Can I select particular processes/sockets tracked via Phoenix Presence? - websocket

My use case is to have multiple users connected to a lobby/waiting room, but only two of them will be picked from the lobby to start a conversation, after which they should be removed from the lobby. How can I implement that? Note that in this system the users aren't registered and don't have usernames. They should directly come in from the webpage.
Apparently the track and untrack functions also have variants that accept pid as an argument. However I'm not sure how I can retrieve the pids of the processes in the first place, when the conversation needs to be started.
Is the function self() the correct one to use in this case? i.e. maybe I can write
def handle_info(:after_lobby_join, socket) do
Presence.track(socket, "lobby", %{
pid: self()
{:noreply, socket}
def handle_info(:start, socket) do
pid1 = hd(Presence.list(socket)["lobby"][:metas])[:pid]
# Start the conversation by sending messages individually to pid1 and pid2
untrack(pid1, "my_app:lobby", "lobby")
{:ok, socket}
Or am I overcomplicating the issue/not understanding Presence correctly?
There's also a phx_ref field but I don't seem to be able to use it for this purpose.
Also, apparently I would only want to send "start_conversation" messages to the two users being picked but not the others in the lobby. I see that the function push sends messages to a designated socket. But if I am keeping track of the pid, can the corresponding sockets be identified from the pid?

I solved my initial question using individual user channels eventually. I just let the frontend generate random user IDs.
A solution without using user channels is proposed in Elixir forum. It doesn't use Presence though.
def handle_info({:new_user, socket}, [{us1, ref1}, {us2, ref2}]) do
# we had 2 users, a new one joined, so that's 3
user_sockets = [socket, us1, us2]
# we can create a room for them now
# and clean the state
Enum.each([ref1, ref2], fn ref ->
{:noreply, []}
def handle_info({:new_user, socket}, waiting_user_sockets) do
# otherwise just add the new users to the waiting users list
ref = Process.monitor(socket)
{:noreply, [{socket, ref} | waiting_user_sockets]}
def handle_info({:DOWN, ref, :process, _object, _reason}, waiting_user_sockets) do
# remove the disconnected socket


Presence not picking up user leave events?

I need to perform some actions when the user leaves a channel (in most cases where they close the tab voluntarily, but there may also be a connection loss/timeout etc.)
According to posts like and How to detect if a user left a Phoenix channel due to a network disconnect?, intercepting the "presence_diff" event from Presence seems to be a foolproof way to go, as it should also covers the cases where the connection terminates abnormally.
Strangely, the presence_diff event seems to only be triggered when I track the user via Presence.track, but not when the user leaves.
Meanwhile, adding a terminate(reason, socket) callback in my channel correctly catches the leave event.
I wonder what could be wrong in my configuration. Or did I not understand the use of Presence correctly?
Example code:
def join("participant:" <> participant_id, _payload, socket) do
if socket.assigns.participant_id == participant_id do
send(self(), :after_participant_join)
{:ok, socket}
{:error, %{reason: "unauthorized"}}
def handle_info(:after_participant_join, socket) do
experiment_id = socket.assigns.experiment_id
Presence.track(socket, experiment_id, %{
# keys to track
# Broadcast something
# broadcast(socket, ...)
{:noreply, socket}
def handle_out("presence_diff", payload, socket) do
# Only gets triggered at Presence.track, but not when the connection is closed.
IO.puts("presence_diff triggered, payload is #{inspect(payload)}")
leaves = payload.leaves
for {experiment_id, meta} <- leaves do
IO.puts("Leave information: #{meta}")
# Do stuffs
# This works, however.
def terminate(reason, socket) do
IO.puts("terminated. #{inspect(reason)}")
# Do stuffs.
OK I think I know what happened: Each "participant:" <> participant_id topic is, as its name suggests, only subscribed to by one participant. Therefore, when that participant quits, the process also dies and nobody is able to act on the presence_diff message.
A separate process is still needed. One can call MyApp.Endpoint.subscribe from that process to subscribe to the "participant:" <> participant_id topic and act on the presence_diff messages.
Or one can set up an external monitor. See How to detect if a user left a Phoenix channel due to a network disconnect?

