Make the ssh connection and enter the sudo password fully automatically - bash

I want to make ssh connection automatically and install a packet to the connected machine. I'm able to process the SSH connection automatically. I can even run commands that do not require sudo authorization. But I didn't find a way to automatically enter the password in the commands that require sudo authorization. How do you think I can automatically enter the sudo password?
/usr/bin/expect -c 'spawn ssh -t usr#ip bash "pwd; sudo apt-get update"; expect "password:"; send "12345\r"; interact;' output
spawn ssh -t usr#ip bash pwd; sudo apt-get update
usr#ip's password:
/bin/pwd: /bin/pwd: cannot execute binary file
[sudo] password for usr:

You need the -c argument to pass a command string to Bash. Also, try to have the pattern match the full line. Try with:
/usr/bin/expect -c 'spawn ssh -t usr#ip bash -c "pwd; sudo apt-get update"; expect "*password:"; send "12345\r"; interact;'
^^ ^
Note that for this kind of task, Ansible can be very helpful as it will take care of all the boilerplate related to SSH and SUDO, and offers high-level modules to carry on any task easily.
The Ansible script ('playbook') would look like this (untested):
- hosts: ip
- name: Update and upgrade apt packages
become: true
upgrade: yes
You can store the SUDO password in a file, and that file can be encrypted.


i am creating script that is going to login into remote server and and then do sudo to other user

i am creating script that is going to login into remote server and and then do sudo to other user. With that sudo user i want to run command with that user. Request to help!!!
ssh ${user}#${line} -qtt -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null "sudo su - ${dict['sid_'$n]}adm; ls -ltr"
cd /usr/sap/${dict['sid_'$n]}
ls -tlr
sudo su - sidadm
then run the command
Try this:
ssh <user>#<host> -qtt <other_ssh_options> "sudo su - <user_at_host> -c <command>"

How to get the output of ssh when the command has a command to change user

When I use ssh to run command on a remote machine, I will get the output from shell. However, if I add
sudo su - user2
I will get no output. Now, I cannot do
ssh user2#host
Because of some permission issue.
Is there any way to get the output for the following command?
ssh user1#host 'sudo su - user2; wc -l tmp.txt'
Thanks to #laenkeio. Using sudo -u user2 can run some simple programs.
However, when I need to call a python script which needs some enviroment variable for user2, the script was not able to find those default path by using sudo -u user2.
If you have the appropriate sudo rights on host you should be able to do it with:
ssh -t user1#host 'sudo -u user2 wc -l tmp.txt'
Using sudo -u means "execute as user2", thus avoiding the extra su -. And -t forces ssh to allocate a tty so that sudo can ask for your password.
If you cannot do ssh user2#host for some permission issue, you'll not be able to run ssh user1#host 'sudo su - user2; ... for the same reason...
And, even with no permission issue, when doing su - user you'll be requested for a password...

Ansible sudo command without password checking

I would like to use ansible in a full automated context, where I cannot manually type passwords. To deal with this, I connect the servers with SSH public key, and I whitelisted severals commands such as apt-get install * in my sudoers configuration so I do not need a password to run them. For instance sudo apt-get install git.
However if the setting become is True in a playbook, ansible asks me for a password it does not need.
How can I tell ansible to run a command as sudo, without asking me a password?
Do you know another way to install apt packages without password?
Should I use another become method?
sudoers conf
myuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get install *
- name: install the latest version of ntpdate
name: ntpdate
state: latest
become: True
Produces this output:
failed: [x.x.x.x] (item=ntpdate) => {"failed": true, "item": "python3-dev", "module_stderr": "", "module_stdout": "sudo: a password is required\r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "rc": 1}
The simple answer is that you cannot do it without enabling all commands (or at least python).
Ansible does not run the commands as you expect it to run. It runs Python scripts. You can see the exact command when you execute ansible-playbook with -vvv. They are much more complex and to enable them you would have to add them to sudoers, for example:
sudo -H -S -n -u root /bin/sh -c '"'"'echo BECOME-SUCCESS-xxxxxx;
/usr/bin/python /var/www/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-xxxxxxxx/;
rm -rf "/var/www/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-xxxxxxxx/" > /dev/null 2>&1'"'"'
&& sleep 0
The tricky part is that all spaces, quotes, and other special characters are relevant and until you get the correct command pattern by trial and error, replacing characters with wildcards, the system will not allow the command to run with elevated privileges. Effectively you won't be able to whitelist all the commands Ansible runs.
The only exception is raw module which runs the given command intact.
In all the Ansible playbooks I have worked on, I had to do only 2 things so that tasks run with become:True
Create file /etc/sudoers.d/demo on the target hosts with below content:
Copy ssh id from Ansible host to target host using ssh-copy-id
%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/shutdown
- name: Sudoers no password
raw: echo '{{ user_password }}' | sudo -S sh -c 'echo "{{ lookup('file', 'templates/without_sudo') }}" > /etc/sudoers.d/without_sudo'
no sudo for the rest of the ansible command
You can use the ansible 'command' module with sudo as part of the command, instead of 'become: yes'
- name: install the latest version of ntpdate
command: 'sudo apt-get update ntpdate'
The downside is that this is much less portable. The upside is, it works... and you only need to whitelist the specific command.
in my opinion, if you set your node with =(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL. then anybody: including the hackers can access your nodes.
so what I can suggest ,
ansible-playbook <name>.yml --ask-sudo-pass
this will ask your node sudo password. and u can execute ur operation, as I guess you know ur node's credential.

