How to build windows-SDK public bata 0.1? - windows

I read README, open DJIWindowsSDKSample.sln and try built.
I am also getting the errors like this.
"the type of namespace name DJI could not be found." "the type of
namespace name SDKRegistrationState could not be found."
I try add reference DJIWindowsSDK.dll, these errors was solved.
But getting new errors like this.
"Cannot resolve Assembly or Windows Metadata file
I can't find "DJIVideoParser.winmd".
Perhaps public bata still can not be done easily?

I think you can check the following settings to fix the issue:
Right click the DJIVideoParser and select Properties to open the property page
Change the targeted platform version to match the machine's version, in my case it's 10.0.17134.0
Then regenerate the DJIVideoParser
Run the Sample code
PS: Sorry it's in Chinese, but you get the points:)

I faced the same issue. Oliver's comment didn't help at first. Then I updated my VS2071 to the latest version (15.9) and now it compiles.


QuantLib installation fatal error C1083 boost/config.hpp & boost/test/unit_test.hpp

I know this issue has been discussed here before. But after I followed the suggestions and added the paths via Visual Studio, I'm still stuck:
In VS, I have:
Additional Include Directories: C:\local\boost_1_58_0
Additional Library Directories: C:\local\boost_1_58_0\libs
When I built QuantLib within VS, I could see C:\local\boost_1_58_0 is among the included paths. I can also see the valid config.hpp file in C:\local\boost_1_58_0\boost and unit_test.hpp in C:\local\boost_1_58_0\boost\test. Nevertheless I still got the C1083 error.
Have been stuck for 2+ days, I'm puzzled how to get around this. Any advice?
Thanks much in advance!
Follow the official instructions at In VS 10 and beyond, include and library paths are set through the Property Manager. Steps 5 and 6 in the instructions linked above describe the procedure. You might want to exit and restart the IDE to make sure that the changes are saved.
For anyone else looking for the location of Property Manager and using VS2015 - I found it on the fourth tab at the bottom of the Solution Explorer pane, please see image attached. enter image description here

Xamarin with Parse : The type ParseClient exists in both Parse.Android and Parse.iOS

I am currently working on a cross-platform app with Xamarin. I am trying to use the NuGet package Parse.Xamarin.SDK by averbin but when I use its class ParseClient, I get this error :
The type 'ParseClient' exists in both 'Parse.Android' and 'Parse.iOS'
I never got this kind of error before. I guess its stands for a class name conflict in the DLLs but I don't know. I searched on Google but wasn't able to find a fix for this particular error. Tell me if you need more information about the structure of the solution.
Thanks in advance !

Class Library (Package) project with error when installing SpecFlow.NUnit

I have just created a Class Library (Package) project. I have never used this template before. When I install SpecFlow.NUnit, my References folder is displayed "References (Errors - see error list)". My SpecFlow.NUnit has that warning sign. Maybe I shouldn't use this type of project but I would like to understand why. Thanks.
Update: I've tried installing SpecFlow.xUnit in a second project too without success. I've installed them through Nuget.
Follow the instructions, should not be any problem. And use a Test project, that is the easiest way to get started.
Specflow documentation

using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims; fails in my Home controller!

I'm following the Microsoft guide for implementing federated identities. As it doesn't state where the code should be placed I created a file \App_Code\Auth.cs for it. when it's time to implement the FederationResult to my home controller I try to use the aforementioned namespace but VS complains of missing an assembly reference.
The weird thing is that the code in Auth.cs doesn't complain... I've looked in the References item of the project and don't see anything I can recognise, although I did "Add STS reference" to the project. I've also looked in NuGet but don't see anything I should add...
what's going on here?
hmm... seems I just needed to add the reference manually. I don't know how come the assembly is available to some pieces of the code and not to others but it works!
One more thing, I needed to use Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web not .Claims

What does the error File type mismatch (~) mean?

After upgrading to a newer version of Xcode, when I build my project I get and error:
File type mismatch (~), OutputModelPrefs.nib.
I have tried Googling and the Apple Developer Forum but I can't find out exactly what the problem is. Can anyone shed any light on what the problem might be?
Xcode stores file type information in foo.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj. Maybe you should open that file in a text editor and see if there's anything conspicuous. Look for lastKnownFileType =. If that doesn't help, maybe recreating the project will.
BTW: is that really a . nib file, not a .xib file?
I'm not sure what exactly this means, I got it in a slightly different place. Mine was complaining about a .pbxindex file with the same error message. In my case, I deleted the .pbxindex and rebuilt. After that the file was regenerated an all was fine. More info on my error here: What is Xcode pbxstrings file for?
