DB2 Problem inserting data in Stored Procedure - insert

I need to insert data to 3 tables. I'm trying to use a SP. I know I could use Triggers instead but, for integrity reasons, I can't.
When I execute the INSERT statement in an independient Script, I works fine.
The problem is I'm trying to do the insert statement in the SP but it throws me
[SQL7008] error.
I don't know why it throws me this error only in the SP and not (using the same insert statement) in an independient script.

It's good to provide the DB2 version.
If it's DB2 for IBM i (aka iSeries, OS/400), then:
Received an SQL7008 error when attempting to INSERT data into an AS/400 table. "REXX variable '' contains inconsistent data".


Why stored procedure stage in DataStage not working properly?

I need to use the stored procedure stage.
Currently I'm making just for an example for how to use it right.
execute immediate 'truncate table TESTSP';
That's my example of simple stored procedure.
My job design probably seen like this
Oracle Connector 1=>Transformer=>Oracle Connector 2=>Stored Procedure Stage
Oracle Connector 1 do Select, Oracle Connector 2 do Insert to TESTSP
My settings in the stored procedure stage
General : I've already put all the credential , with Transaction ISO as None
Procedure Name : TRUNC_TEST
Procedure Type : Transform (i've also tried to change it to Target)
Database Procedure Type : Stored Procedure
Generate procedure call (checked)
Error Codes
Project Default UTF-8
Execution mode :Default(Sequential)
Combinability : Default
Configuration file : default
In the Input tabs
Execute Procedure for each row (checked)
Transaction size : 0
Collector type Auto
Just brought all the columns from Oracle connector 2
The job showing green line and success, but the SP isn't working. It should've been truncate the TESTSP table, but when I do a select *, the data is still there.
Maybe my stored procedure is wrong since I'm still learning how to make it? Or maybe there is something wrong with my 'Settings' in the stored procedure stage?
Every time you are running your job, you are just creating or replacing the SP definition.
You will have to call the SP in order to execute it.
That is the reason you are able to execute it outside.
I suggest you to create a generic SP in your database which will accept table name as parameter.
Once this is created, use SP stage to invoke the SP with column you want to truncate.
You can also use after SQL option in oracle connector to avoid extra SP stage.

JDBC Error in insert with DB2 (works with Sql Server)

I use in a Java Application JDBC to query the DBMS. The application works correctly with Sql Server but I get this error in DB2 during one insert:
com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlDataException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-302, SQLSTATE=22001, SQLERRMC=1, DRIVER=3.63.75
The insert is made using the ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE.
My query is a plain select of the table, then I declare my PreparedStatement, passing the parameters and afterwards with the ResultSet I do first the moveToInsertRow() and then the insertRow().
Do you know if there are any problems with this approach using DB2?
As I told you before the same code works correctly with Sql Server.
SQL Code -302 on DB2 means:
So it seems like you are trying to insert a value into a column which is too large or too short (e.g. Hello World into a varchar(5)). Probably the column has a different length in DB2 and sql-server or you are inserting different values.
Probably too late to add to this thread.. but someone else might find it useful
Got the same SQL Exception when trying to do a SELECT : didn't realize the property value in WHERE clause was exceeding the limit on the corresponding column
SELECT * FROM <schema>.<table_name> WHERE PropertyName = 'value';
value was a VARCHAR type but exceeded the Length limit
Detailed exception does say it clearly that data integrity was violated: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
So a good idea would be to do a length check on the value(s) that are being set on the properties before firing any queries to the database.

Same stored procedure acts differently on two/(three) different IDEs

I just created a stored procedure in MS SQL DB using TOAD.
what it does is that it accepts an ID wherein some records are associated with, then it inserts those records to a table.
next part of the stored procedure is to use the ID input to search on the table where the items got inserted and then return it as the result set to the user just to confirm that the information got inserted.
IN TOAD, it does what is expected. It inserts date and returns information using just the stored procedure.
IN Oracle SQL developer however, it does the insert and it ends at that. It seems to not execute the 2nd part of the stored procedure which is a select stmt.
I just have a feeling that this is because of the jdbc adapter. Also why I'm asking is because I'm using a reporting tool Pentaho Report Designer and it would really make it easier if I can do 2 things at the same time. Pentaho Report Designer is also using jdbc adapters, not a coincidence maybe?
But if there are other things that I can tweak I'd really appreciate it.
This is a guess, but worth considering...
There are things called "Batches", where are sets of SQL Statements that are all sent to the server at once, and executed by the server as one set of statements, within a single server-side session. Sending a set of sql statements to the server as a batch will often result in different results than if you sent them one at a time, where each statement is executed in its own session.
I haven't used Toad (or Oracle) in a while, but as I recall, it dealt with batches differently than the other ide I used. If the second statement in your set is relying on being in the same session as the first, and in one ide it is in a separate session, then this might explain what is happening.

