Uncaught (in promise) null anchor - invisible-recaptcha

I have the same error "Uncaught (in promise) null anchor" and can not submit for with "onSubmit". I using proggramatic execute. I already used in more then 10 form and today I has issue on two of 5 forms.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?

I found solution, link. So, if Submit button is type submit and name is submit, you prevent form from sending and then you want to trigger with .submit() form that cause error on my captcha.


why Oracle Apex stops working with Google captcha after migration from 4 to 19?

After migrating Oracle Apex from 4 to 19, google's catptcha service stopped working. When I try to log in, it gives the message ERR-1002 The item ID "g-recaptcha-response" could not be found. The validation with google seems to be ok, but Apex is not managing to handle the return.
I researched a lot but found only one topic on the subject, but there is no answer.
Does anyone have any idea what it might be?
Thank you!
We have the same error on APEX 19.2 and 20.1. It seems like APEX thinks the invisible g-recaptcha-response div added by the Google reCAPTCHA callback function is a page or application item.
We reached this conclusion because the debug log says "Unexpected error, unable to find item name at application or page level,” which is an error raised by "WWV_FLOW_META_DATA.FIND_ITEM_BY_NAME" from "WWV_FLOW.PARSE_PAGE_ITEMS_JSON_OBJECT."
This shows that g-recaptcha-response is being incorrectly passed as an application/page item on page submission and the internal APEX processing fails because it cannot find the item’s id.
We worked around this error by removing the g-recaptcha-response div before submitting the page. We concluded it was safe to do so after validating the client response against the Google API.
Try adding a true action to Execute JavaScript Code with $( "#g-recaptcha-response" ).remove(); before submitting your page. That should eliminate the error.

I am getting Ajax I/O error while clicking on any button, drop down in my script

The web application on which I am working has an authentication mechanism. To access this I need to provide some user id and pwd. After entering credentials when I try to select any drop down value or try to navigate to another page using pagination, getting Ajax I/O error with error code 502. Its not reproducible manually. Only via selenium script I am getting this error.
I have tried alert method, but its not useful. On this Ajax alert pop up I am getting only OK option on which if I tried to click its not selecting the desired value.
I want to select value from the drop down without any Ajax error.

Logging in returns undefined peekState error

We have a login screen that stays on screen in an Android Nativescript Angular app for many hours, and is used by employees to clock into work and clock out. Intermittently when someone enters their login credentials a "Cannot read property 'peekState' of undefined" error is returned instead of logging them in.
The only similar reference I found was someone who was using router-outlet instead of page-router-outlet tkMainContent, but that is not our problem. Any ideas on how to correct this problem?

Can you please identify in which case following error occurs in xamarin forms

I have created one xaml page with binding but at sometimes at time of page loading getting fallowing exception, it seems very strange.
Please suggest in which situation we can get this type of error.

CKEditor Error on Image Upload

I receive the following message when I select an image to upload and then click "send it to the Server":
Unable to get property 'setCustomData' of undefined or null reference.
I searched for CKEditor setcustomdata but came up with nothing...
Making an assumption that you are using the CKSource Image plugin. I received this error when I used the advice from this post about setting the default open tab to the Upload tab. I moved the this.selectPage('Upload'); into the onLoad event and no longer receive the error but it doesn't default the selected tab to upload on subsequent show events.
I hope this helps or at least gives you a direction to look.
