Golang image iptc metadata - image

I need to get the meta data, especially the iptc meta data from the uploaded files on the server.
I have found two packages I can import, but both of them require the "libiptcdata" libary. It should not be a problem, but after I installed the libary with brew, as it is written on both of the packages page, and typed go get "https://github.com/Melraidin/iptc" (for example, one of the two packages I wanted to use), I got the following error:
../../github.com/Melraidin/iptc/main.go:10:10: fatal error: libiptcdata/iptc-data.h: No such file or directory
#include <libiptcdata/iptc-data.h>
compilation terminated.
The error is real, the file is really is not there, but how then it could work at anyone else? I found these 2 packages suggestion of using on a few page.
Thank you for your help

First, I have removed the brew installed "libiptcdata" libary, than installed the following libaries:
with these three, the "go get" is managed to run, and could continue working on the original problem...


I'm having problems downloading the Github AHK_X11 App on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

I downloaded Crystal with brew I don't think the error is related to that
/usr/bin/ld: warning: libpcre.so.3, needed by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0, may conflict with libpcre.so.1 /root/.cache/crystal/crystal-run-build_namespace.tmp: error while loading shared libraries: libgc.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
When I get this error. When I type ./setup_dependencies.sh
I have tried so many ways I still can't figure it out I tried deleting Crystal and reinstalling it again but it didn't work because most likely the error is not there and I'm new to linux
I'm not sure if you are the same person (BySylex) as the author of this issue https://github.com/phil294/AHK_X11/issues/20, but anyway, you will find the solution in there. This is not your fault, but at the same time, you probably do not need to run ./setup_dependencies. Instead, you can download AHK_X11 directly from the release section without having to build from source.

network-bsd hidden hence not found

I am trying to install uni-htk in Windows but getting following error:
Util\HostName.hs:8:1: error:
Could not load module `Network.BSD'
It is a member of the hidden package `network-bsd-'.
Perhaps you need to add `network-bsd' to the build-depends in your .cabal file.
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
8 | import Network.BSD
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
As mentioned in error above, network-bsd is installed but hidden. I cannot find any .cabal file where I could make changes.
How can this problem be solved?
uni-htk has not been updated to work with newer versions of libraries (i.e. it is bitrotted, with last version in 2016). If you cabal unpack uni-htk you can get a local directory with all the source, and edit its cabal file and otherwise to fix it up yourself.
(This particular error is because the Network.BSD module has been moved from the network package to the new network-bsd package, I think. But you'll probably hit other errors as well!)

Failing to install mingw: mingw-get-gui: *** ERROR *** unexpected end of archive reading header record

I am now trying to install mingw for a couple of hours, however I keep on getting the following error message:
"install: gcc-c++-4.8.1-4-mingw32-bin.tar.lzma
installing gcc-c++-4.8.1-4-mingw32-bin.tar.lzma
mingw-get-gui: * ERROR * unexpected end of archive reading header record"
and cannot find any solution to my problem. I tried to reinstall 7zip, because I thought it may caused from that. I am trying to install gcc on a 32-bit Windows 7. I would be really happy for any suggestions.
Even though this is an old question, I will post an answer, in case other users come across this again.
I encountered the same problem:
at first I did not notice that something went wrong with the installation/upgrade itself, because the graphical update manager showed a line like "everything went successful" ...
if I had bothered to look into the log details, I would have seen the error messesage mingw-get-gui: * ERROR * unexpected end of archive reading header record and immediately known, that something went wrong (its really misleading, to show a dialog saying that a task was completed successfully when there were errors!).
But pertaining to your problem (or at least this was, what caused mine):
most likely something went wrong, when the mentioned archive file was downloaded. Unfortunately, mingw-get seems to ignore download errors and continues as if nothing went wrong... thus the error message archive header record is invalid, because it is not really an archive file, but a text file containing the HTML error message.
To complicate things further, mingw-get caches these files and when you try to re-install the packages it uses these invalid, cached files.
One way of fixing this, would be to delete the cached files and then re-install the package.
The cached files should be at
<mingw directory>\var\cache\mingw-get\packages
Side Note: if you "lost" the error message like me, and don't know, for which packages there was an error, you can search the cache directory for files which contain the HTML error message, e.g. a search term like <html> should work; also these files are quite small, but there may also be other valid packages with small file size to this is no unambiguous criterion
If you continue to get error messages * ERROR * unexpected end of archive reading header record with the mingw-get tool you could also try to download the file manually and place it in the folder for the cached packages.
For re-installing the packages you could use the graphical interface of mingw-get (e.g. remove and then install the package) or, for example the command line version
mingw-get --reinstall install <package name>
for mingw packages the <package name> is usually just the prefix of the file name (before the first version number), e.g. for
the package name would be libiconv. For msys packages the package name usually has the prefix msys-, e.g. something like msys-libopts
(you should be able to see if it's a mingw or a msys package by looking at the part of the file name that comes after the first version number, e.g. for libiconv-1.14-3-mingw32-dev.tar.lzma: ...3-mingw32-de...)

Sphinx documentation: ERROR: Unknown directive type "program-output"

I'm trying to create my docs with Sphinx, and now on two machines I have the exact same problem: the program-output directive does not work.
I installed Sphinx, then the programoutput extension:
$ sudo pip install sphinxcontrib-programoutput
The installation went fine, documents compile beautifully to nice looking html, but the command-output just doesn't work.
I created a super-simple test case with a file called test.rst containing a single line:
.. program-output:: python -V
Now when trying to compile this, I get the following output (path abbreviated):
/path/to/test.rst:1: ERROR: Unknown directive type "program-output".
Changing program-output to it's alias command-output doesn't work either (not surprising). I really wonder what I'm doing wrong here. I followed the installation instructions, tried it again and again, reinstalled with an --upgrade flag, nothing works.
Thanks to bmu I found the problem, indeed I had to add it to the conf.py.
Now the next question: "why is this not in the installation/usage documentation of this extension?" It's not mentioned in http://packages.python.org/sphinxcontrib-programoutput/ which is the first link I get when googling for this extension.
Anyway the complete answer, hope it's useful for other people too:
Go to the document root of your documentation (e.g. ~/Projects/project-name/doc) where the rest of your documents are.
Edit file conf.py
Look for the line that says extensions = [] (an empty list in my case)
Change this to: extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.programoutput']
And miraculously it suddenly starts to work.

Erlang compile error

Windows XP, Erlang R13B02 (erts-5.7.3)
Today werl desn't want compile any erlang file
** exception error: undefined function compile:file/2
in function c:c/2
Yesterday all work.
P.S install R14B03, can't compile again
That is a very odd error. Have you by accident deleted the compile.beam file from your OTP installation? A re-installation of R13B02 might solve it, if you don't want to change the OTP version.
But if you don't need to use R13B02 for any particular reason, I recommend taking the opportunity to uninstall it and install the latest version (R14B03) instead (http://www.erlang.org/download.html). There have been many improvements, in particular regarding type specifications.
What does io:format("~p~n", [code:get_path()]). print? It should contain a directory like somepath/lib/compiler-4.7.2/ebin. Check that that directory actually exists, and that it contains the file compile.beam.

