Can't access req from context - graphql

I'm using Koa.js with Apollo Server's apollo-server-koa.
I've debug the { req } and the value is undefined.
I've followed the documentation, but still got no clue.
Even if I access the req.headers.authorization and put this on HTTP Header of graphql gui:
"authorization": "bla"
the value is still undefined.
import cors from "#koa/cors";
import Koa from "koa";
import config from "./config/environtment";
import server from "./server";
const PORT: number = config.port;
async function bootstrap() {
try {
const app: Koa = new Koa();
server.applyMiddleware({ app });
.listen(PORT, () =>
`Server running on http://localhost:${PORT}${server.graphqlPath}`,
} catch (error) {
import { ApolloServer } from "apollo-server-koa";
import typeDefs from "./graphql/schema";
import resolvers from "./graphql/resolvers";
import context from "./graphql/context";
export default new ApolloServer({
export default ({ req }) => {
console.log(req) // return undefined.
return {
test: "test",

The docs are specific to apollo-server, which uses apollo-server-express under the hood. I believe for apollo-server-koa, the options are passed in an object with a ctx field that holds the Koa Context. So the following should work:
export default ({ ctx }) => {
return {};


Accessing useAuth0 hook data via redux thunk action with axios instance

Have a bit of an issue attempting to get Auth0 info on the logged-in user with our current architecture.
We have redux with #reduxjs/toolkit & react-redux as our state management tool.
We use axios to make HTTP requests via redux-thunk actions.
And now we have a part of our application that allows users to signup/login with Auth0.
So, an example of our problem.
Currently our redux store is setup with some reducers
/* eslint-disable import/no-cycle */
import { configureStore } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
const createStore = (initialState?: any) => {
return configureStore({
reducer: {
// reducers are here
middleware: [thunk],
preloadedState: initialState,
export default createStore;
Then we attached that to a Provider at the base of our application
import React from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import createStore from '../store/createStore';
const App = () => {
return (
<Provider store={createStore()}>
export default App;
We have an axios instance function that uses axios to make HTTP requests and handles errors.
import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
import { getAuthSignature } from '../utils/auth';
export const API_URL = process.env.API_HOST;
const axiosInstance = async <T = any>(requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<AxiosResponse<T>> => {
const { token } = await getAuthSignature();
// I need to access auth0 data here
const { getAccessTokenSilently, isAuthenticated, isLoading, loginWithRedirect, user } = auth0;
if (!token) {
const tokenErr = {
title: 'Error',
message: 'Missing Authentication Token',
success: false,
throw tokenErr;
try {
let accessToken = token;
// Update authorization token if auth0 user
if(auth0) {
if(isAuthenticcation && user) accessToken = await getAccessTokenSilently({ audience });
else loginWithRedirect();
const result = await axios({
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
return result;
} catch (error: any) {
if (error.response) {
if ([401, 403].includes(error.response.status)) {
window.location = '/';
const contentType = error?.response?.headers?.['content-type'];
const isHTMLRes = contentType && contentType.indexOf('text/html') !== -1;
const errObj = {
status: error?.response?.status,
statusText: error?.response?.statusText,
errorMessage: isHTMLRes && error?.response?.text && (await error?.response?.text()),
throw errObj;
throw error;
export default axiosInstance;
This in an example of a thunk action, we would have something like this that uses the axios instance mentioned above to make the HTTP requests.
import axios, { API_URL } from '../../services/axios';
import { Result } from '../../types/test';
import { AppThunk } from '../../store/store';
import { setResults, setResultsLoading, setTableLoading } from './test.slice';
type DefaultThunk = () => AppThunk<Promise<void>>;
const getResults: DefaultThunk = () => async () => {
try {
const result = await axios<Result[]>(
method: 'GET',
url: `${API_URL}/test`,
} catch (err: any) {
console.log({ err });
} finally {
export default getResults;
