This is how I'm storing the image in the database:
$qr = NULL;
if ($file = file_save_upload('qr', $validators, FALSE, 0)) {
$type = pathinfo($file->getFileUri(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$qr = file_get_contents($file->getFileUri());
$base64 = 'data:image/'.$type.';base64,'.base64_encode($qr);
Note that the data at the beginning of the base64 is there. Then I retrieve the data from the database, and place in inside of an image tag, like so:
$form['qr'] = [
'#prefix' => '<img width="100" height="100" src="'.$document[0]['QR_Image'].'"></img>',
However, when I go to inspect the element, I get a broken image symbol, and the source reads image/png;base64,..., without the data part. When I type in data at the beginning of the source attribute, the image shows up.
Any idea why Drupal cuts off the data part of my data block?
It's kinda basic, but this works:
$form['qr'] = [
'#markup' => new FormattableMarkup('<img width="100" height="100" src="data::src"></img>', [':src' => $document[0]['QR_Image']])
I'd rather it didn't chop off the first data though.
I have a form include image, this image i get from webcam and store it to img tag, how can i save data from attribute src, usually to store file using upload file.
<img id="myImage" src="...." alt="image from snapshot" />
I have read similar questions but not as i expected
With this code you can saved the files.
$filename = $request->file('myFile')->store('files');
$data= new FileModel();
$data->file = $filename;
or you can try below method
$myImage = $request->file('myFile');
if(!in_array($myImage->getMimeType(), ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'])){
abort(500, 'Unsupported Image Type');
$imageName = str_replace('myImages/', '', $myImage->store('myFile'));
return ['my_image'=>$profile_picture_name];
Im currently using barryvdh/laravel-snappy to convert my data to pdf format.
The code i'm using is :
public function generate_pdf($id){
$rfq = RFQ::find($id);
$data = array(
'rfq' => $rfq,
//return view('rfq.pdf')->with('rfq', $rfq);
$pdf = PDF::loadView('rfq.pdf',$data)->setPaper('a4')->setOption('margin-bottom', 0);
return $pdf->download($rfq->rfq_no.'-'.date_timestamp_get(date_create()).'.pdf');
And then, I have to add an image to the pdf file. So i have to add this line to the pdf.blade.php file.
<img src="{{ asset('img/logo.png') }}">
But then, the image isn't showing properly.
It's visible, but it's OPACITY is very low, around 0.2.
But when viewing the actual image file, and the one in the actual html template, everything's good.
I tried <img src="data:image/png;base64,{{ base64_encode(#file_get_contents(asset('img/logo.png'))) }}">
but still, it's the same.
I'm using PHPExcel with codeigniter to generate .xlx, .xlxs file, Every thing is working perfect except text formatting. Here is the screenshot of html view that I'm passing to PHPExcel library to generate .xlx file.
And Here is the output.
As you can see that text indentation and styles are removed. Here is my code used to generate output.
public function html_to_excel_download($filename, $data=null){
if ($data != null) {
// proper encoding of data UTF-8 for unicode characters
$data = chr(255).chr(254).iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-16LE//IGNORE", $data);
// Put the data into a temporary file
$tmpfile = time().'.html';
file_put_contents($tmpfile, $data);
// Read the contents of the file into PHPExcel Reader class
$reader = new PHPExcel_Reader_HTML;
$content = $reader->load($tmpfile);
// Excel Writer
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($content, 'Excel2007');
// Download File
header('Content-Type: application/');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$filename.'"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
How can I indent title text to center?
you may try another way to do that...
Step 1) Define "$this->excel->setActiveSheetIndex(0);" at the top of function
step 2) Define style array and add it as a variable with excel object like,
$styleArray = array(
'font' => array(
'bold' => true,
'color' => array('rgb' => '2F4F4F')
'alignment' => array(
'horizontal' => PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER,
Step 3) $this->excel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A3:Z3')->applyFromArray($styleArray);
Note: You have to use getStyle() in your code to apply specific styles on column/row
// single column A, setting e.g. horizontal alignment
// range of columns A to K
AND you can see full documentation on this site for formatting SHEET
There are two ways you can get rid of this issue, one is without json array:
where $doc = new PHPExcel(); or a PHPExcel object
The second is using the json array as described here
I'm pretty confident that you'll find all instructions about this library in the official documentation
In drupal 7, i use function image_style_url('style', uri) to generate new image with style and return image's path. so what will be instead of it in drupal 8? thanks
Per the change records:
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
$path = 'public://images/image.jpg';
$url = ImageStyle::load('style_name')->buildUrl($path);
You should try to use the new Drupal functions wherever possible.
