Cannot use a pool after calling end on the pool TypeORM queryBuilder - query-builder

I am trying out some stuff with the TypeORM querybuilder. However after running the code shown below I keep getting the error
(node:25699) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 3): Error: Cannot use a pool after calling end on the pool
If it matters if I add the user relation first or the location relation, because the one that goes first gets added as a relation as expected. The one after that keeps throwing the error.
userIds.forEach(async (userId, i) => {
await getConnection()
.relation(Pin, "user")
await getConnection()
.relation(Pin, "location")

I solved the problem by doing creating a connection only once and making the relations with that connection.
const connection = await getConnection();
userIds.forEach(async (userId, i) => {
.relation(Pin, "user")
.relation(Pin, "location")


ThrottlerGuard not working on Websocket in Nestjs

I'm creating an application that is using Nestjs with websockets, but now I need to add rate limit on the sockets, but analyzing the documentation documentation link and implementing what it says in it, when I use #UseGuards(MyGuard) an error occurs in the application.
My Guard:
export class NewThrottlerGuard extends ThrottlerGuard {
protected async handleRequest(
context: ExecutionContext,
limit: number,
ttl: number,
): Promise<boolean> {
const client = context.switchToWs().getClient();
const ip = client.conn.remoteAddress;
const key = this.generateKey(context, ip);
const ttls = await this.storageService.getRecord(key);
if (ttls.length >= limit) {
throw new ThrottlerException();
await this.storageService.addRecord(key, ttl);
return true;
#ConnectedSocket() client: Socket,
#MessageBody() message: string,
) {
client.rooms.forEach((room) => {
if (room !== {'message', message);
Error in console:
throw new InvalidDecoratorItemException(decorator, item,;
Error: Invalid guard passed to #UseGuards() decorator (ChatGateway).
at validateEach
The file in: #nestjs/common/utils/validate-each.util.js:22
function validateEach(context, arr, predicate, decorator, item) {
if (!context || ! {
return true;
console.log(context, arr)
const errors = arr.some(str => !predicate(str));
if (errors) {
throw new InvalidDecoratorItemException(decorator, item,;
return true;
i put some console.log then in the terminal it show:
[Function: ChatGateway] [ undefined ]
In Github Throttler documentation they say: You cannot bind the guard with APP_GUARD or app.useGlobalGuards() due to how Nest binds global guards.
So, im using #UseGuards()
The guard itself was written correctly, but it was put in a location that importing it made a circular reference between files, so when #UseGuards() was used it became #UseGuards(undefined) which caused the cryptic error message. Moving the guard to a dedicated file will fix the error
I follow your github reference settings and it doesn't work,The following is my code, where is my setting wrong, and the request to ws is not intercepted(In the handleRequest method)

Mysterious timeout when connecting to neptune db

I'm getting this error message when trying to connect to a aws neptune db from a lambda:
2022-05-05T18:36:04.114Z e0c9ee4c-0e1d-49c7-ad05-d8bab79d3ea6 WARN Determining whether retriable error: Server error: {
"requestId": "some value",
"code": "TimeLimitExceededException",
"detailedMessage": "A timeout occurred within the script or was otherwise cancelled directly during evaluation of [some value]"
} (598)
The timeout happens consistently after 20s.
It's not clear what's causing this. Things I've tried:
increasing the lambda memory in case it's just a hardware problem, but no luck
increasing neptune query timeout from 20s to 60s, but the request still times out at 20s.
This is the code of the lambda that tries to initialize the connection:
import { driver, structure } from 'gremlin';
import { getUrlAndHeaders } from 'gremlin-aws-sigv4/lib/utils';
const getConnectionDetails = () => {
if (process.env['USE_IAM'] == 'true') {
return getUrlAndHeaders(
} else {
const database_url =
'wss://' +
process.env['CLUSTER_ENDPOINT'] +
':' +
process.env['CLUSTER_PORT'] +
return { url: database_url, headers: {} };
const getConnection = () => {
const { url, headers } = getConnectionDetails();
const c = new driver.DriverRemoteConnection(url, {
mimeType: 'application/vnd.gremlin-v2.0+json',
headers: headers,
c._client._connection.on('close', (code, message) => {`close - ${code} ${message}`);
if (code == 1006) {
console.error('Connection closed prematurely');
throw new Error('Connection closed prematurely');
return c;
This was working previously using more powerful hardware (r4.2xlarge) for the neptune db, but I changed that t3.medium to minimize cost and it seems that's when the problem started. But I find it hard to believe that this hardware change alone would cause the connection to timeout, and it's odd that it continues to timeout at exactly 20s. Any ideas?
Once parameter group values are changed, the instance you are connecting to still needs to be restarted for them to take effect. You can do this:
From the AWS Console (web page) for Neptune
From the CLI using aws neptune reboot-db-instance