We then dispatch our thunk actions to make HTTP requests and update reducer states in our React components.
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import getResults from '../../reducers/test/test.thunk';
const TestComponent = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
export default TestComponent;
My problem is that I have no idea how to integrate Auth0 gracefully into the current flow, so I do not have to make checks in every react component that uses a thunk action.
Basically I need access to values within the useAuth0 hook from #auth0/auth0-react for example getAccessTokenSilently, isAuthenticated, user & loginWithRedirect. Just to name a few.
We can't use the useAuth0 hook in the axios instance file, as it's not a react component/hook, nor is the thunk file.
So I'm not sure how and where the best place is to get the data so that it is accessible in the axios file, as aforementioned without having to pass it as an argument or something in every redux thunk action.
Perhaps we just need a different approach to the current flow of dispatch > action > axios request?
Is there any way to pass this data in as middleware to redux?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't believe you'd be able to use a middleware to "sniff" out the auth0 context value because middlewares run outside React. What I'd suggest here is to create a wrapper component that sits between the Auth0Provider and redux Provider components that accesses the auth0 context and dispatches an action to save it into the redux state where it can be selected via useSelector or accessed directly from store.getState().
Fortunately it appears the auth0 context value is already memoized here so it should be able to be directly consumed as a stable reference within the app.
Rough Example:
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { useAuth0 } from '#auth0/auth0-react';
import { actions } from '../path/to/auth0Slice';
const Auth0Wrapper = ({ children }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const auth0 = useAuth0();
useEffect(() => {
}, [auth0]);
return children;
Create and export the store for consumption within the app.
import { configureStore } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import auth0Reducer from '../path/to/auth0Slice';
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
auth0: auth0Reducer,
... other root state reducers ...
const createStore = (initialState?: any) => {
return configureStore({
reducer: rootReducer,
middleware: [thunk],
preloadedState: initialState,
export default createStore;
import Auth0Wrapper from '../path/to/Auth0Wrapper';
import createStore from '../path/to/store';
const store = createStore();
const App = () => {
return (
<Auth0Provider ......>
<Provider store={store}>
// ... JSX ...
export store;
export default App;
Create a new Auth0 state slice.
import { createSlice } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
const auth0Slice = createSlice({
name: 'auth0',
initialState: {},
reducers: {
setAuthContext: (state, action) => {
return action.payload;
export const actions = {
export default auth0Slice.reducer;
From here you can import the exported store object and access the current state inside the axios setup.
import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
import store from '../path/to/App';
import { getAuthSignature } from '../utils/auth';
export const API_URL = process.env.API_HOST;
const axiosInstance = async <T = any>(requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<AxiosResponse<T>> => {
const { token } = await getAuthSignature();
const { auth0 } = store.getState(); // <-- access current state from store
const {
} = auth0;
The hook methods are great if you're not using redux, but since you are, the recommended approach is to use the spa js library -
Here's a code example for a rest call:
document.getElementById('call-api').addEventListener('click', async () => {
const accessToken = await auth0.getTokenSilently();
const result = await fetch('', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`
const data = await result.json();
This is easily adaptable to thunks, in your case, inside of your axios instance ie:
const axiosInstance = async <T = any>(requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<AxiosResponse<T>> => {
const accessToken = await auth0.getTokenSilently();
// handle token and request
The auth0 with hooks is more like a convenience library, but it's built on top of spa js.