Instead, use:
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
$fid = 123;
$file = File::load($fid);
$image_uri = ImageStyle::load('your_style-name')->buildUrl($file->getFileUri());
Edited as per
$original_image = 'public://images/image.jpg';
// Load the image style configuration entity
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
$style = ImageStyle::load('thumbnail');
$uri = $style->buildUri($original_image);
$url = $style->buildUrl($original_image);
In your Controllers and other OOP part of Drupal you can use :
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
$path = 'public://images/image.jpg';
$url = ImageStyle::load('style_name')->buildUrl($path);
And in YOUR_THEME.theme file while Error: Class 'ImageStyle' not found in YOURTHEMENAME_preprocess_node you can do it with the follwing
$path = 'public://images/image.jpg';
$style = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('image_style')->load('thumbnail');
$url = $style->buildUrl($path);
Another method is provide a renderable array and let the drupal Render engine render it.
$render = [
'#theme' => 'image_style',
'#style_name' => 'thumbnail',
'#uri' => $path,
// optional parameters
I have found that I often want to preprocess the image to apply an image style to an image on a node or a paragraph type. In many cases I have created a paragraph that allows the user to choose the width of the image as a percentage. In the preprocess I would check the value of the width and apply the correct image style.
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
function THEME_preprocess_paragraph__basic_content(&$vars) {
//get the paragraph
$paragraph = $vars['paragraph'];
//get the image
$images = $paragraph->get('field_para_image');
//get the images value, in my case I only have one required image, but if you have unlimited image, you could loop thru $images
$uri = $images[0]->entity->uri->value;
//This is my field that determines the width the user wants for the image and is used to determine the image style
$preset = $paragraph->get('field_column_width')->value;
$properties = array();
$properties['title'] = $images[0]->getValue()['title'];
$properties['alt'] = $images[0]->getValue()['alt'];
//this is where the Image style is applied
switch($preset) {
case 'image-20':
$properties['uri'] = ImageStyle::load('width_20_percent')->buildUrl($uri);
case 'image-45':
$properties['uri'] = ImageStyle::load('width_45_percent')->buildUrl($uri);
case 'image-55':
$properties['uri'] = ImageStyle::load('width_55_percent')->buildUrl($uri);
case 'image-100':
$properties['uri'] = ImageStyle::load('width_100_percent')->buildUrl($uri);
//assign to a variable that the twig template can use
$vars['basic_image_display'] = $properties;
In this example, I am preprocessing a specific paragraph type named "basic_content" but you can do the same thing with a node preprocess. Continuing my example, I would have a twig template named paragraph--basic_content.html.twig to handle the display of that paragraph type.
Displaying the image would be something like this in the twig file.
<img class="img-responsive" src="{{basic_image_display['uri']}}" alt="{{ basic_image_display['alt'] }}" title="{{ basic_image_display['title'] }}"/>
$view_mode = $variables['content']['field_media_image']['0']['#view_mode'];
$display_content = \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository')
->getViewDisplay('media', 'image', $view_mode)->build($media_entity);
$style = ImageStyle::load($display_content['image'][0]['#image_style']); $original_image = $media_entity->get('image')->entity->getFileUri();
$destination = $style->buildUri($original_image);
This is how you get image style from a media image entity.
Works for me from a classic Drupal database Query in .module file :
$query = \Drupal::database()->select('file_managed', 'f' );
$query->addField('f', 'uri');
$pictures = $query->execute()->fetchAll();
foreach ($pictures as $key => $picture) {
$largePictureUri = entity_load('image_style', 'large')->buildUrl($picture->uri);
I used in Drupal 8 this code. It's working fine.
$fid = 374; //get your file id, this value just for example
$fname = db_select('file_managed', 'f')->fields('f', array('filename'))->condition('f.fid', $fid)->execute()->fetchField();
$url = entity_load('image_style', 'YOUR_STYLE_NAME')->buildUrl($fname);
One of my application devoloped with Codeignitor and create a barcode using Zend_Barcode library,
reference :
How can I show the barcode on codeignitor view.
Tried as ,
// Only the text to draw is required
$barcodeOptions = array('text' => 'NOT-ME');
// No required options
$rendererOptions = array();
// Draw the barcode in a new image,
$imageResource = Zend_Barcode::draw(
'code39', 'image', $barcodeOptions, $rendererOptions
$data['barcode'] = imagejpeg($imageResource, 'barcode.jpg', 100);
// Free up memory
in view
<img src="<?php echo $barcode;?>">
but its fails :(
Instead of
Zend_Barcode::draw('code39', 'image', $barcodeOptions, $rendererOptions);
Zend_Barcode::render('code39', 'image', $barcodeOptions, $rendererOptions);