Phoenix 1.2 - broadcast_from clarifications needed

I'm following along the book from PragProg "Programming Phoenix" and I'm currently on the chapters about Phoenix's channels.
At some point there's an example about setting up a simple channel with one topic and handling in/out messages between the client and server. No fancy stuff, everything worked as advertised.
Then I started investigating Phoenix.Channel's API and found "broadcast_from" function.
Doing a bit of research it was clear to me that using "broadcast_from" (from the channel) would have sent the message to all connected clients but the one whose message I was currently handling.
My current code is
defmodule Rumbl.VideoChannel do
use Rumbl.Web, :channel
def join("videos:" <> video_id, _params, socket) do
:timer.send_interval(5000, :ping)
{:ok, %{status: "successful join"}, assign(socket, :video_id, String.to_integer(video_id))}
def handle_info(:ping, socket) do
count = socket.assigns[:count] || 1
#push socket, "ping", %{count: count}
broadcast_from! socket, "test", %{id: 1, status: :critical}
{:noreply, assign(socket, :count, count + 1)}
I expected that, upon client's connection, the client would not receive
the "test" messages. And that was, indeed, the outcome. Until I opened another browser window and connected to the channel. At that point
both windows started receiving the "test" messages. It also happened if the second window was opened from another device (such as an iPhone).
Is that the normal behaviour or is it me misusing/misunderstanding the documentation?
Thanks in advance for your support.
I think, it's the normal behaviour. From the broadcast_from docu:
The channel that owns the socket will not receive the published message.
It's a bit confusing. As I understand the docu, when you open another window, join creates another socket and therefore another pid from which you receive the test message in your first window. With one window you will see no test message. With two windows you will see the test messages each from the other pid of the two sockets.

ZeroMQ: Many-to-one no-reply aynsc messages

I have read through the zguide but haven't found the kind of pattern I'm looking for:
There is one central server (with known endpoint) and many clients (which may come and go).
Clients keep sending hearbeats to the server, but they don't want the server to reply.
Server receives heartbeats, but it does not reply to clients.
Hearbeats sent when clients and server are disconnected should somehow be dropped to prevent a heartbeat flood when they go back online.
The closet I can think of is the DEALER-ROUTER pattern, but since this is meant to be used as an async REQ-REP pattern (no?), I'm not sure what would happen if the server just keep silent on incoming "requests." Also, the DEALER socket would block rather then start dropping heartbeats when the send High Water Mark is reached, which would still result in a heartbeat flood.
The PUSH/PULL pattern should give you what you need.
# Client example
import zmq
class Client(object):
def __init__(self, client_id):
self.client_id = client_id
ctx = zmq.Context.instance()
self.socket = ctx.socket(zmq.PUSH)
def send_heartbeat(self):
# Server example
import zmq
class Server(object):
def __init__(self):
ctx = zmq.Context.instance()
self.socket = ctx.socket(zmq.PULL)
self.socket.bind("tcp://*:12345") # close quote
def receive_heartbeat(self):
return self.socket.recv() # returns the client_id of the message's sender
This PUSH/PULL pattern works with multiple clients as you wish. The server should keep an administration of the received messages (i.e. a dictionary like {client_id : last_received} which is updated with datetime.utcnow() on each received message. And implement some housekeeping function to periodically check the administration for clients with old timestamps.

Proper way to maintain many connections with Celluloid?