Apollo GraphQL react client: subscription

I was trying to make a little demo with GraphQL subscriptions and GraphQL Apollo client.
I already have my GraphQL API, but when I try to use Apollo client, it looks like it doesn't complete the websocket subscribe step:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, ApolloProvider, gql, useQuery } from '#apollo/client';
import { split, HttpLink } from '#apollo/client';
import { getMainDefinition } from '#apollo/client/utilities';
import { GraphQLWsLink } from '#apollo/client/link/subscriptions';
import { createClient } from 'graphql-ws';
import { useSubscription } from '#apollo/react-hooks'
import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: 'https://mygraphql.api'
const wsLink = new GraphQLWsLink(createClient({
url: 'wss://mygraphql.api',
options: {
reconnect: true
const splitLink = split(
({ query }) => {
const definition = getMainDefinition(query);
return (
definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition' &&
definition.operation === 'subscription'
const client = new ApolloClient({
link: splitLink,
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
fetchOptions: {
mode: 'no-cors',
onFamilyCreated {
function LastFamily() {
const { loading, error, data } = useSubscription(FAMILIES_SUBSCRIPTION, {
variables: { },
onData: data => console.log('new data', data)
if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) return <div>Error!</div>;
const family = data.onFamilyCreated[0];
return (
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
(<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<LastFamily />
According to graphql-transport-ws, to accomplish a success call, it should call connection_init and subscribe message. But when I open Dev Tools, it only sends "connection_init"
I'm expecting this output:
What step should I add to accomplish a successful call using graphql-transport-ws?
P.s. I'm not a React Developer, just be kind.
The solutions I'm putting up are based on #apollo/server v.4, with expressMiddleware and mongodb/mongoose on the backend and subscribeToMore with updateQuery on the client-side instead of useSubscription hook. In light of my observations, I believe there may be some issues with your backend code that require refactoring. The transport library graphql-transport-ws has been deprecated and advise to use graphql-ws. The following setup also applies as of 12.2022.
Subscription on the backend
Install the following dependencies.
$ npm i #apollo/server #graphql-tools/schema graphql-subscriptions graphql-ws ws cors body-parser mongoose graphql express
Set up the db models, I will refer to mongodb using mongoose and it might look like this one e.g.
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
const Schema = mongoose.Schema
const model = mongoose.model
const FamilySchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
unique: true, //optional
trim: true,
FamilySchema.virtual('id').get(function () {
return this._id.toHexString()
FamilySchema.set('toJSON', {
virtuals: true,
transform: (document, retObj) => {
delete retObj.__v
const FamilyModel = model('FamilyModel', FamilySchema)
export default FamilyModel
Setup schema types & resolvers; it might look like this one e.g.
// typeDefs.js
const typeDefs = `#graphql
type Family {
id: ID!
name: String!
type Query {
families: [Family]!
family(familyId: ID!): Family!
type Mutation {
createFamily(name: String): Family
type Subscription {
familyCreated: Family
// resolvers.js
import { PubSub } from 'graphql-subscriptions'
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'
import FamilyModel from '../models/Family.js'
const pubsub = new PubSub()
const Family = FamilyModel
const resolvers = {
Query: {
families: async () => {
try {
const families = await Family.find({})
return families
} catch (error) {
family: async (parent, args) => {
const family = await Family.findById(args.familyId)
return family
Mutation: {
createFamily: async (_, args) => {
const family = new Family({ ...args })
try {
const savedFamily = await
const createdFamily = {
// resolvers for backend family subscription with object iterator FAMILY_ADDED
pubsub.publish('FAMILY_CREATED', { familyCreated: createdFamily })
return family
} catch (error) {
Subscription: {
familyCreated: {
subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator('FAMILY_CREATED'),
Family: {
id: async (parent, args, contextValue, info) => {
name: async (parent) => {
export default resolvers
At the main entry server file (e.g. index.js) the code might look like this one e.g.
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
import { ApolloServer } from '#apollo/server'
import { expressMiddleware } from '#apollo/server/express4'
import { ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer } from '#apollo/server/plugin/drainHttpServer'
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '#graphql-tools/schema'
import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws'
import { useServer } from 'graphql-ws/lib/use/ws'
import express from 'express'
import http from 'http'
import cors from 'cors'
import bodyParser from 'body-parser'
import typeDefs from './schema/tpeDefs.js'
import resolvers from './schema/resolvers.js'
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
mongoose.set('strictQuery', false)
let db_uri
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
db_uri = process.env.MONGO_DEV
() => {
console.log('Database connected')
(err) => {
const startGraphQLServer = async () => {
const app = express()
const httpServer = http.createServer(app)
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers })
const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({
server: httpServer,
path: '/',
const serverCleanup = useServer({ schema }, wsServer)
const server = new ApolloServer({
plugins: [
ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer({ httpServer }),
async serverWillStart() {
return {
async drainServer() {
await serverCleanup.dispose()
await server.start()
const PORT = 4000
httpServer.listen(PORT, () =>
console.log(`Server is now running on http://localhost:${PORT}`)
Subscription on the CRA frontend
Install the following dependencies.
$ npm i #apollo/client graphql graphql-ws
General connection setup e.g.
// src/client.js
import { ApolloClient, HttpLink, InMemoryCache, split } from '#apollo/client'
import { getMainDefinition } from '#apollo/client/utilities'
import { defaultOptions } from './graphql/defaultOptions'
import { GraphQLWsLink } from '#apollo/client/link/subscriptions'
import { createClient } from 'graphql-ws'
const baseUri = process.env.REACT_APP_BASE_URI // for the client
const wsBaseUri = process.env.REACT_APP_WS_BASE_URI // for the backend as websocket
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: baseUri,
const wsLink = new GraphQLWsLink(
url: wsBaseUri
const splitLink = split(
({ query }) => {
const definition = getMainDefinition(query)
return (
definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition' &&
definition.operation === 'subscription'
const client = new ApolloClient({
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
link: splitLink,
export default client
// src/index.js
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import client from './client'
import { ApolloProvider } from '#apollo/client'
import App from './App'
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'))
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<App />
Define the operations types for the client: queries, mutation & subscription e.g.
// src/graphql.js
import { gql } from '#apollo/client'
// Queries
export const FAMILIES = gql`
query Families {
families {
export const FAMILY = gql`
query Family($familyId: ID) {
family {
// Mutation
export const CREATE_FAMILY = gql`
mutation createFamily($name: String!) {
createFamily(name: $name) {
// Subscription
export const FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION = gql`
subscription {
familyCreated {
Components, it might look like this one e.g.
Apollo's useQuery hook provides us with access to a function called subscribeToMore. This function can be destructured and used to act on new data that comes in via subscription. This has the result of rendering our app real-time.
The subscribeToMore function utilizes a single object as an argument. This object requires configuration to listen for and respond to subscriptions.
At the very least, we must pass a subscription document to the document key in this object. This is a GraphQL document in which we define our subscription.
We can a updateQuery field that can be used to update the cache, similar to how we would do in a mutation.
// src/components/CreateFamilyForm.js
import { useMutation } from '#apollo/client'
import { CREATE_FAMILY, FAMILIES } from '../graphql'
const [createFamily, { error, loading, data }] = useMutation(CREATE_FAMILY, {
refetchQueries: [{ query: FAMILIES }], // be sure to refetchQueries after mutation
// src/components/FamilyList.js
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { useQuery } from '#apollo/client'
import { Families, FAMILY_SUBSCRIPTION } from '../graphql'
const { cloneDeep, orderBy } = pkg
export const FamilyList = () => {
const [families, setFamilies] = useState([])
const { loading, error, data, subscribeToMore } = useQuery(Families)
useEffect(() => {
if (data?.families) {
setFamilies(cloneDeep(data?.families)) // if you're using lodash but it can be also setFamilies(data?.families)
}, [data?.families])
useEffect(() => {
updateQuery: (prev, { subscriptionData }) => {
if (! return prev
const newFamily =
if (!prev.families.find((family) => === {
return Object.assign({}, prev.families, {
families: [...prev.families, newFamily],
} else {
return prev
}, [subscribeToMore])
const sorted = orderBy(families, ['names'], ['desc']) // optional; order/sort the list
// map the sorted on the return statement
END. Hard-coding some of the default resolvers are useful for ensuring that the value that you expect will returned while avoiding the return of null values. Perhaps not in every case, but for fields that refer to other models or schema.
Happy coding!

