After changing to the SDK 4.8 (all other files remain unchanged) the build fails if minify is enabled. The error is String-index overflow.
Is there an updated proguard-rules file for 4.8 that takes into account new/changed classes??
It appears that the 4.7 SDK cannot work with the new (default) R8 compressor.
You can get back to a working app by adding the following to the class:
Are you using Mapbox SDK in your application? The issue might be related to pro guard rules. Refer the following Link to a similar issue
I have been dealing with the same issue for a few days now. I'm unable to upload any app store connect files due to the libAgoraRTMWrapper file. To be clear, this entire app has been built through Unity using agora SDK. The reason for failure, according to XCode, is that the wrapper "doesn't have the correct file type for this location". Invalid Swift support.
This leads me to wonder if the libagoraRTMWrapper is even necessary. Yes, I would like to keep using RTM but not at the expense of several build failures.
As a sidenote, XCode does mention that the build is being made for iOS but the wrapper was built for iOS + iOS simulator. I don't remember ever specifying that but it could just be the way the SDK was initially imported.
this library is necessary for RTM to work. Do you have a custom build setting for the project? It is verified that the included SDK Demo works on iOS builds. Perhaps you can build that and compare the build setting to yours to find out what went wrong?
I have an issue with running my JavaFX/Gluon Mobile App on iPadOS 13.3 Actually the similar issue is described here: Gluon sample application failing on ios devices I've identify that the problem is caused by RoboVM and should be fixed in the version 2.3.10-SNAPSHOT
How can I change the version of RoboVM used by Gluon? In the Gluon documentation is mentioned the ios gradle extension property robovmVersion. This property can be set to the version robovmVersion ='2.3.5-ios12' but not 2.3.10. The reason is that on the bintray there is no version 2.3.10.
Is there any way to force Gluon Mobile to use RoboVM 2.3.10?
This is a temporary solution until the JavaFXPorts repository gets updated. There seems to be an issue with iOS 13.3 and JavaFX native libraries that's why apps crash even when using the latest 2.3.10-SNAPSHOT.
The breaking line of code was identified yesterday by Demyan Kimitsa who suggested to remove assert from the following native class
assert(pthread_key_create(&GlassThreadDataKey, NULL) == 0);
thread_key_create(&GlassThreadDataKey, NULL) == 0;
I have created a build with the above change in native libraries and with the use of RoboVM 2.3.10-SNAPSHOT everything runs normal again even in the latest iOS.
Now that the issue is identified, I believe it is a matter of time until a new JavaFXPorts fix is published.
If you can't wait, you can download the HelloWorld sample with the new binaries from here. Adjust the parameters in build.gradle and you are ready to go.
I have been following this document to implement a hybrid webview and am running into an issue with the Target Android version. It states in the document:
On Android Oreo ensure that the Android manifest sets the Target
Android version to Automatic. Otherwise, running this code will result
in the error message "invokeCSharpAction is not defined".
I am using the Android 8.1 - API 27 simulator and I am getting that error. I tried to set the Target Android version to "Automatic" as it suggests in the Android Manifest portion of the project properties, but "Automatic" is not an option I can pick. The only option I get that isn't a specific version is "Use Compile using SDK Version" and that doesn't solve the problem. What am I missing?
Have you seen the following thread?
It states that sample from the documentation does not work and needs to be changed according to the one posted in this thread. Please let me know if it helps or not.
I am working on XCode 9.1 project that uses IBM Watson swift-sdk SpeechToTextV1 package. After upgrading swift-sdk to the version 0.19.0 and building XCode project the compiler error has occured: Missing required modules: 'SSCZLib', 'SSCommonCrypto' pointing to the import SpeechToTextV1 statement. swift-sdk updated via Carthage.
Cartfile content: github "watson-developer-cloud/swift-sdk".
command line update: carthage update --platform ios --no-use-binaries.
How can I include SSCZLib and SSCommonCrypto modules into XCode project?
Please help. Thanks a lot.
Use carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries. It takes a while, but it works.
I'm afraid that I haven't been able to replicate the problem on my machine. I started with a new, empty Xcode project and was able to transcribe audio with the Speech to Text service.
I uploaded my app here. Can you try downloading it, adding your Speech to Text credentials, and running the app?
Please make sure that the newly compiled frameworks are the ones being used. Carthage does not place the frameworks in a custom location that is referenced in the project or workspace.
For me - in addition to building the library using --no-use-binaries flag - I also had to ensure that under my target's
Build Phases->Embed Frameworks
Build Phases->Link Binary with Libraries
SpeechToTextV1.framework is included
In addition - I found that these two files made all the difference inside the Carthage folder:
I could only get this to work after my project was directly referencing the Carthage folder. Deleting either of these two files caused the error to return.
The v0.21.0 release of the Watson Swift SDK fixes this issue. You should no longer have to add a link to the zlib folder in your project settings. However, you will need to copy Starscream.framework into your application in the same way that other frameworks are copied.
The solution was to externalize the Starscream dependency. Adding Starscream as a recursive dependency for the Swift SDK allows it to build independently with its own environment. When the Starscream library is copied into your application, it should automatically include the SSCZLib and SSCommonCrypto dependencies.
We test each SDK before it's release, but this problem slipped past us. Our test machine happens to have other software that adds SSCZLib and SSCommonCrypto to the path, making it available to the Xcode build. It wasn't until we refreshed the machine with a new macOS install that we were able to replicate the problem. And with v0.21.0, that problem has been solved.
Sorry for your trouble and thank you for your patience while we tracked down the solution!
While Xcode was version 7.0 I had an app that worked perfectly well. I made the cocoapod file, set it up and everything ran perfect.
I just updated to 7.1 and now all I get are 21 errors that say "/Users/Johnathan/Desktop/Parse Default/GoogleMaps/Google Maps/Pods/GoogleMaps/Frameworks/GoogleMaps.framework/Headers/GoogleMaps.h:14:9: Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'GoogleMaps'"
I'm not sure what to do or how to update/edit this. I am not very familiar with cocoapods. Please help. I can't get my app to run. Thanks.
And if it helps all I did was update Xcode and it went from working to not working.
See this thread below for a solution as it seems to be most up to date.
In essence, you will need to add a Bridge Header (see comment 7)
Here it is: