Complex relationships in Laravel (hasManyThrough through a pivot table) - laravel

So I have four tables.
Each product has many skus. Each sku has many attributes. And each attribute can have several skus associated with it. sku_attribute is a pivot table for the many to many relationship between skus and attributes.
This works fine! But now, how do I get all the attributes associated with a product?
The following code worked for me.
public function attributes()
return $this->skus->flatMap(function ($sku) {
return $sku->attributes;
But I get an error because this doesn't return a relationship but rather a collection.
I also tried using the solution found here. But I couldn't get it to work properly because their model is slightly different than mine. (Each product has many skus, not vice versa.)
Another solution was to include a third column on sku_attributes for the product_id, but I couldn't find a way to default fill this to sku->product->id on the $sku->attach($attribute_id) method. Instead I'd have to manually call this every time, like $sku->attach($attribute_id, ['product_id' => $sku->product->id]).

You could try something like
public function attributes()
return Attributes::whereIn('id', function($query){
return $query->whereHas('skuAttributes', function($query) {
return $query->whereHas('products', function($query) {
return $query->where('id', $this->id);
Then on the skuAttributes model create a hasManyThrough to products.

There is no native support for this in Laravel.
I created a package for it:
You can use the relationship like this:
class Product extends Model
use \Staudenmeir\EloquentHasManyDeep\HasRelationships;
public function attributes()
return $this->hasManyDeep(Attribute::class, [Sku::class, 'sku_attribute']);

This ended up working for me.
public function attributes()
return $this->skus->flatMap(function ($sku) {
return $sku['attributes'];


Laravel Model request with several joins

While I am able to make simple requests with Model, I can't say the same for more complicated ones.
I know I don't necessarily have to use Model and can use DB facade but still, I want to know how it's supposed to be done.
Here's a request I made using DB :
->select('users.first_name','users.last_name','users.mail_address',' AS role_name',' AS bundle_name', ' AS pool_name')
On a first attempt, I tried this:
User::whereHas('relationships', function($req) use($roles) {
$req->whereHas('bundle', function($req){
$req->whereIn('name', $pools);
$req->whereHas('role', function ($req){
$req->whereIn('name', $roles);
->with('relationships', 'relationships.role:id,name', 'relationships.bundle:id,name')
Problem is, using "with" just select everything unconditionally, ignoring previous tests you made earlier (whereHas, whereIn).
So I'd have to again filter on each table in the with statement.
Then I ended up doing this:
$pools = request()->input('pools.*.name');
return $prepReq = User::whereHas('relationships', function($req) use($pools, $roles) {
$req->whereHas('bundle', function($req) use ($pools){
$req->whereHas('pools', function($req) use ($pools){
$req->whereIn('name', $pools);
$req->whereHas('role', function ($req){
$req->whereIn('name', $roles);
->with(['relationships' => function ($query) use($pools, $roles){
$query->whereHas('role', function ($query){
$query->whereIn('name', $roles)
->get(['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'mail_address']);
Then I got lost into this and gave up.
Another thing that made me sweat is that when you go nested using "with", you can select columns only on the last table.
For example: "relations.bundle.pools" => I can select columns on pools but not on relationships or bundles, does that mean i have to imbricate with statements for each table ?
As you can see, I am a bit clueless on how things are supposed to be done
I would like any advice or help regarding this matter
Thanks in advance for your time
When using Laravel, you should be setting up the eloquent relationships for each model
Based on your select statement from above, and assuming you want to get the user, bundle, role, and pool, then I would do the following, may be off depending on how your actual DB and models are set up
// Relationship.php
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
public function role()
return $this->belongsTo(Role::class);
public function bundle()
return $this->belongsTo(Bundle::class, 'id', 'related_id');
// Bundle.php
public function relationship()
return $this->hasOne(Relationship::class, 'related_id');
// Role.php
public function relationship()
return $this->hasOne(Relationship::class);
// Pool.php
public function bundle()
return $this->belongsTo(Bundle::class);
Then you could do something like
Pool::with('bundle.relationship.user')->whereIn('name', $pools);
Role::with('relationship.user')->whereIn('name', $roles);