GraphQL subscription isn't triggered after PubSub publish

I'm trying to create a basic subscriptions system using WebSockets, TypeGraphQL and Apollo Server. I've created the WS server and it seems to work correctly.
import express from 'express'
import cors from 'cors'
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-express'
import { ApolloServerPluginLandingPageGraphQLPlayground } from 'apollo-server-core'
import { buildSchema } from 'type-graphql'
import { MessageResolver } from './resolvers/messageResolver'
import { appDataSource } from './dataSource'
import { PubSub } from 'graphql-subscriptions'
import http from 'http'
import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws'
const main = async () => {
appDataSource.initialize().then(() => {
console.log("DataSource initialized.")
const app = express()
app.set('trust proxy', 1)
origin: process.env.CORS_ORIGIN,
credentials: true,
const schema = await buildSchema({
resolvers: [MessageResolver],
validate: false
const pubsub = new PubSub();
const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
plugins: [
context: ({ req, res }) => ({ req, res, pubsub }),
await apolloServer.start()
apolloServer.applyMiddleware({ app, cors: false })
const httpServer = http.createServer()
const wss = new WebSocketServer({
server: httpServer
httpServer.on('request', app);
httpServer.listen(5000, function () {
console.log(`http/ws server listening on 5000`);
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
console.log(`received: ${message}`);
answer: 42
main().catch((err) => {
Here are my subscription and my mutation:
#Root() message: string,
): string {
return message
#Mutation(() => Boolean)
async addNewComment(
#Arg("message") message: string,
#PubSub("NOTIFICATIONS") publish: Publisher<string>
) {
await Message.create({ message }).save()
await publish(message);
return true;
The problem I have is that when I use the mutation, the subscription should be triggered. This thing doesn't happen and I don't know why. Do you have any ideas?
Thank you!

Apollo graphql subscriptions, using the same endpoint for the graphql server and websocket endpoint

I was just wondering if there was any performance decrease or any disadvantage in using the same endpoint for the graphql endpoint and also for the WebSocket. You can see the sample code below.
import express = require("express");
import { ApolloServer } from "apollo-server-express";
import bodyParser from "body-parser";
import Knex from "knex";
import { execute, subscribe } from "graphql";
import { SubscriptionServer } from "subscriptions-transport-ws";
// graphql api
import api from "./api";
const { createServer } = require("http");
const app: express.Application = express();
const path = "/graphql";
const graphqlServer = new ApolloServer(api);
graphqlServer.applyMiddleware({ app, path });
const server = createServer(app);
server.listen(process.env.PORT, err => {
if (err) {
throw new Error(err);
new SubscriptionServer(
schema: api.schema
// same as the graphql endpoint
`the server is running at http://localhost:${process.env.PORT}/graphql`

Handling apollo graphql errors globally and render custom ErrorHandler component on error

Need to handle Apollo graphql errors globally in client side and render custom ErrorHandler component on error . So I used Apollo's afterware and apollo-link-error
import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client';
import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';
import { onError } from 'apollo-link-error'
const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: '/graphql' });
const logoutLink = onError(({ networkError }) => {
if (networkError.statusCode === 401) {
//need to dispatch a redux action so that ErrorHandler component renders
const client = new ApolloClient({
link: logoutLink.concat(httpLink),
My solution for this (which I guess, is not the correct approach)
import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client';
import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';
import { onError } from 'apollo-link-error';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import ErrorHandler from '../utils/ErrorHandler';
const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: '/graphql' });
const logoutLink = onError(({ networkError }) => {
if (networkError.statusCode === 401) {
const targetDiv = document.getElementById('serviceErrorHandler');
<ErrorHandler message={networkError.message}/>,
const client = new ApolloClient({
link: logoutLink.concat(httpLink),
Please suggest an approach for my scenario. Thanks in advance
Had this same problem, one solution we went with was making a function that returns onError and take a parameter (the store):
const errorHandler = store => onError((errors) => {
if (errors.networkError) {
And use it in a wrapper functions to pass in the store:
let apolloClient = null;
export const createApolloClient = (reduxStore) => {
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
const link = errorHandler(reduxStore).concat(otherLink);
apolloClient = new ApolloClient({ link });
return apolloClient;
export const getApolloClient = () => apolloClient;
