could consider, besides IFrame and pop-up.

Firefox add-on tab-specific buttons and scripts, similar to Page Actions in Google Chrome

I want to write a Firefox extension that acts exactly like the built-in RSS feed scanner (as an exercise). It should do the following:
On each new page / tab load, it should scan the content of the page for RSS feeds
If there are RSS feeds in the page, it should put a button in the location bar that the user can click
On clicking the button, a speech bubble should appear under the button (the way a speech bubble appears under the bookmarks star when you click on it), with information on the feeds and buttons to subscribe to them
So my main questions are:
What is the process to run specific content scripts for specific pages?
What is the process to use the results of those scripts to update the speech bubble for each location bar button for each tab?
Basically, I'm trying to figure out how to do in Firefox what Page Actions are in Google Chrome.
To clarify, I want to replicate this functionality in Firefox:
Please help! :)
This question is similar to this question:
how to have tab-specific xul control with firefox
to have tab specific control. Usually (or maybe I am wrong),the newly added control is the same one across all the different tabs. Change from any tab will change its appearance in all tabs.
still looking for solutions or ideas.
