Passing page item field value into iframe url in Oracle Apex 5 - oracle

I'm trying to create and iframe in Oracle Apex 5, it leads to an external website my company is doing business with.
The URL requires account, username and password to be passed in the URL, but that information is different for every user.
I plan on storing the login info in a custom login table and have it populate hidden fields on the iframe page with each user's information.
I'm unsure if I can, and how to, pass those variables from the page items into the URL.
the link's format is:"account name"&username="username"&password="password"
Any help would be appreciated.

I actually had it correct during testing, but Apex was doing Apex things and not updating the changes.
if anyone ever runs into this issue again, here's the answer.
Make sure that the hidden fields are in the same region as the iframe you're working with and then the page item variable will be &P100_PAGE_ITEM..
That resolved the issue.


How to pass items between pages in Oracle APEX in client side?

I know when Oracle APEX page items are submitted to server (for example with ajax or saving data to database) it's possible to transfer them to another page, but I need to pass items between pages without submitting to the server. Is there any way?
You can use application item instead of page item. It is visible to all pages

Facebook feed dialog deprecating custom fields

Facebook Feed Dialog 2.9 has deprecated the custom fields (name, caption, picture, description) -
I'm working on an AJAX site where all content and metadata is loaded dynamically. If I just use the link property, the metadata isn't set on initial retrieval of the page so the post doesn't contain the right content.
How can I share an AJAX page on Facebook without having to go down the route of prerendering static pages server side? Thanks
If you can program your page to populate the appropriate metatags on the page load based off of a variable http:/ then when you want to share version 1 of the page, you just share the URL with the appropriate variable to populate it. You can still remain on your current version of the page but when you share the URL that would prompt that specific version, facebook makes a call to that respective URL and pulls the appropriate metatags that would be populated by your variable without having to reload the page your are currently displaying. Sorry I don't have time at the moment but will try and comeback and add some sample code for clarity.

Google Docs spreadsheet form / permissions

I have a Google Doc spreadsheet, which I created a native Form for. I copied the form code, and integrated it into my own page here.
This form was working until I gave the website owner permission to view the spreadsheet.
Since then, when we hit submit, it takes us to the native form page, and does not insert form data into the spreadsheet. (You're welcome to test the form.)
Should providing viewing permissions to the spreadsheet break my own version of the form?
Did you set permissions via If so then no it should not have changed anything. I got all the way through the form to "Attending
Your response has been recorded." Is this what you are getting as well or do you have a backend error?
If it is not a backend error and I was able to get somewhere you couldt I would suggest clearing your browser chache and possibly resetting your router as sometimes they hold a cache of older versions of a website.
Did the current form of yours manage to work this before? I mean. It is shown that in the native form the questions are text boxes. While in your GUI form, it had radio buttons and check boxes, since you are calling the native post back url?

codeigniter loses session due to redirect, is there a way to regenerate it?

I've got a form that has, among other things, a preview button and a submit button. Let's say that the form contains a person's data. Clicking preview will submit the form to and get it opened in a new tab. The preview controller will insert the person's data in a table and, based on the value of LAST_INSERT_ID(), it will redirect to When the redirect occurs, all session data is lost. I want to be able to keep session data so that, upon checking the page, the admin user can close it and do some changes to the form or submit it.
I've noticed that storing the session id in a flashdata item won't work, it won't get past the redirect. Also, if i somehow manage to get the session_id past the redirect (although adding it to the url is not what my client wants), I still don't know a way to regenerate the Codeigniter session with it. Another option I've looked into is using Codeigniter Native Session class, but the version I've found on the site is not for Codeigniter, and I'm afraid that using it might break something.
Any advice is much appreciated.
The solution was to change my ci_sessions database table fields' collations to utf8_general_ci (the default was latin1_swedish_ci)

Virtuemart Display Page after Remote redirect

I am aiming to create a payment module. Its users shall be redirected away from the site's URL in order for the transaction to be processed by a third party at a different URL. I would then like customers to be redirected back to a generic 'success' page that notifies them the order was a success. I have tried redirecting to the default success page (checkout.thankyou.php), but I get lots of errors; all the constants etc. that the application requires have obviously been lost during the redirect.
I would like to be able to retrieve the theme currently enabled in the configuration and use it to insert some basic HTML into the view. I would also like to access the database to perform some queries.
Can anybody advise? I am very stuck, and cannot find anything useful in the documentation! Thank you.
Can you be more specific about what type of information you want in your success page? If you just want basic HTML, then there's no reason you can't just write a basic Joomla article and redirect to that instead of trying to redirect to a VM partial. Again, if it's just basic HTML (no data from the transaction), then you can simply use a code inspector (like FireFox Inspect Element) to track down the CSS classes you like from the template and simply use them in your Joomla article to make it look like the VM template. You can find most of them in components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/themes.css.
If you need to display actual transaction data in your Thank You message, be prepared for a bit more work. You're probably going to have to write a cookie containing the record data BEFORE it gets sent offsite, and then read the cookie just prior to rendering the Thank You page.
