Tomcat service not restarting properly - spring

We have a 3 am restart script for tomcat service some of days it restarts properly and some day's it does not
(but once i check java process for tomcat it will be running without any errors)


Tomcat runs different application

I am developing a spring boot app with embeded tomcat server. When I start the project from spring and run it, I see the application which I ran on Virtual machine(windows)'s localhost while I should see my application which I am developing. It's strange that I see the application from virtual machine even when VM is shut down. Does it mean the tomcat has stored it in cache? How do I delete that data? I am using mac OS catalina.
Once run the below command in your terminal to kill your localhost then try
kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:8080)

IntelliJ IDEA not stopping Tomcat server

I am running my Tomcat on my IntelliJ IDE. Whenever I stop my server, via the IDE, it never stops the server. Instead, I have to go manually kill it via the following command in my terminal:
ps -ef | grep tomcat
kill -9 <id>
I am not sure what is causing this issue. Is it safe to kill it every time?
IntelliJ IDEA just calls the standard Tomcat shutdown script. If it can't stop the server, the issue is most likely with the application you have deployed. If the app creates threads and doesn't properly terminate them on the server shutdown, Tomcat will not be able to stop gracefully. You can use jstack to see which threads are running and preventing the server shutdown.

Starting of Tomcat Instance from Jenkins

I installed multiple instances of Tomcat in my Ubuntu machine. I was trying to start Tomcat (one of the instances from multiple Tomcat instances) from Jenkins. Jenkins is showing that Tomcat started. But Tomcat is still in shutdown state only.
In jenkins, When an build completes all the process Id's which are involved in the build are getting killed.
So mentioning BUILD_ID=dontKillMe ./home/tomcat/ in Execute shell script make it possible.

can't shutdown tomcat service on Mac

I installed the Apache Tomcat/7.0.65 on my Mac, then, run the It works great fine and the service is available immediately. But when I run the to stop the service. It seems that the shell scripts can not aware of the tomcat running. Would someone please help me with this problem?
I had a similar problem. In my case, although running <Tomcat Root>/bin>./ was technically working (the tomcat process was being killed), the tomcat service was restarting automatically (after a few seconds).
If you run <Tomcat Root>/bin/ stop or <Tomcat Root>/bin/ and you see that after a few seconds tomcat restarts => that basically means that you are not able to shutdown tomcat for good. Thus, if you want to make sure that tomcat does not restart automatically, run brew services stop tomcat.
OBS: If you want to find what is your <Tomcat Root> run brew ls tomcat

WebSphere Liberty reports that it is already running when I try to start it, but it is reporting that it is stopped when I try to stop it

Virtual machine with WebSphere Liberty was restarted while serverX created on that WebSphere Liberty was still running. After machine was restarted serverX was not turned on. So it is definitely not working. There are no logs and applications are unavailable.
But I get following outputs when I try to start that server...
> server status serverX
Server serverX is running.
> server start serverX
Server serverX is already running.
> server stop serverX
Stopping server serverX.
Server serverX is not running.
Last command output means that serverX cannot be stopped, because it is not working. It does not mean that server was stopped by that command.
So how to turn it on?
