Including Spring Data breaks auto serialization in Spring Boot application - spring

I recently added Spring-data to my project and then I found that in my REST controllers, my models provided by clients were no longer being automatically serialized from JSON. How can I fix this?
I added:
and now the User param isn't having it's String arg constructor called and u is null!
public User createUser(HttpServletRequest request, #RequestParam("user") User u) {"Got user! " + u);;
Optional<User> found = users.findById(u.getEmail());"Saved user!! ");
return found.get();

If you build your .war with spring-data, run java -jar <path-to-war> --debug and then build it/run it without spring-data and diff the outputs, you can see that the following beans are included when spring-data is added.
SpringDataWebAutoConfiguration matched:
- #ConditionalOnClass found required classes '', 'org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer' (OnClassCondition)
- found ConfigurableWebEnvironment (OnWebApplicationCondition)
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (types:; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
SpringDataWebAutoConfiguration#pageableCustomizer matched:
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (types:; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
SpringDataWebAutoConfiguration#sortCustomizer matched:
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (types:; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
This is because Spring data exposes REST controllers that link to your data repositories as mentioned here: and this breaks the default auto-configurations for serializing objects passed to REST controllers.
Simply exclude the auto configuration and your existing auto serialization will work:
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = { SpringDataWebAutoConfiguration.class })
public class MyApplication{
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


Spring autoconfigurations, #ConditionalOnBean with a #Repository

I have a starter module which expose a marker interface along with some repository:
interface AwesomeRepo
internal interface FakeRepository: Repository<JPAStub, String>, AwesomeRepo {
fun count(): Long
class JPAStub(#Id val name: String)
#Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackageClasses = [FakeRepository::class])
#EntityScan(basePackageClasses = [FakeRepository::class])
class AwesomePersistenceAutoConfiguration
In another module, I have an auto configuration which depends on the AwesomeRepo to instantiate the AwesomeApplicationService
#Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
class AwesomeAutoConfiguration {
fun awesomeAppService(awesomeRepo: AwesomeRepo) =
I import both autoconfigure starters in a root project.
I observe:
AwesomeApplicationService cannot be instantiated because AwesomeRepo bean cannot be found
When enabling debug through debug=true:
AwesomeAutoConfiguration #awesomeAppService:
Did not match:
- #ConditionalOnBean (types: *****.AwesomeRepo; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans of type *******.AwesomeRepo(OnBeanCondition)
I tried adding #AutoConfigureOrder(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE) to AwesomePersistenceAutoConfiguration and #AutoConfigureOrder(Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE) to AwesomeAutoConfiguration. It did not change the issue
When I remove the #ConditionOnBean(AwesomeRepo::class), the AwesomeApplicationService is correctly instantiated with the repository and everything is fine.
Why does the #ConditionOnBean(AwesomeRepo::class) does not detect the AwesomeRepo bean?
EDIT: After more trials and errors, it seems order was causing the issue, applying accepted answer worked. If someone needs to go further there is a baseline of code illustrating the issue here: (accepted answer is on snic-answer branch)
AwesomeAutoConfiguration should be ordered after AwesomePersistenceAutoConfiguration so that the bean definitions for the repositories are processed before the condition kicks in.
There is a note in #ConditionalOnBean about this specifically:
The condition can only match the bean definitions that have been processed by the application context so far and, as such, it is strongly recommended to use this condition on auto-configuration classes only. If a candidate bean may be created by another auto-configuration, make sure that the one using this condition runs after.
You can use #AutoConfigureAfter(AwesomePersistenceAutoConfiguration.class) on AwesomeAutoConfiguration to order things properly.

Custom Auto Configuration in Spring Boot cannot find DataSource with ConditionalOnBean

