Can you label a word as multiple entities in LUIS - azure-language-understanding

Can a single word have multiple labels in LUIS? The UI doesn't seem to allow it.


iText7 MoveText vs SetFixedPosition different results

Why do I get different results when I use MoveText vs SetFixedPosition? I use the same x and y value but they print on the page in different location. If I use canvasPage.BeginText can it be formatted to use a width and word wrap
.SetFontAndSize(PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(StandardFonts.HELVETICA_BOLD), 21)
Paragraph p = new Paragraph()
.SetFixedPosition(X,Y, canvasPage.W)
The locations between the cases when you add text onto the canvas manually with low-level operations versus the case when you use high-level layout Paragraph objects will be different because Paragraph is responsible for multi-line layout and adds necessary margins / spacings for the text to look nice and not overlap with other content. The locations are still different only by a minor offset.
You cannot combine low-level beginText operation with high-level layout requirements (wrapping text across lines etc) - this is the responsibility of layout's Paragraph.

UIPath RPA scrape data from images

I have a list of images that I am currently looping through.
Is it possible to have a command where I can put in the location of text that I am trying to extract or show it with something like Citrix Scrape on what data I want to take out?
The Get OCR Text action requires you to provide a UI element. One simple option is to loop over all images, then open them in an image viewer of your choice, and then use the Text -> Scrape Relative to extract your invoice number into a variable.
You can use the Desktop Recorder for all actions mentioned above. Note that you will have to adjust the Selectors, as the Recorder usually considers the text the application title as well (which will often include the document's name, and that's not what you want as all your invoices will have different names). You can just open another invoice in your application, then open the Selector and Attach to Live Element to let UiPath work out the Selector for you - which works just fine in most cases.
Depicted below: a sample sequence created with the Desktop Recorder. Here I just read the invoice number with OCR, and I use IrfanView to display them. Of course you may want to increase the zoom level to enhance your OCR results in a real-world scenario.

Angular2 performance with lots of input elements with two way binding

I have a component which displays a UI similar to a spreadsheet. There are lots of elements with two way binding [(ngModel)] to a mutable Object.
As soon as the number of inputs grows past 100 or so inputs the UI becomes sluggish. The profiler shows a lot of time in Decimal format (decimal pipe).
I can think of a couple of possible solutions:
Using immutable objects somehow?
Customising the 2 way databinding?
I am not using ChangeDetectionStrategy OnPush, but I am curious as to how this will help and how to actually implement it with [(ngModel)] on html inputs.
Many input fields on a page is stressful both for the CPU and the user.
Instead of showing a spreadsheet with many input fields simultaneously - I would rather make the cell an input field only when focused, and otherwise only show the value of the cell. Use *ngIf on the input checking for the current cell being edited.
This way you should be able to keep the functionality you want, but by making only the focused spreadsheet cell an input - that should improve the performance of the page.
Since NgModel is directive it does not support change detection strategies, it means that you should avoid NgModel. The only way is to create custom component that uses OnPush strategy and wraps input field.

Implement an interactive PDF View in IOS

I'm trying to make a PDF View on my app that cover these functionalities:
a. Ability to fill in PDF forms and email the completed form to multiple recipients
b. Interactive PDF documents with invisible elements that appear on touch.
c. These could be “ToolTip” type text boxes or graphical elements overlaid upon images
d. Addition of bibliography to PDF’s
i. Word definitions
ii. Relationship of terms within the PDF to product features
Any ideas? Any link to open source or a paid libraries that cover any functionality will help a lot! is a solution that I have used for integrating interactive pdf forms into an app.

Change icon of markercluster depending on marker type inside the cluster

I have a map with markers of at this time two different types: photos and blog posts. I would like to use a clustering system, preferably MarkerClusterer.
Is there a way to change the marker icon dynamically, or in other words, depending on what kinds of marker (photos or posts) are inside the cluster? For example, if the cluster only consists of photos, I would like to display some sort of camera icon, if there are only posts inside the cluster, I might want to display a letter. And if all types of markers are inside the cluster, I would like to use some sort of combined icon.
Can I somehow insert this check where I assign the URL of the icon in MarkerStyleOptions?
A bonus would be to also display the amount of markers of each type in the icon, i.e. two numbers.
Does anyone see a way to do this without having to change the source code?
I guess the simplest option is to keep each marker type in a seperate clusters ...
You must create a different array of marker for each group that you created. And try to create a MarkerCluster for each one.
