Support multiple pathmapping in Swagger UI/Spring boot - spring

I am using swagger 2.0 in a Spring boot(version 1.5.9.RELEASE) project.
Swagger works fine but now documentation have hundreds of api and I want to redirect documentation on different different urls.I am having swagger configuration like blow.
public class SwaggerConfig {
public Docket postsApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).groupName("public-api")
private Predicate<String> postPaths() {
return or(regex("/api/posts.*"), or(regex("/api/.*"), regex("/secure/api/.*")));
private ApiInfo apiInfo() {
return new ApiInfoBuilder().title("Swagger API")
.description("Swagger Integration with Spring Boot")
Please suggest any way. Thanks in advance.

Finally I break these api's into groups basis on their url as following code segment, creates three group one for Settings, another for Products and last one contains all the other documentation except settings and products.
public Docket swaggerSettingsApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.apiInfo(new ApiInfoBuilder().version("1.0").title("Settings API").build())
public Docket swaggerProductApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.apiInfo(new ApiInfoBuilder().version("1.0").title("Product API").build())
public Docket swaggerModuleApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.apiInfo(new ApiInfoBuilder().version("1.0").title("Other Modules API").build())
private Predicate<String> postPaths() {
return or(regex("^(?=\\/secure\\/api\\/v1\\/)(?!.*(settings|products)).+\\/.*"));


swagger-ui doesn't list any of the controllers endpoints

I'm trying to add Swagger to a very simple hello word Spring-Boot project.
I'm following this tutorial :
this is my SwaggerConfig:
public class SwaggerConfig{
public Docket greetingApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
private ApiInfo metaData() {
return new ApiInfoBuilder()
.title("Spring Boot REST API")
.description("\"Spring Boot REST API for greeting people\"")
.license("Apache License Version 2.0")
However, the results I have running it is only the first page without any information.
This is the repository if someone wants to see the full code.
In class SwaggerConfig you need to change line:

How set SpringFox to show two (or more) versions of the Rest API using Spring Boot?

I'm trying to figure out how manage two (or more) version of my API endpoints using Spring Fox.
To version my APIs, I'm using the Versioning through content negotiation, also know as Versioning using Accept header. The versions of each endpoint are controlled individually using the header information. Per example, for the version one I use the attribute produces:
produces = "application/")
public ResponseEntity<User> createUser(
For version two, I use:
produces = "application/",
consumes = "application/")
public ResponseEntity<User> createUserVersion2(
I not use consumes for the first (v1) version, so if the client use only application/json on the call the first version will be called by default.
I would like to show the two version on the Swagger UI. How to do that?
It's very simple. Just create one Docket for each version.
Example, the first version:
public Docket customImplementation(
#Value("${}") String title,
#Value("${}") String description) {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.apiInfo(apiInfo(title, description, "1.0"))
.apis(e -> Objects.requireNonNull(e).produces().parallelStream()
.anyMatch(p -> "application/".equals(p.toString())))
And for version two:
public Docket customImplementationV2(
#Value("${}") String title,
#Value("${}") String description) {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.apiInfo(apiInfo(title, description, "2.0"))
.apis(e -> Objects.requireNonNull(e).produces()
.anyMatch(p -> "application/".equals(p.toString())))
The secret here is filter the available endpoints by the produces attribute.
The Swagger-UI will show the two versions on the combo:
This code needs to be on a class annotated with #Configuration. You also need to enable the Swagger with #EnableSwagger2.
As mentioned by Dherik you can create Docket for each version. But to filter here I have tried using Predicate and custom controller annotations.
Configuration class annotated with #Configuration and #EnableSwagger2
public Docket apiV30() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
private Predicate<RequestHandler> selectorV30(){
return new Predicate<RequestHandler>() {
public boolean apply(RequestHandler input) {
return input.findControllerAnnotation(SwaggerDocV30.class).isPresent();
public Docket apiV31() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
private Predicate<RequestHandler> selectorV31(){
return new Predicate<RequestHandler>() {
public boolean apply(RequestHandler input) {
return input.findControllerAnnotation(SwaggerDocV31.class).isPresent();
Custom Annotation class : SwaggerDocV30
public #interface SwaggerDocV30 {
Custom Annotation class : SwaggerDocV31
public #interface SwaggerDocV31 {
Finally annotate your controllers with #SwaggerDocV30 or #SwaggerDocV31
public class MyController extends AbstractController {}
public class MyController extends AbstractController {}]

Is it possible to implement AlternateTypeRules functionallity with annotation?

I've got following issue - and I fixed it with the following code:
public Docket docket() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.alternateTypeRules(AlternateTypeRules.newRule(TestCarResource.Car.Id.class, String.class));
Can I mark my Car.Id class with any annotation to remove this boilerplate code?

Swagger2 not dispaying the documentation is UI format

I have RESTful web service which I have developed in spring boot. I have integrated the swagger2 in my application using Gradle build tool.
I wrote the configuration file for swagger2 in following way
public class SwaggerConfig {
public Docket api() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
Now when I try to access the http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs I am getting the JSON string. But when I am trying to access the http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html I am not getting Swagger UI view, I am getting the 406 error.
Did you try like this?
Here Controller class name is TestController
Also, replace
As below..
public Docket api() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
Can you try below Swagger configurations? basePackage is nothing but the entry point of your rest API layer. You can hardcode it in your program.
public class SwaggerConfig {
UiConfiguration uiConfig() {
return new UiConfiguration("validatorUrl", "list", "alpha", "schema",
UiConfiguration.Constants.DEFAULT_SUBMIT_METHODS, false, true, 60000L);

How do you configure the title, description and license in Springfox Swagger UI?

When you start Swagger UI with Springfox in a Spring Boot app, it looks like this:
How do you configure the title and description ("Api Documentation") and the license (Apache 2.0).
You can set these values by passing the ApiInfo object to your docket.
new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.apiInfo(new ApiInfo(...))
ApiInfo's constructor accepts several details about your API. In you case, you should look at title, description, and license parameters.
Swagger config class (Spring boot):
public class SpringFoxConfig {
public Docket api() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
ApiInfo apiInfo() {
return new ApiInfoBuilder()
.title("Demo Test API")
.description("Demo test API task")
.license("© 2021 by my")