I have a problem with Spring Boot version 2.0.1.RELEASE (in Spring Boot 2.0.0.RELEASE the below configuration worked nice).
Could somebody help me out please why this configuration is not working?
I have this configuration and this config did not match the ConditionalOnBean condition.
The AutoConfigureOrder / Order / AutoConfigureAfter seems that doesn't have any effect.
#ConditionalOnClass({DataSource.class, JpaRepository.class})
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "", name = "enabled", havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing = true)
public class MyJpaAuditAutoConfiguration {
public MyTransactionHelper transactionHelper() {
return new MyTransactionHelper();
In spring.factories I have:
Application start output for this configuration:
DataSourceAutoConfiguration matched:
- #ConditionalOnClass found required classes 'javax.sql.DataSource', 'org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseType'; #ConditionalOnMissingClass did not find unwanted class (OnClassCondition)
Did not match:
- #ConditionalOnBean (types: javax.sql.DataSource; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans of type javax.sql.DataSource (OnBeanCondition)
- #ConditionalOnClass found required classes 'javax.sql.DataSource', ''; #ConditionalOnMissingClass did not find unwanted class (OnClassCondition)
- #ConditionalOnProperty ( matched (OnPropertyCondition)
In my opinion, the config class is evaluated before DataSourceAutoConfiguration and that's the reason why the bean cannot be found.
Other configs like DataSourceHealthIndicatorAutoConfiguration found the bean.
DataSourceHealthIndicatorAutoConfiguration matched:
- #ConditionalOnClass found required classes 'org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate', 'org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup.AbstractRoutingDataSource'; #ConditionalOnMissingClass did not find unwanted class (OnClassCondition)
- #ConditionalOnEnabledHealthIndicator is considered true (OnEnabledHealthIndicatorCondition)
- #ConditionalOnBean (types: javax.sql.DataSource; SearchStrategy: all) found bean 'dataSource' (OnBeanCondition)
After spring boot upgrade to version 2.1.2.RELEASE it was solved automatically.
(I renamed some classes in the answer)
So in Spring Boot version 2.1.2.RELEASE:
#ConditionalOnClass({DataSource.class, JpaRepository.class})
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "", name = "enabled", havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing = true)
public class JpaTransactionHelperAutoConfiguration {
public TransactionHelper transactionHelper() {
return new TransactionHelper();
NOTE: by removing the #AutoConfigureAfter(DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class) it won't work in Spring Boot version 2.1.2.RELEASE.
In Spring Boot version 2.0.1.RELEASE I just removed the ConditionalOnBean annotation:
#ConditionalOnClass({DataSource.class, JpaRepository.class})
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "", name = "enabled", havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing = true)
public class JpaTransactionHelperAutoConfiguration {
public TransactionHelper transactionHelper() {
return new TransactionHelper();

Kafka configuration for Spring Integration on Spring Boot

I have a working prototype Spring Boot application which listens on a Kafka queue. Apart from the configuration in application.yml, all that is required is a MessageListener implementation annotated with #KafkaListener.
Am now introducing Spring Integration, and to do so have configured these beans:
public KafkaMessageDrivenChannelAdapter<String, String>
adapter(KafkaMessageListenerContainer<String, String> container) {
KafkaMessageDrivenChannelAdapter<String, String> kafkaMessageDrivenChannelAdapter =
new KafkaMessageDrivenChannelAdapter<>(container);
return kafkaMessageDrivenChannelAdapter;
public KafkaMessageListenerContainer<String, String> container() throws Exception {
ContainerProperties properties = new ContainerProperties(this.topic);
// set more properties
return new KafkaMessageListenerContainer<>(consumerFactory(), properties);
public ConsumerFactory<String, String> consumerFactory() {
Map<String, Object> props = ...; // set proerties
return new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(props);
The application is not starting, and is throwing this error:
Parameter 1 of method kafkaListenerContainerFactory in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.kafka.KafkaAnnotationDrivenConfiguration required a bean of type 'org.springframework.kafka.core.ConsumerFactory' that could not be found.
- Bean method 'kafkaConsumerFactory' in 'KafkaAutoConfiguration' not loaded because #ConditionalOnMissingBean (types: org.springframework.kafka.core.ConsumerFactory; SearchStrategy: all) found bean 'consumerFactory'
Consider revisiting the conditions above or defining a bean of type 'org.springframework.kafka.core.ConsumerFactory' in your configuration.
This is even though I have defined a ConsumerFactory bean.
Running in debug mode, it is apparent that Boot is loading a KafkaListenerEndpointContainer bean to listen on the broker:
[org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#0-0-C-1] o.a.k.c.c.internals.AbstractCoordinator : Discovered coordinator localhost:9092 (id: 2147483999 rack: null) for group my_group.
KafkaAnnotationDrivenConfiguration matched:
- #ConditionalOnClass found required class 'org.springframework.kafka.annotation.EnableKafka'; #ConditionalOnMissingClass did not find unwanted class (OnClassCondition)
KafkaAnnotationDrivenConfiguration#kafkaListenerContainerFactory matched:
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (names: kafkaListenerContainerFactory; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
KafkaAnnotationDrivenConfiguration#kafkaListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer matched:
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (types: org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.kafka.ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
KafkaAnnotationDrivenConfiguration.EnableKafkaConfiguration matched:
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (names: org.springframework.kafka.config.internalKafkaListenerAnnotationProcessor; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
KafkaAutoConfiguration matched:
- #ConditionalOnClass found required class 'org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate'; #ConditionalOnMissingClass did not find unwanted class (OnClassCondition)
KafkaAutoConfiguration#kafkaProducerFactory matched:
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (types: org.springframework.kafka.core.ProducerFactory; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
KafkaAutoConfiguration#kafkaProducerListener matched:
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (types:; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
KafkaAutoConfiguration#kafkaTemplate matched:
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (types: org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
I think what is happening is that the Spring Boot\Kafa auto configuration is clashing with the Spring Integration\Kafka setup. What is the correct way to resolve this?
You can either use Boot's Consumer factory...
public KafkaMessageListenerContainer<String, String> container(ConsumerFactory<String, String> cf) {
Or disable kafka auto configuration
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = KafkaAutoConfiguration.class)