Laravel, many-to-many relationship among multiple models

I Have multiple models that have many to many relationship
Here are the models
News Section
Sub Categories
Approved News
Pending News
Each News Section can have multiple Categories.
Each Category can have multiple Sub Categories.
Each Sub Category can has multiple Approved News and Pending News.
I want to have News with Categories, Sub Categories and Pending / Approve news
and stuff like
Categories with Sub Categories and Approve news
I tried with pivot tables but not able to get results
Models are as follow
News Section
class NewsSection extends Model
public function categories()
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class);
class Category extends Model
public function subcats(){
return $this->belongsToMany(SubCategory::class);
public function newssections(){
return $this->belongsToMany(NewsSection::class);
class SubCategory extends Model
public function category(){
return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);
public function approvednews(){
return $this->belongsToMany(ApprovedNews::class);
public function pendingnews(){
return $this->belongsToMany(PendingNews::class);
class ApprovedNews extends Model
public function subcategories (){
return $this->belongsToMany(SubCategory::class);
class PendingdNewsextends Model
public function subcategories (){
return $this->belongsToMany(SubCategory::class);
This what I have done so far
$news =Category::with('subcats.approvednews')->where('id',1)->get();
I got all the approved news with subcategories and categories
how can i modify this to get specific subcats and approved news per category, if i do this
$news =Category::with('subcats.approvednews')->where('',1)->get();
I get an error like id ambiguous
Is it possible to pick and chose items from relation for instance return just 2 subcats and 3 approved news for each subcat of selected category
get count of approved news and pending news per subcat and category
Thanks in advance
The error "error like id ambiguous" means that you need to specify the table in your where('id', 1) like where('', 1) so that MySQL knows which id column in which table you mean.
You can constrain the models returned by with like this:
Category::with(['subcats' => function(Builder $query) {
$query->where('id', '=', 1);
Also you can count relations:
$subcat = SubCategory::withCount(['approvednews']);
Limiting eager loaded relations is not possible per the docs.
A workaround may be to go the other way round starting from ApprovedNews:
ApprovedNews::whereHas(['subcategories' => function(Builder $query) {
$query->where('id', '=', 1);
I have a few suggestions of how you can get this to work. In your comments, you say you are getting an issue doing the following:
Where is 'subcategory' coming from? By the looks of your model, your relationship between Category and Subcategory is called subcats. So you would need to change it to:
And if you dump that out, you should see that you will get the category where the ID is 1, and the subcategories loaded in. A way to test that your relationships are working would be something like this:
$category = Category::find(1);
$subCats = $category->subcats()->get();
In your relationships, instead of using SubCategory::class I would suggest trying return $this->belongsToMany('App\SubCategory'); so that the models are definitely connected.
Once you have tested that your relationships between one another work, you can get started on testing that you can go from a->b->c etc.
May be using "Nested Eager Loading" and "scope", you can do something like
$pendings = NewSection::with('categories.subCategories')->pending()->get()
$approved = NewSection::with('categories.subCategories')->approved()->get()
not tested it, but you can try, may be with some modification, you can reach to your goal.
if you want return one collection, you may like to merge it
but, you should avoid it.

