Vendoring package which resides in another project's vendor folder - go

I'm writing a library package which depends on certain imports but I'm not sure how to handle it correctly.
Let me start with the directory structure:
├── developer A/
│ ├── project 1
│ └── project 2
└── developer B/
└── project 3
└── vendor
└── project 4
Project 1 is a library. It is used in project 2 and gets pulled into 2s vendor folder. Therefore, project 1 should contain all its dependencies such that clients (e.g. project 2) don't need to pull them as well. However, one dependency of project 1 is project 4 which is contained in project 3s vendor folder. It is essential that this dependency is always exactly the version vendored by project 3. Go doesn't allow imports to point to packages inside vendor folders, so I can't import it directly from there. How do I solve this with govendor?

Go won't let you reach into another project's vendor directory. It sounds like your intention is to ensure versions. This is what go modules are tasked to do. Take a look at the wiki for more information.


How to run sibling Go applications (modules) from the parent directory

I have multiple Go projects (and all of them are also Go modules) all in a folder. They are all HTTP servers and exchanging REST calls, thus, I need all of them up and running simultaneously.
So, for local testing purposes, I thought it would be reasonable to run all of them from the parent instead of moving all of the project root directories and running go run main.go in multiple terminals.
├── prj1/
│ ├── go.mod
│ ├── main.go
│ └── ...
├── prj2/
│ ├── go.mod
│ ├── main.go
│ └── ...
└── ...
Here are some some commands I have tried and the error messages for each time:
container_dir $ go run ./*/*.go
##ERROR: named files must all be in one directory; have ./prj1/ and ./prj2/
container_dir $ go run *.go
##ERROR: stat *.go: no such file or directory
container_dir $ go run ./prj1 ./prj2/
##ERROR: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/home/user/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
cannot find package ...
So, I can give a final rephase for the question: How to run multiple go modules in sibling directories when they have some third party dependencies etc.?
P.S: As possible with Go modules suggest container_dir for my projects is in an arbitrary location and I expect no $GOPATH relevance.
Go version: 1.13.6
Don't use go run outside of tiny, playground-style tests
Source paths are a compile-time concern and are irrelevant at runtime - being in "sibling directories" doesn't mean anything when the program is running
go run runs a single program; just like building a program and running its executable binary (which is what go run does) runs a single program.
Looks like your go.mod stuff is having problems dude.
remember you can do replace inside it and reference your other application
module container_dir/prj2
go 1.13
container_dir/prj1 v0.0.0
replace (
container_dir/prj1 => ../prj1
require is the path you import but it'll get switched to the relative path on build.

How to make a fully independent module in a Gradle multi-project

I want to develop a piece of software in java with some GUIs on top (in particular, an android app). I would like the core functionality to be a self-contained module that is fully independent from any GUI or other software layer that could be built on top.
The core module is a Gradle project itself:
├── src
├── build.gradle
└── settings.gradle
For the app, it is included as a git submodule in a root repository:
├── app
│   ├── src
│   └── build.gradle
├── core
│   ├── src
│   ├── build.gradle
│   └── settings.gradle
├── build.gradle
└── settings.gradle
Since the core module is independent and has its own repo, I have to be able to treat it as a Gradle root project; hence it has its own settings.gradle. But when I work in the root project, I want it to behave as a subproject of the latter (so that running gradle in the core directory recognises it as the :core subproject using the settings.gradle in the parent directory). And without changing the contents of core (which will be a git submodule).
I don't want to make a separate branch in core's git repo in which there is no settings.gradle, because in that branch the repo wouldn't make sense on its own, and, again, core shouldn't "need to know anything" about the root project.
The ideal solution would be an alternative version of git submodules in which custom changes to the submodule could be committed to the parent repo alone without affecting the submodule's original repo. (With the ability of merging upstream changes in the submodule with the local commits.) Then I would add one such "local" commit that removes the core/settings.gradle file.
Is there a way to achieve this?
One solution here is to develop all modules as completely separate projects with independent Git repos. Then use Maven to import the core library into project. You should even consider publishing core to a private Maven repository that you can add to your build.gradle file in project.

How to use 'Local' modules in 'GoLang' [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use a module that is outside of "GOPATH" in another module?
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm building an application using a 'Micro Service' architecture.
This means that I have different applications.
The truth is that some logic is in a 'shared' library.
See the following directory structure:
├── Service 1/
│ ├── src
│ ├──── app.go
├── Service 2/
│ ├── src
│ ├──── app.go
└── Lib/
├── Lib 1
│ ├── src
│ ├──── app.go
Service 1, Service 2, and Lib 1, are all initialized with the go mod command.
For Service 1, this resulted in a go.mod file with the following contents.
For Service 2, this resulted in a go.mod file with the following contents.
For Lib 1, this resulted in a go.mod file with the following contents.
The import statements of Service 1 contains a reference to the Lib 1
import (
However, when I try to build the application, the following output is showed:
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
cannot find module for path
How can I resolve this issue so that i can use my LibOne package without making it public or whithout copying it across all the services?
Kind regards
After some fiddling around, I have found my answer.
It seems that the 'go.mod' and 'go.sum' file(s) should be placed in the 'src' directory.
After doing that, the application can be build and executed.