FlywayAutoConfiguration doesn't "see" data source

Using spring boot 2.0.0.M5 with web starter and flywaydb on the classpath.
The auto-configuration debug output on one hand shows there's a data source configured as expected:
DataSourceAutoConfiguration matched:
- #ConditionalOnClass found required classes 'javax.sql.DataSource', 'org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.EmbeddedDatabaseType'; #ConditionalOnMissingClass did not find unwanted class (OnClassCondition)
DataSourceAutoConfiguration.PooledDataSourceConfiguration matched:
- AnyNestedCondition 1 matched 1 did not; NestedCondition on DataSourceAutoConfiguration.PooledDataSourceCondition.PooledDataSourceAvailable PooledDataSource found supported DataSource; NestedCondition on DataSourceAutoConfiguration.PooledDataSourceCondition.ExplicitType #ConditionalOnProperty (spring.datasource.type) did not find property 'type' (DataSourceAutoConfiguration.PooledDataSourceCondition)
- #ConditionalOnMissingBean (types: javax.sql.DataSource,javax.sql.XADataSource; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans (OnBeanCondition)
DataSourceConfiguration.Hikari matched:
- #ConditionalOnClass found required class 'com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource'; #ConditionalOnMissingClass did not find unwanted class (OnClassCondition)
- #ConditionalOnProperty (spring.datasource.type=com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource) matched (OnPropertyCondition)
On the other hand, the auto-config fails to configure FlywayAutoConfiguration due to "missing (?!)" data source:
Did not match:
- #ConditionalOnBean (types: javax.sql.DataSource; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans of type javax.sql.DataSource (OnBeanCondition)
- #ConditionalOnClass found required class 'org.flywaydb.core.Flyway'; #ConditionalOnMissingClass did not find unwanted class (OnClassCondition)
- #ConditionalOnProperty (spring.flyway.enabled) matched (OnPropertyCondition)
Any suggestions how to fix (or at least further debug) this will be greatly appreciated!
Same problem with Spring Boot 2.0.2.
I don't really why it don't see it, but when manually instanciating the dataSource fixed it :
public DataSource dataSource(//
#Value("${spring.datasource.url}") String url, //
#Value("${spring.datasource.username}") String username, //
#Value("${spring.datasource.password}") String password, //
#Value("${spring.datasource.driver-class}") String driver, //
#Value("${spring.datasource.hikari.connection-timeout:30}") Long timeout, //
#Value("${spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size:20}") Integer maxPoolSize ) {
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
return new HikariDataSource(config);
To make flyway migration work on spring boot application start you need following:
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jooq'
implementation 'org.flywaydb:flyway-core'
implementation 'mysql:mysql-connector-java'
password: mypass
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database
username: myuser
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
`name` varchar(20),
`email` varchar(50),
`date_of_birth` timestamp
Jooq brings in dependencies such spring-boot-starter-jdbc and com.zaxxer:HikariCP (connection pooling), this makes spring detect datasource and inject flyway initialisation.

spring-boot-starter can not find beans

I have a autoconfiguration class SFConfig that defines the following beans
#ConditionalOnBean(value = SalesforceClientConfig.class)
SalesforceClient sfClient(SalesforceClientConfig sfConfig){
return SalesforceRestClient.from(sfConfig);
//#ConditionalOnBean(value = Authentication.class)
SalesforceClientConfig sfClientConfig(Authentication sfAuthentication){
return DefaultSalesforceClientConfig.builder()
As evident sfClient bean should be created because SalesforceClientConfig is created. But it throws an exception:
Bean method 'sfClient' in 'SFConfig' not loaded because #ConditionalOnBean (types: com.ondeck.salesforceclient.SalesforceClientConfig; SearchStrategy: all) did not find any beans
This weird because this is an autoconfiguration class and it should find that bean. Any thoughts?
Here is how I have defined my autoconfiguration classes in the file:
According to Annotation Type ConditionalOnBean, it's recommended to use #ConditionalOnBean annotation in the auto configuration classes annotated with #EnableAutoConfiguration.
So probably you have not properly defined auto configuration class.