How to retrieve multiple relations with multiple tables in laravel eloquent

I'm using Laravel 5.8 to build a babysitting site. I have 4 tables with different relationships as below:
please see this image
The relationships are:
I want to achieve 2 things:
First one
I want to show this result when listing all babysitters. I'm showing this information for each babysitter:
plsease see this image
See here what I couldn't achieve
plsease see this image
This is my code
Sitters::where('Status', 'active')->where('Verified', 1)->get();
Second one
Also, I've tried to show kids name with parent review as shown here:
plsease see this image
This is what i'm using
Sessions::select('Reviews.*', 'Sessions.Parent_id')->join('Reviews', 'Reviews.Session_id', '=', '')->with('owner')->where('Trainer_id', session('user')->Id)->where('Status', '=', 'complete')->with('owner')->orderBy('', 'DESC')->get();
Here is Session.php Model
public function owner(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Parents', 'Parent_id');
As discussed change the relations:
First one
in Babysitter.php declare the following attributes
class Babysitter extends Model
public function reviews()
$this->hasManyThrough(Review::class, Session::class);
public function getAverageReviewAttribute()
return $this->reviews()->avg('Rating');
Then you just need to call it on the model instance.
$babysitter = Babysitter::first();
return $babysitter->average_review;
Second one
Just use the relation
$babysitter = BabySitter::with(['sessions' => public function ($session) {
})->where('trainer_id', '=', session('user')->Id) //did not understand this condition
This assumes you have parent, kids and review relation declared on Session::class. (change the names if needed)
After a few days of searching & testing, this is what worked for me:
Inside (Sitters) Model, put this relation
public function sessions()
return $this->hasMany(Sessions::class, 'sitter_id')
->withCount(['reviews as review_avg' => function($query){
Also, inside (Sessions) Model, put this relation
public function reviews()
return $this->hasOne(Reviews::class, 'Session_id');
Now you query like this
return $sitters = Sitters::with('sessions')->get();
I hope this can help someone :)

Laravel Eloquent Sort By Relationship Column

I have several relationships, one specifically that I would like to use for ordering a list, but I can't seem to find the right way to do it.
Below are my relationships:
public function date(){
return $this->hasOne(agent_billings_dates::class,'id','dateID');
public function carrier(){
return $this->hasOne(customer::class,'id','carrierID');
As well as two attributes which I have added as appends:
public function getItemCountAttribute(){
return $this->items->count();
public function getItemMissingAttribute(){
return $this->itemIssues->count();
public function getBatchSumAttribute(){
return $this->items->sum('amount');
These show up all fine when I have the following in my function:
$batches = agent_billings_batches::with(['date','carrier','carrier.carrierDetails'])
But the attributes and the with's fall off when I do this (however the date is sorted appropriately):
$batches = agent_billings_batches::with(['carrier','carrier.carrierDetails'])
->join('agent_billings_dates', '', '=', 'agent_billings_batches.dateID')
Am I doing something wrong? I'd appreciate any help anyone could give.
Eloquent does not use Joins when loading relationships. It loads them in a separate query, therefore you cannot order the main result using a relationship at query time, you need to do it after the data is collected:
$batches = agent_billings_batches::with(['date','carrier','carrier.carrierDetails'])
->sortBy(function ($batch) {
return $batch->date->date;

Laravel / Eloquent: Search for rows by value in polymorphed table

I'm stuck at the moment and hope someone can give me a hand. I'm using a polymorphic relation and want to search my database for rows that fulfill conditions in the "parent" and the "child" table.
To get concrete, one small example. Given the following structure I e.g. want to look for a property with price "600" and rooms "3". Is there a way to do that with eloquent?
Table properties (parent)
details_type [can be "Apartment" or "Parcel"]
Table apartments (child)
Table parcels (child)
... (does not have a "rooms" column)
Class Property
public function details() {
return $this->morphTo();
Classes Apartment + Parcel
public function property() {
return $this->morphMany('Property', 'details')
What I tried
A lot, really. But somehow I'm always doing something wrong or missing something. The solutions that, in my opinion should work are either:
Property::with(array('details' => function($query) {
$query->where('rooms', 3);
->whereHas('details', function($query) {
$query->where('rooms', '=', '3');
But in both cases I get the following FatalError.:
Class name must be a valid object or a string
Has anyone of you already had a similar problem? Thank you very much for any kind of hint.
Let's start with your naming convention:
public function detail() // It relates to a single object
return $this->morphTo();
public function properties() // It relates to several objects
return $this->morphMany('Property', 'details')
Then you would be able to do this:
$properties = Property::whereHas('details', function($q)
$q->where('rooms', '=', '3');
->where('price', '=', 600)
Please note that this will never return a Parcel, since there isn't a parcel with a room.