I am currently working on an application that pulls mail from many IMAP mailboxes. It seems like Celluloid is a goot fit for this part, but I'm unsure on how to employ actors.
The application will be run in a distributed fashion. There are x mailboxes to poll and y processes among which these will be divided. So each process has a list of mailboxes they have to poll and this list will change every now and then. This means the pool of connections maintained by each process is dynamic.
My biggest question is: should I spawn a separate ImapConnection actor for each mailbox, or should I make a single ImapListener actor that manages all connections internally?
My current design features the former solution. There's one central Coordinator actor that keeps an array of actors that each manage one imap connection. A new connection is added with a simple:
#connections << ImapConnection.supervise(account_info)
The ImapConnection either polls the IMAP server at regular intervals, or maintains an IDLE connection. If the Coordinator wants to stop polling a mailbox it looks it up in its #connections array and properly disposes of it.
This seems like a logical approach for me that yields many benefits of Celluloid (such as automatic restarting of crashed actors), but I'm struggling to find examples of other software that uses this approach. Is spawning 100's of actors in this fashion proper use of the actor model or should I use a different approach?
Very glad to hear you are using Celluloid. Good question.
Not sure how you create connections and maintain them, whether that be by a TCPSocket you have the ability to manage or not. If you have the ability to manage a TCPSocket directly, you ought to use Celluloid::IO as well as Celluloid itself. I also don't know where you put information pulled in from IMAP connections. These two things influence your strategy.
Your approach is not bad, but yes - it could possibly be improved by adding something to do your heavy lifting, polling workers; another to hold account_info only; and a final actor to trigger the work and/or maintain the IDLE state. So you'd end up with ImapWorker ( a pool ), ImapMaintainer, and ImapRegistry. Right here, I wonder if since you are polling, if you need to keep an open connection rather than allowing information to be pushed. If you plan to poll and still keep connections open, here is what the three actors would do:
ImapRegistry holds your account_info in a Hash. This would have methods on it like add, get, and remove. I recommend a Hash of #credentials so you can use the same ID between ImapMaintainer and ImapRegistry; one holds live connections in its #connections, and one holds account_info instances in its #credentials. Both #connections and #credentials are accessed by the same ID, but one keeps a volatile connection whereas the other only has static data useable to recreate a connection if necessary. In this way, your heavy lifters could die, be respawned, and the entire system could regenerate itself.
ImapMaintainer would have the actual #connections in it, and every( interval ) { } tasks built into it, added to when account_info is stored in ImapRegistry. There are two tasks I see, depending on what frequency you plan to poll. One could be to simply touch the IMAP connection to maintain it, and the other could be to poll the IMAP server with ImapWorker. ImapWorker would be a pool saved in ImapMaintainer as say #worker. So it has #connections, #worker, #polling, and #keepalive. polling could be an #connections.each situation, or you could have a timer per connection, added at the point a connection is created.
ImapWorker has two methods... one is #touch that keeps a connection alive. The main one is #poll, which takes a connection you maintain, and runs a polling process on it. That method returns the information or even better stores it also, then the worker returns to the #worker pool. This would give you the benefit of having the polling process happen in a separate thread rather than just a separate fiber, and also allows the most tricky aspect to be kept out in the most robust yet most unaware kind of actor.
Working backward, if ImapRegistry receives #add, it stores account_info and gives that to ImapMaintainer which creates the connection, and timers ( but it forgets account_info and only creates the connection and timer(s) or just creates the connection and lets one big timer maintain the connection with #worker which is a pool. ImapMaintainer inevitably hits a timer, so at the start and end of its timer it can check its connection. If the connection is gone for some reason, it can recreate it with #registry.get information. Within its timer prompted task, it can run #worker.poll or #worker.alive.
This illustrates the above requirements, showing how the initializers would put together the actor system, and has an incomplete skeleton of methods mentioned.
WORKERS = 9 #de arbitrarily chosen
class ImapRegistry
include Celluloid
def initialize
#maintainer = ImapMaintainer.supervise
#credentials = {}
def add( account_info )
def get( id )
def remove( id )
class ImapMaintainer
include Celluloid
def initialize
#worker = ImapWorker.pool size: WORKERS
#connections = {}
def add( id, credential )
def remove( id )
#de These exist if there is one big timer:
def polling
def keepalive
class ImapWorker
include Celluloid
def initialize
#de Nothing needed.
def poll( connection )
def touch( connection )
registry = ImapRegistry.supervise
I love Celluloid and hope you have a lot of success with it. Please ask if you want anything clarified, but this at least is another strategy for you to consider.

Test Ruby TCPSocket server

I have a small application, serving connections(like a chat). It catches the connection, grabs login from it, then listens to the data and broadcasts it to each connection, except sender.
The problem is i'm not a very advanced tester and do not know, how this can be tested.
# Handle each connection
def serve(io)
# Listen for identifier
user = io.gets.chomp
# Add connection to the list
#mutex.synchronize { #chatters[user] = io }
# Get and broadcast input until connection returns nil
loop do
incoming = io.gets
broadcast(incoming, io)
#Send message out to everyone, but sender
def broadcast(message="", sender)
# Mutex for safety - GServer uses threads
#mutex.synchronize do
#chatters.each do |chatter|
socket = chatter[1]
# Do not send to sender
if sock != sender
If you just want to do unit testing, you could use RSpec mocks (or some other mocking framework) to stub your methods and ensure that the logic works the way you expect. If you actually want to drive an integration test, that's a lot more work, and will require that you create a separate reader and writer for the socket so that you can actually test each piece of the conversation independently for expected behavior.
Someone else has apparently blogged about a similar issue to yours. Perhaps that example will help you.
If your question is more about the test cases you should write, instead of about how to test sockets, then you may want to rewrite your question so that answers will be more on-target.