Adding newuser in docker container with sudo privileges

Im trying to build a docker file and one of the reqt is to create a user with sudo permissions.
Here is the bash script
# quietly add a user without password
adduser --quiet --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash --home /home/newuser --gecos "testuser" newuser
# set password
echo "testuser:testuser" | sudo chpasswd
and the docker compose file.
FROM ros
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y sudo
ADD /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/"]
When I run this build I get the following error.
chpasswd: (user testuser) pam_chauthtok() failed, error:
Authentication token manipulation error
chpasswd: (line 1, user testuser) password not changed
I think you're misinterpreting the requirements. Creating an user with sudo permissions is different from creating an user with the sudo command.
Depending on the distribution, an user may run sudo if it belongs to the wheel or sudo group (the latter is the case with Ubuntu, which is the base image used by ros).
I strongly suggest that you use the useradd command instead of adduser. The latter is different in Debian & RedHat based distributions, unlike the former which is the same across Linux distributions and even *BSD if you don't use the long options. Also, the former lets you specify the supplementary groups in the command line (-G option).
useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G sudo newuser
If you use the -p option you could also supply the password in encrypted form (the term in the manpage should be hashed form) without the need to use chpasswd later. Use the output of mkpasswd -m sha-512. (The mkpasswd command is present in the whois package). If you're going to use chpass, use the -e option to supply the password in encrypted form. Never use plaintext.

How to ssh/sudo su - oracle/run some commands

I have already looked at the following links but didn't managed to make it work:
SSH to server, Sudo su - then run commands in bash
Can I ssh somewhere, run some commands, and then leave myself a prompt?
Run ssh and immediately execute command
I'm trying to automate the following sequence to log in to the database
$ ssh <myserver>
me#myserver$ sudo su - oracle
<enter password>
oracle#myserver$ bash
oracle#myserver$ export ORAENV_ASK=NO
oracle#myserver$ export ORACLE_SID=ORACLEDB
oracle#myserver$ . oraenv
oracle#myserver$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
I tried the command (based on the links above) but that does not work :
ssh -t myserver "echo password | sudo -S su - oracle ; bash ; export ORAENV_ASK=NO"
How can I combine thoses commands in a shell script (or even perl one), execute it and then leave myself at a prompt so I can run sqlplus after? Is that even possible?
ssh does not need password because we use authorized_keys, BUT Password-less sudo is not an option nor using su directly (I'm not root and cannot change that), the command needs to be "sudo su - oracle" exactly.
You can't do that in shell, but you can do it with expect (apt-get install expect if on Debian variants).
This is a very simple expect file. You need to do some research to make it work in your environment but this gives the general idea.
spawn ssh foo#x.x.x.x
expect "~$"
send "sudo bash\r"
expect {
password {send "foobar\r";exp_continue}
send "id\r"
expect "root"
You would run this as expect /path/to/your/expectfile.
This will log in, do sudo with password "foobar", execute id and exit. Would this be of any help?