Where to place go.mod file

I have a repository structure as follows :-
1. abc
- p
- q
- r
2. def
- t
- u
- v
3. etc
- o
- m
- n
I have created a .mod file in src and run go build ./...
Except for local packages everything is fine. So if abc/p is being used in def then it throws the following exception :- cannot find module providing package abc/p. The idea behind keeping the .mod file in src package was to make sure the path is being found from where the mod file is located. Can anyone suggest where should the mod file ideally should be? also i tried placing it one directory above in xyz but still same issue as well as i created one for each sub directory. I am bit confused on this. Will I have to create separate repository for abc and etc. But considering gopath which earlier used to work for the same I think module should also be able to do the same. Any suggestions?
The most common and easiest approach is a single go.mod file in your repository, where that single go.mod file is placed in the root of your repository.
Russ Cox commented in #26664:
For all but power users, you probably want to adopt the usual convention that one repo = one module. It's important for long-term evolution of code storage options that a repo can contain multiple modules, but it's almost certainly not something you want to do by default.
The Modules wiki says:
For example, if you are creating a module for a repository that will contain two packages with import paths and, then the first
line in your go.mod file typically would declare your module path as
module, and the corresponding on-disk structure
could be:
├── go.mod <<<<< Note go.mod is located in repo root
├── bar
│   └── bar.go
└── foo
└── foo.go
In Go source code, packages are imported using the full path including
the module path. For example, if a module declared its identity in its
go.mod as module, a consumer could do:
import ""
That imports package bar from the module
I have a single go.mod in the root of my go application. I am using the following structure inspired by Kat Zien - How Do You Structure Your Go Apps
At the minute one of my applications looks like this
├── bin
├── cmd
│   ├── cli
│   └── server
│ └── main.go
├── pkg
│   ├── http
│   │   └── rest
| │ # app-specific directories excluded
│   └── storage
│   └── sqlite
All packages are imported via their full path, i.e. import "" otherwise it causes problems all over the place and this was the one change I had to make going from $GOPATH to go mod.
go mod then handles all the dependencies it discovers properly as far as I've discovered so far.

What are each of the subfolders of the .gradle folder for?

I was quite surprised that I couldn't find this anywhere, but anyways, I would like to know the purpose of each folder in the .gradle folder, and how safe it is to delete them, especially in terms of portability.
I know that I need the caches folder, since it contains the
downloaded dependencies.
The daemon folder seems to only contain
workers is apparently empty for me
wrapper seems irrelevant, since I don't use gradle wrapper. Why does it even download all those wrappers?
No idea about native.
Directory layout is described in "The Directories and Files Gradle Uses" chapter of its user guide.
├── caches // <1>
│ ├── 4.8 // <2>
│ ├── 4.9 // <2>
│ ├── ⋮
│ ├── jars-3 // <3>
│ └── modules-2 // <3>
├── daemon // <4>
│ ├── ⋮
│ ├── 4.8
│ └── 4.9
├── init.d // <5>
│ └── my-setup.gradle
├── wrapper
│ └── dists // <6>
│ ├── ⋮
│ ├── gradle-4.8-bin
│ ├── gradle-4.9-all
│ └── gradle-4.9-bin
└── // <7>
Global cache directory (for everything that's not project-specific)
Version-specific caches (e.g. to support incremental builds)
Shared caches (e.g. for artifacts of dependencies)
Registry and logs of the Gradle Daemon
Global initialization scripts
Distributions downloaded by the Gradle Wrapper
Global Gradle configuration properties
From version 4.10 onwards, Gradle automatically cleans its user home directory. The cleanup runs in the background when the Gradle daemon is stopped or shuts down. If using --no-daemon, it runs in the foreground after the build session with a visual progress indicator.
The following cleanup strategies are applied periodically (at most every 24 hours):
Version-specific caches in caches/<gradle-version>/ are checked for whether they are still in use. If not, directories for release versions are deleted after 30 days of inactivity, snapshot versions after 7 days of inactivity.
Shared caches in caches/ (e.g. jars-*) are checked for whether they are still in use. If there's no Gradle version that still uses them, they are deleted.
Files in shared caches used by the current Gradle version in caches/ (e.g. jars-3 or modules-2) are checked for when they were last accessed. Depending on whether the file can be recreated locally or would have to be downloaded from a remote repository again, it will be deleted after 7 or 30 days of not being accessed, respectively.
Gradle distributions in wrapper/dists/ are checked for whether they are still in use, i.e. whether there's a corresponding version-specific cache directory. Unused distributions are deleted.
native seem to contain platform-specific dependencies (like .so, .dll) for libraries like Jansi: it needs them to provide rich console output (like colours in the output). The code for that features is not documented, but you can take a look here. Particularly library.jansi.path system property points to ~/.gradle/native/jansi/1.17.1/linux64 (on my machine; you can check that by printing System.getProperties() in a custom Gradle task).
workers seems to be used as a working directory for the workers described in Workers API.
wrappers could be downloaded by the IDE. Basically, if you have this directory non-empty that means that you've actually used a wrapper at least once.
