installing software with BASH - bash

I'm new to CLI/BASH and I've got used to the basic commands. I now want to get used to installing software on a server, such as nodejs, git etc.
Is there an software or a way I can practice BASH commands such as installing on a server without actually installing? I want to improve my skills. Is there a dummy server software or something like that?

Perhaps you should look into virtualising a machine. Then you can install whatever software you want.
Either that or you can always uninstall stuff after using it apt:
apt-get --purge remove <package>
apt-get autoremove --purge
(That will remove all the package and all dependencies)
I don't think there is a 'dummy server' though ;) Virtual machines are definitely your friend here though.


Installing TeamViewer 13 on Debian requires many dependencies

I'm trying to install TeamViewer by going to their website and downloading the latest version. However, when I open a terminal, navigate to the folder, and enter
sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_13.0.6634_amd64.deb
I get a message that certain dependencies are missing, including qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin. I then installed that, re-ran the install, and there are many other missing dependencies, so I try to just run
sudo apt install qtdeclarative5-*
and this tells me that several dependencies from qml are needed, so I run
sudo apt install qml-module-*
and this again tells me I first need other missing dependencies, and at this point I feel like I am in an endless maze. Is there any efficient way of getting the dependencies that I need? Or am I supposed to be doing something completely different to install TeamViewer? I'm running Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon.
Why not use VNC?
This is a question more relevant for ServerFault, Stack Overflow's sister site for IT.

Installing packages through bash scripting

I have never written any bash scripts at this point and my understanding of them is still pretty green. I was curious after reformatting my Mac if it is possible to write a script that does the majority of installs in an automated fashion?
For instance I use homebrew so maybe a portion of the script could verify if this is on the Mac and if not then initiate the install. Then it could proceed with the list of brew install & brew cask installs.
This is something that after realizing how much I had installed and had to remember and still am remembering to install I think would be pretty cool to make...I just don't know if a) it's possible with the macOS or how-to (I'll read up on the how-to). I'm not even too sure if bash-scripts would be the thing to use for something like this or not. Thanks in advance for any information!
on an RPM based system I would eventually list the packages installed, backup the list and then chain it in a yum install command.
For instance:
yum list installed
then to reinstall
yum install A B C -y
Extremely easy and straight forward.
I do believe you can do the same with brew:
brew list
brew install based on the list
I hope this helps

What do I need to install on my VPS server to work with CSS LESS?

It seems like there's a long list of things I need to install just to work with LESS, so I want to make sure I have this right:
To install LESS I need to install node.js/npm
To install node, I need to install Ruby
To install Ruby, I need to install Linuxbrew
To install Linuxbrew, I need to install Git
To install Git, I need to use/install Yum
FWI, I've never used the console much before, so this might be completely wrong, but it's what I've pieced together so far.

apt-get not working in Cygwin

I'm something of a Cygwin newbie, so that might be the problem, but I'm trying to install a package using apt-get and it's telling me there's no such command. I installed it on Windows 7.
The best I got from searching other questions here and across the net was that you need to install something specific (or run the setup file to update) when initially installing, but it's not clear to me what I need to install or run or whatever.
How do I install or update my cygwin to be able to use apt-get or, alternatively, how would I install packages with the basic, default installation of Cygwin that I already have?
Thank you.
You can use this : apt-cyg
It works just like apt-get in terms of command line arguments, but you will be using apt-cyg instead.
Refer It did helped me.
To install apt-cyg package.
Cygwin's official installer is setup.exe. This is the "proper" way to install Cygwin packages. There's a project called cyg-apt but it's not officially part of Cygwin.

Testing installation script on Linux

I'm writing a Bash script that sets up a Drupal development environment for people using Ubuntu. To test this out I've installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu in VirtualBox and am constantly using the snapshot feature to get back my fresh install after every run of the script.
Currently however my script is re-downloading all the packages that need to be installed every time I run the script. Is there a way I can get apt-get to install these packages from local storage?
Perhaps downloading them, but not installing them at once. Taking a snapshot then, and then usage of apt-get that will use the local packages that were downloaded.
How would I go about doing this? Is there perhaps some apt-get magic that will do the trick?
apt-get --download-only install should do the trick.
Then make the snapshot, then run apt-get install again without --download-only.
