Display button on Entity HomePageGrid in RibbonWorkBench - dynamics-crm

I want to display a button on the Home Page of a custom entity called new_orders. I only want that button to show on the home page and not the form of the individual records of the custom entity. I only want it to show for that custom entity. Is EntityRule the right approach through ribbonworkbench?!
Here is the homepage of the custom entity. I want that button to ONLY show for that custom entity, on the homepage and not on the form or subgrid.

There are two types of ribbon, Application ribbon & Entity specific ribbon. Application ribbon is global & will load for all entities, then you have to filter for specific entity.
But you are already customizing Entity specific ribbon (command bar), so no need of any special rules. It will show only on Home grid of that entity specific view. Subgrid & Form has separate command bar.


How can I add other tabs on a form in Dynamics 365 Customer Service Hub?

Each case form is composed of one or more tabs. By default, the Summary tab shows information about the customer, interactions with the customer, and other related records. You can select different tabs to enter or see other miscellaneous details of a record.
For example, here's a view of how the tabs appear on the case form:
enter image description here
Where should I enable to add other tabs?
You can customize the form by going to form designer and follow these instructions.
Once form tab is added, sections, fields, subgrids can be added further. You will find everything in documentation.

Microsoft USD - Open different entities in a different tab

I have a Phonecall hosted control opened inside unified service desk as one of the tab and i have a few grids on that page.
On click of any grid inside my phone call page the respective entity is displayed on the same page.
Like for example if I click on customer product grid entity then that grid is opened similarly, there are other grids on which the user can click and it will load that entity on the same tab.
Now, the issue is as i said earlier that my new entity is being loaded on the same hosted control that is my phone call page. I want to prevent this from happening.
I want to display a different tab for whatever record is clicked within my PhoneCall Hosted control so this way my Phone Call Page is still there.
I know i can do this using Windows Navigation Rule but I will have to create different navigation rules for my different entities and then in future if any other grid is added in my phone call page then i will need to add another navigation rule to cater it. This is not the best approach, I want it to be dynamic. Is there any other way where I can open a different tab if a record is clicked from my phonecall page?
Create a new windows navigation rule. The "From" field should be your Phone Call Page. Leave the Entity, From search, and URL fields in the "Route Logic" section blank. Windows Nav Rules get executed in order, and once they find a match it stops executing. So make the order low enough so that it gets executed where you want it to.
The "Target Tab" and "Show Tab" fields should be a new hosted control that you want the popup to open in. The action is "Route Window".
As far as route type, you are going to have to play with this a bit. I think opening stuff from a subgrid is Route Type "Popup", but you might need to create 2 very similar rules (one with route type "popup" and the other with route type "in place") to account for all scenarios.
See the example screenshot below:

How to add a custom button on CRM subgrid?

I have two entities in my Dynamics CRM solution. Both are related to each other.
Product -> configurations
Each product can have multiple configurations. I have added a subgrid on product screen.
I need to call a custom html webresource to be able to create configuration records.
How to add a custom button to the subgrid? OR how to customize existing (+) button to open an html webresource?
Add the entity to a solution & take a backup
Open the solution in Ribbon workbench
Start customizing the subgrid ribbon (ignore other two - Main grid & Form), right click the OOB button & hide it (this is also a backup)
Add a new button & custom javascript action command (follow this)
Open your custom HTML webresource using openWebResource method in javascript function

Dynamic CRM 2016 how to filter document templates based on related entity

I have many Document templates for several Entities. when user is on particular entity, and on click of a custom button, I want to show only the Entity's related Document Template names as radio buttons to choose one to generate a document i.e. when user is on Contact entity, the user should be listed only Document templates which are related to Contact Entity. I am looking for Dialog process to do this.
Please suggest a way to do filter the Document templates.
Is this possible?
The idea is Possible with custom html pages created in webresource & pulling the data with SDK calls in JS. Needs huge efforts.

Joomla Custom Module Development - Backend administration Extra requirement

I am currently in the process of developing a custom joomla module for one of my client’s requirement. As part of the administration panel of that module, I have created a radio button group, well in that group; I have two more radio buttons
My question for you leaders in the web arena is I need an option that "should display extra fields when I select one of the radio buttons"
For example: I have a radio button group named as 'No of fields'. In that group, I have two radio buttons named as 'Show', 'Hide'. I need an option which should display extra fields, when I select 'show' radio button
Is this equation possible? If yes, please post me your thoughts
This kind of behavior is not provided as a part of Joomla's default administration functions. You'll have to code it yourself and call that JS file when the module is opened in the backend. I would recommend you check the code used in Mod_news_pro by Gavick. The module loads a custom JS file that add a lot of custom functions and layout options that wasn't available in Joomla.
It's quite simple, just create a custom element checkout the official docs:
