issue with circuit breaker and AbstractCloudConfig when upgrading to spring boot 2.0.3 - spring-boot

Currently we are upgrading our app to use spring boot 2.0.3.
The app is deployed to PCF and uses circuit breaker, also we use AbstractCloudConfig in our code in order to initialize a session and retrieve the properties for cassandra from the user provided service.
We noticed that when checking the health using actuator/health , rabbit fails and the cause is due to connection refused.
It's trying to connect to localhost instead of the host provided by the rabbit service in pcf.
After testing and debugging the app , we came to a conclusion that the issue is due to AbstractCloudConfig.
In order to verify this conclusion , we created a demo app that uses circuit breaker and also AbstractCloudConfig and we noticed the same issue, When we removed the use of AbstractCloudConfig everything was fine.
Is there a different way to use AbstractCloudConfig in spring boot 2.0.3 or this is an issue?
${spring.boot.version} = 2.0.3.RELEASE
Dependencies in pom.xml:
CloudCassandraConnectionConfig class:
public class CloudCassandraConnectionConfig extends AbstractCloudConfig


Unable to start Spring boot 2.3.2 in k8s pods

I am not getting any error while running in local.
But when I deploy to the k8s cluster sometimes it fails to start the application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
AWS Resell Data Report Service
This project is for AWS Resell Reporting API
<!-- -->
2021-02-17 05:29:58 - To enable URLs as dynamic configuration sources, define System property archaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls or make available on classpath.
2021-02-17 05:29:58 - No URLs will be polled as dynamic configuration sources.
2021-02-17 05:29:58 - To enable URLs as dynamic configuration sources, define System property archaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls or make available on classpath.
2021-02-17 05:30:00 - Initializing ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'
2021-02-17 05:30:04 - Shutting down ExecutorService
This is a simple spring boot project. Which consume the data from Kafka and RMQ messaging server. It does some processing and sends it to the downstream system.
I tested the code and run the docker container on my local machine. It does not give any error.
I modified the machine specification(increase CPU and Memory) mentioned in the helm chart config file and redeployed it. After that, it started working. Haven't face any issue till now.

Executing spring web client causing DeferringLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction non qualifying bean exception

I have created spring boot project with Spring WebFlux. Idea is to learn the Spring WebClient and related stuff. On start of application, I am getting below error
Error creating bean with name 'loadBalancerWebClientBuilderBeanPostProcessor' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/cloud/client/loadbalancer/reactive/LoadBalancerBeanPostProcessorAutoConfiguration.class]:
Unsatisfied dependency expressed through method 'loadBalancerWebClientBuilderBeanPostProcessor' parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type '<?>' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate.
Dependency annotations: {}
I have dependencies like spring-cloud-dependencies/spring-boot-starter*/spring-cloud-context in my maven dependencies. Error just giving information that DeferrringLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction is not available, I have tried to inject it using #Bean in my configuration class. But error still persists. Please advice
Posting dependencies in pom.xml
<!-- 3rd Party Dependencies -->
<!--Dependency for registering your app as a Spring Boot Admin Client-->
<!--spring dependencies-->
<!--swagger dependency-->
<!--3rd party dependencies-->
Please note that i use feign client as well as web client in my code. Not sure whether that has an impact
Adding dependency to helped in my case, as adviced by #OlgaMaciaszek
Looks like I faced the problem with similar root cause.
To use Spring Cloud with Spring Boot you have to respect versions compatibility.
I had a project based on Spring Boot (2.3.12.RELEASE) and Spring Cloud (Hoxton.SR11) which is fine.
But I also tried to use the latest version of com.playtika.reactivefeign:feign-reactive:3.0.3 which actually relies on Spring Cloud (2020.0.x)
As a result I've faced the same error
Error creating bean with name 'loadBalancerWebClientBuilderBeanPostProcessor'`
In my case I've downgraded reactivefeign version to 2.0.31
I have resolved this by removing unnecessary dependency which was causing issues for this issue that is :
'' that could not be found.

Error starting Spring Cloud Stream with Kinesis

I'm trying to start a new sample project using for process Kinesis Stream but I'm getting the following error:
Exception in thread "-kinesis-consumer-1" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: logger
And those are my pom dependencies:
The sample code of Spring Cloud with Kinesis is outdated, so I tried use newest dependencies.
Anyway, someone can help?
You probably try to use the latest Spring Boot 2.4.x which brings for us Spring Integration 5.4 already. And this one is not compatible with the latest Spring Integration AWS, which is still based on the Spring Integration 5.3.x.
Let's see if you still can stick with Spring Boot 2.3.x!

use Zipkin+ElasticSearch+Sleuth+rabbitMQ can't find "services"

SpringCloud version:Dalston.SR1,
rabbitMQ version:3.6.10,ElasticSearch version:6.2.4
There was nothing unusual when I use MySQL as a storage.
Now I use ElasticSearch.I can't find any services.
I lost something?
here is the picture:
spring.sleuth.sampler.percentage=1.0 = elasticsearch
You're using an ancient version of Sleuth, can you please upgrade? Why do you provide Zipkin's version manually? Also as far as I see you're using the Sleuth's Zipkin server (that is deprecated in Edgware and removed in Finchley). My suggestion is that you stop using the Sleuth's Stream server (you can read more about this here
<dependencyManagement> (1)
<dependency> (2)
<dependency> (3)
1) In order not to pick versions by yourself it’s much better if you add the dependency management via the Spring BOM
2) Add the dependency to spring-cloud-starter-zipkin - that way all dependent dependencies will be downloaded
3) To automatically configure rabbit, simply add the spring-rabbit dependency

Netflix OSS Eureka Spring boot 2.0 app on K8s returning name instead of ip address

I am trying to deploy a spring boot netflix OSS discovery server on kubernetes. The server deploys fine and my apps register with the server and I even get an instance url back when I query the using the Eureka client.
private EurekaClient discoveryClient;
public String serviceUrl() {
return getUrlFromEureka();
private String getUrlFromEureka() {
InstanceInfo instance = discoveryClient.getNextServerFromEureka("DEMO-SERVER", false);
return instance.getHomePageUrl();
This returns a url like this http://demo-server-86c7cd568-xzzgt:8080/
This returns the name of the pod and the ports it is on so I try to query this to get response from the server but it times out.
This is the method I use
public String getFromDemoServer(){
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
return restTemplate.getForObject(getUrlFromEureka(), String.class);
I deploy the discovery server and the spring boot apps to the same k8's environment.
Here is my bootstrap.yml for eureka server.
Here is a screen shot of the eureka server running in k8's.
This is all running in my local minikube environment.
Thanks for any help that I receive.
Here is the dependencies for my client
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
Here are the dependencies for the Eureka server
The issue is by default the client prefers the hostname and not the ip. You can override that with a spring property.
eureka.instance.prefer-ip-address= true.
This worked perfect for my use case.
