Visual Studio Release build deploys to Hololens, but Master build doesn't - Activation of Windows Store failed - visual-studio

I am using spectator view for recording and streaming our Hololens app(link) and Visual Studio 2017 to build our solution for the Hololens.
I have been using the following Visual Studio build configurations:
Master, x86.
However, with the same configurations, the project with Spectator View fails with an error:
The program '[5620] SpecTest.exe' has exited with code -1073740966 (0xc000035a).
Activation of the Windows Store app 'SpecTest_s9y1p3hwd5qda!App' failed with error 'The app didn't start'.
We did notice that the app launched when we did a release build with the configuration:
Release, x86.
We require the Master build of the Hololens app because our project uses a Unity Timeline which for some reason doesn't work with the Release build. I searched the internet for this problem and tried almost every solution recommended there (Created a new license, deleted the bin folder and rebuilt the project, tried a Debug build). But, I believe it has something to do with the difference between the Release and Master build. We were previously able to do a master build without this Spectator View bit in our code.
Is there any way to do a Master build and overcome this error?


Xamarin.Forms Android app crashes on startup (in release build only)

I have a Xamarin.Forms Android app that runs reliably in debug build but crashes immediately, on startup, in release build.
My dev environment comprises of a Windows 10 PC with Visual Studio 2019, which is USB connected to the Android 9.0 device that I am testing against.
I have attempted to narrow down the cause of the issue by editing the Visual Studio release build configuration, one setting at a time, until it matches the working debug configuration. However, even with the release build config identical to the debug build config, the crash still occurs. Does this mean that Visual Studio is applying some other release build settings, apart from those configurable in the UI?
Is there any way to access diagnostic information from this crash? Any other suggestions how to identify the cause?
I am happy to post more details of the project configuration and development environment, if it helps.
Update: As suggested by several posters, I have retrieved the logcat data for the crash, but I am not sure how to interpret it, or where to go next:
Check the Device Log. It should contain Unhandled Exception Info for your App.
See here: View->Other Windows->Device Log - it is the Logcat's log, just in built-in to VisualStudio window.
Tip1: Open it before running your App, and choose your device in top-left.
Tip2: Watch the log immediately after the crash (better copy-it, paste into an editor), because it is overwhelmed by messages very quickly.

Visual Studio 2017 and Windows App Certification Kit: test errors

I'm trying to publish my app on the Microsoft Store. When I run the Windows App Certification Kit I receive for each action an error related with Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.TestBase.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.9.3
Bytecode generation
Error Found: The bytecode generation test detected the following errors:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Tests.Utility.IsPackageWWA(AppXPackage package) at Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.Tests.BytecodeGenerationCheck.BytecodeGenerationCheck.ExecuteSharedValidation(String manifestFilePath, String packageFullName) at Microsoft.Windows.SoftwareLogo.TestBase.TestBase.ExecuteTest()
Impact if not fixed: As a performance optimization to accelerate JavaScript execution time, JavaScript files ending in the ".js" extension generate bytecode when the app is deployed. This optimization significantly improves start-up and ongoing execution times for JavaScript.
How to fix: You may need consider one or more of these steps to fix the issue:
- Avoid deploying the app by pressing F5 in Visual Studio, create an app package instead
- Ensure that event logging is enabled
- All JavaScript files are syntactically valid; otherwise exclude the respective files from the package
- Please note that you should uninstall all previous versions of the app before deploying
Otherwise exclude the respective files from the package.
I verified in my Visual Studio Installer and the Windows SDK in installed.
Also, I checked the targeting version of the project:
Target version: 1809 (10.0; Build 17763)
Min version: November Update (10.0; Build 10586)
There is not SDK for this build...

Error: The project output folder is being used by a Service Fabric application

When I compile solution that contains 16 Service Fabric applications, Visual Studio hangs on several of them (2 or 3) from time to time.
Message in Error List:
The project output folder is being used by a Service Fabric application. The fabric application didn't release the lock on the output folder within 00:02:00 minutes.
Text in Output Window:
Build started 8/31/2017 11:11:20 AM.
Waiting for output folder cleanup...
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\Service Fabric Tools\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fabric.ServiceProject.targets(28,5): error : The project output folder is being used by a Service Fabric application. The fabric application didn't release the lock on the output folder within 00:02:00 minutes.
I understand that the reason is connected with Local Cluster but it's important tool and I want to continue to use.
Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
Microsoft Azure Service Fabric
Microsoft Azure Service Fabric SDK
Local Cluster works in 1-Node mode.
As workaround to resolve this issue you can try to build project using only one thread. In Visual Studio go to
Tools -> Options -> Project and Solutions -> Build and Run
and set maximum number of parallel project builds = 1
I also faced same issue and I uninstalled SF SDK and VS tooling and installed latest version and it worked fine.
Here is the link to get latest SDK and VS tooling.
Sometimes the SF cluster just gets into fritz and the only way is to Reset Local Cluster, and re-publish all applications. This usually happens after you install new SDK via Web Platform, but frankly it can happen anytime.

How do I configure Xamarin.iOS build step in Visual Studio Team Services?

I am trying to configure Visual Studio Team Services to build a Xamarin.Forms project and build the project. But I cannot get it queue a build on a hosted agent pool. I am using the following build steps:
Build Steps
I click on Queue Build.
I receive the following error message:
Error Message
It appears as though I am missing a critical step. What did I forget to configure? Thank you.
Building "Xamarin.iOS" project requires an On-premises XPlat agent with Xamarin installed.
Deploying one according to the steps here: OSX Agent and then following the configuration here: Define your Xamarin.iOS build.

"aapt.exe" exited with code 255

Trying to setup my build server for Xamarin Android builds, but i constantly keeps getting into this issue:
[error]C:\Program Files
Error MSB6006: "aapt.exe" exited with code 255.
Anyone know what this error code means? We dont have this issue on the teams local computers. So i assume i am missing something on the build machine, but cannot figure out what.
Visual Studio Team Services Build Agent
MS 2012 R2 Datacenter
Visual Studio 2015 Community
Android SDK Manager w/all SDK's up til revision 24
There must be a problem in build tool. So, can you compare the installed build tool version in your local machine and build machine.
Note: Add the following line under PropertyGroup tag in your project file to specify the build tool version.
I believe you are probably missing some files in your SDK manager for android. Open the sdk manager and ensure you have downloaded all API levels you are targeting as well as the up to date build tools and extras.