Insert, delete ,update when using Stored Procedure component

We have an application written in Delphi 2010 which connects to SQL Server Database. Now we're in the process of migrating to Oracle. With SQL Server it was very easy to perform insert, update, delete right from a dbgrid connected to a Stored Procedure.
It's because stored procedures in SQL Server can easily act as a table so that you can do any operation on it, providing it returns the necessary columns within the resultset. Now with Oracle I don't know how do do it. I connect a DBGrid to a DataSource, dataset of which is a Stored Procedure object,but I can't edit the grid. Just Select is possible.
What do I have to do to to achieve this?I use UniDac component suite to connect to Oracle database.
Oracle does not support such functionality. IOW, in Oracle you cannot edit result set provided by a stored procedure or include stored procedure into INSERT INTO <name>, UPDATE <name> or DELETE FROM <name>.
While it is traditional for SQL Server developers to "always" use stored procedures (due to many reasons), it is not traditional for Oracle developers. But it is possible with Oracle too. Search for "REF CURSOR" to see how to fetch data using SP. And use normal or packaged (preferred) SP to post updates to a DB. These procedure will receive old / new field values through arguments.
I cannot say precisely about UniDAC, I can say about AnyDAC. But I will expect UniDAC has similar functionality. To use SP for posting updates you will need to use TXxxUpdateSQL component.
OK,here I'm answering the question though I can see very few are dealing with Delphi recently. Let's say we have a stored proc in Oracle database:
Now, in Delphi you pick a stored procedure component (probably from ODAC or UniDac component suite).Set its StoredProcName GET_EMPLOYEES. Then you can add all the fields that the procedure returns in a cursor.If you run the application and activate the stored procedure you'll be able to see all the records. But if you try to insert, modify or delete anything you'll fail to do so. Now, there's a very tricky thing. If you check, you'll see that ReadOnly property of all fields are set to True. Even after you set them to False nothing will change in the real database, although you can edit the DBGrid.
So, we've come to the main part. How did the old Delphi-SQL Server partnership work so that you could do any operation right from a DBGrid? Well, we must understand that there's no magic. If it's SQL, then SQL has only one way of INSERTING,UPDATING and DELETING records-it's with the appropriate SQL statements.With Delphi-SQL Server there seems to be an implicit SQL statement that we never paid attention. But with Oracle, we have to provide our own statements for each operation.
If you use UniDac or ODAC then there's SQLInsert,SQLUpdate,SQLDelete properties in a StoredProc object.If you want to insert a record through DBGrid, then you should edit its SQLInsert property to
where variables following : are corresponding to te fields of the stored procedure.They're simply bind variales.When updating and deleting though you'll need some unique value to represent a specific record. Primary key is one option(maybe the only option as I haven't been able to figure out how to use ROWID for the same purpose).So the sql statements for UPDATE and DELETE would be
P.S. I just found a way to use ROWID for update and delete statements. In your stored procedure if you choose ROWID too and give it an alias then you can construct your UPDATE and DELETE Statements like such:
In the preceding statements RECORD_ROWID is the fieldname returned from stored procedure as a result of aliasing ROWID. If you use :ROWID instead you'll get "ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name" error. This is because in a binding variable a colon cannot be followed by a reserved word. And ROWID is a reserved word.

Oracle triggers error are not captured while using ADODB

I have and application which uses Adodb to insert data in Oracle table(customers database).
Data is successfully inserted if there are no errors.
If there is any error like invalid datatype etc. Error is raised and captured by my application and dumped in log gile.
My customer has written their own triggers on this particular table. When a record is inserted few other checking are done be fore the data insertion
Now all fine until now.
But recently we found that many a times data is not inserted in the oracle table.
When checked in log file no error was found.
Then I logged the query which was executed.
Copied the query to oracle Sql prompt and executed it gave error of trigger.
My Issue is
Customer is not ready to share the details of trigger.
Error is not raised while inserting to oracle table so we are not able to log it or take any action.
The same qry when executed directly in oracle the trigger errors are show.
Help needed for
Why the error is not raised in ADODB
Do I have to inform customer to implement any error raising
Anything that you can suggest for resolving the issue
I have 0% to 10% knowledge of Oracle
"Copied the query to oracle Sql prompt and executed it gave error of trigger." Since the ADO session doesn't report an error, it may be that the error from the trigger is misleading. It may simply be a check on the lines of "Hey, you are not allowed to insert into this table except though the application".
"Error is not raised while inserting to oracle table so we are not able to log it or take any action."
If the error isn't raised at the time of insert, it MAY be raised at the time of committing. Deferred constraints and materialized views could give this.
Hypothetically, I could reproduce your experience as follows:
1. Create a table tab_a with a deferrable constraint initially deferred (eg val_a > 10)
2. The ADO session inserts a row violating the constraint but it dooesn't error because the constraint is deferred
3. The commit happens and the constraint violation exception fires and the transaction is rolled back instead of being committed.
So see if you are catering for the possibility of an error in the commit.
It may also be something else later in the transaction which results in a rollback of the whole transaction (eg a deadlock). Session tracing would be good. Failing that, look into a SERVERERROR trigger on the user to log the error (eg in a file, so it won't be rolled back)
You can log your business logic in log table.
But you have to use stored procedure to log the message.
Stored procedure should have pragma Transaction such that your log data must be saved in log table.
You are trigger should have error handling - and in error handling , you have to call Logged stored procedure (which have pragma transaction)
I've never used adodb ( and I assume that is what you are using, not ADO.NET?).. But, a quick look at its references leads to this question.. Are you actually checking the return state of your query?
$ok = $DB->Execute("update atable set aval = 0");
if (!$ok) mylogerr($DB->ErrorMsg());