AWS Websocket doesnt receive previous message until new message is sent

Most of the time the messages are passed normally, but a couple messages in particular arent recieved until the recieving client sends a message. This happens everytime for specific methods/messages, but not at all for others.
Example: user1 sends a message, user2 then sends a message to receive message from user1.
Related Material
Deleted question: websocket receives previous message only when new message is sent
Github issue: webSocket client does not receive messages before sending...
We ran into this issue and the solution had to do with how we wrote our promises. We initially used the sample code provided by Amazon
const postCalls = ({ connectionId }) => {
try {
await apigwManagementApi.postToConnection({ ConnectionId: connectionId, Data: postData }).promise();
} catch (e) {
if (e.statusCode === 410) {
console.log(`Found stale connection, deleting ${connectionId}`);
await ddb.delete({ TableName: TABLE_NAME, Key: { connectionId } }).promise();
} else {
throw e;
And I'm pretty sure having an async function as a map function doesn't work properly or reliably (for whatever reason. maybe this is documented somewhere), so we changed it to a simple for loop and it fixed the issue.
for(const connection of connectionData.Items) {
const connectionId = connection.connectionId;
...same logic goes here

REST API insert is not working using node-oracledb

I try to make RESTFUL API with node js and oracle database for my first time
I make a table in the database named "EMPLOYEES" and I add some data there
I make my backend file and I try to get the information in the database and it's worked successfuly
but when I try to make POST to add a new employee I don't get an error and the employee is not added to the database
when I try to test it with POSTMAN I got this result a null object like this {}
I know that I'm missing something
const express = require('express')
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const bodyPerser=require("body-parser")
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
var password = 'mypassword';
async function selectAllEmployees(req, res) {
try {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection({
user: "system",
password: password,
connectString: "localhost:1521/XE"
console.log('connected to database');
// run query to get all employees
result = await connection.execute(`SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES`);
} catch (err) {
//send error message
return res.send(err.message);
} finally {
if (connection) {
try {
// Always close connections
await connection.close();
console.log('close connection success');
} catch (err) {
if (result.rows.length == 0) {
//query return zero employees
return res.send('query send no rows');
} else {
//send all employees
//return res.send(result.rows);
let list=[]
result.rows.forEach(element => {
let agent = {
"ID": element[0],
"EMPNAME": element[1],
"EMPLASTNAME": element[2],
return res.send(JSON.stringify(list));
//get /employess
app.get('/employees', function (req, res) {
selectAllEmployees(req, res);
//////////////////post//////////////////////"/addNewEmployee", async (req, res) => {
try {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection({
user: "system",
password: password,
connectString: "localhost:1521/XE"
console.log('connected to database');
// I don't know what i'm missing here
result=connection.execute(`INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES VALUES ('${req.body.ID}','${req.body.EMPNAME}','${req.body.EMPLASTNAME}','${req.body.AGE}')`);
} catch (err) {
//send error message
return res.send(err.message);
app.listen(port, () => console.log("nodeOracleRestApi app listening on port %s!", port))
Review node-oracledb examples and make sure you have basic techniques covered e.g. using bind variables. (The way you build your INSERT is open to SQL injection security attacks). Look at how webapp.js uses a connection pool - which you'll need if you have more than one person accessing your service.
Make sure you commit the data after inserting.
Add an 'await' before your connection.execute() for INSERT, something like:
result = await connection.execute(`INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES VALUES (:id, :empname, :emplastname, :age)`,
[req.body.ID, req.body.EMPNAME, req.body.EMPLASTNAME, req.body.AGE],
{autoCommit: true}
Do some debugging and see what is not working.
Avoid using SYSTEM for testing. Create a 'normal' (non privileged) user:
Finally check out this series on creating a REST service with node-oracledb:

.Net Core SignalR - connection timeout - heartbeat timer - connection state change handling

just to be clear up-front, this questions is about .Net Core SignalR, not the previous version.
The new SignalR has an issue with WebSockets behind IIS (I can't get them to work on Chrome/Win7/IIS express). So instead I'm using Server Sent Events (SSE).
However, the problem is that those time out after about 2 minutes, the connection state goes from 2 to 3. Automatic reconnect has been removed (apparently it wasn't working really well anyway in previous versions).
I'd like to implement a heartbeat timer now to stop clients from timing out, a tick every 30 seconds may well do the job.
Update 10 November
I have now managed to implement the server side Heartbeat, essentially taken from Ricardo Peres'
in startup.cs, add to public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
app.UseSignalR(routes =>
TimerCallback SignalRHeartBeat = async (x) => {
await serviceProvider.GetService<IHubContext<TheHubClass>>().Clients.All.InvokeAsync("Heartbeat", DateTime.Now); };
var timer = new Timer(SignalRHeartBeat).Change(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
For the HubClass, I have added public async Task HeartBeat(DateTime now) => await Clients.All.InvokeAsync("Heartbeat", now);
Obviously, both the timer, the data being sent (I'm just sending a DateTime) and the client method name can be different.
Update .Net Core 2.1+
See the comment below; the timer callback should no longer be used. I've now implemented an IHostedService (or rather the abstract BackgroundService) to do that:
public class HeartBeat : BackgroundService
private readonly IHubContext<SignalRHub> _hubContext;
public HeartBeat(IHubContext<SignalRHub> hubContext)
_hubContext = hubContext;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
await _hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("Heartbeat", DateTime.Now, stoppingToken);
await Task.Delay(30000, stoppingToken);
In your startup class, wire it in after services.AddSignalR();:
var connection = new signalR.HubConnection("/signalr", { transport: signalR.TransportType.ServerSentEvents });
connection.on("Heartbeat", serverTime => { console.log(serverTime); });
Remaining pieces of the initial question
What is left is how to properly reconnect the client, e.g. after IO was suspended (the browser's computer went to sleep, lost connection, changed Wifis or whatever)
I have implemented a client side Heartbeat that is working properly, at least until the connection breaks:
Hub Class: public async Task HeartBeatTock() => await Task.CompletedTask;
var heartBeatTockTimer;
function sendHeartBeatTock() {
connection.start().then(args => {
heartBeatTockTimer = setInterval(sendHeartBeatTock, 10000);
After the browser suspends IO for example, the invoke method would throw an exception - which cannot be caught by a simple try/catch because it is async.
What I tried to do for my HeartBeatTock was something like (pseudo-code):
function sendHeartBeatTock
try connection.invoke("HeartbeatTock)
catch exception
try connection.stop()
catch exception (and ignore it)
connection = new HubConnection().start()
repeat try connection.invoke("HeartbeatTock")
catch exception
log("restart did not work")
Now, this does not work for a few reasons. invoke throws the exception after the code block executes due to being run asynchronous. It looks as though it exposes a .catch() method, but I'm not sure how to implement my thoughts there properly.
The other reason is that starting a new connection would require me to re-implement all server calls like "connection.on("send"...) - which appears silly.
Any hints as to how to properly implement a reconnecting client would be much appreciated.
This is an issue when running SignalR Core behind IIS. IIS will close idle connections after 2 minutes. The long term plan is to add keep alive messages which, as a side effect, will prevent IIS from closing the connection. To work around the problem for now you can:
send periodically a message to the clients
change the idle-timeout setting in IIS as described here
restart the connection on the client side if it gets closed
use a different transport (e.g. long polling since you cannot use webSockets on Win7/Win2008 R2 behind IIS)
I've got a working solution now (tested in Chrome and FF so far). In the hope to either motivate you to come up with something better, or to save you a little while coming up with something like this yourselves, I'm posting my solution here:
The Heartbeat-"Tick" message (the server routinely pinging the clients) is described in the question above.
The client ("Tock" part) now has:
a function to register the connection, so that the callback methods (connection.on()) can be repeated; they'd be lost after just restarting a "new HubConnection" otherwise
a function to register the TockTimer
and a function to actually send Tock pings
The tock method catches errors upon sending, and tries to initiate a new connection. Since the timer keeps running, I'm registering a new connection and then simply sit back and wait for the next invocation.
Putting the client together:
// keeps the connection object
var connection = null;
// stores the ID from SetInterval
var heartBeatTockTimer = 0;
// how often should I "tock" the server
var heartBeatTockTimerSeconds = 10;
// how often should I retry after connection loss?
var maxRetryAttempt = 5;
// the retry should wait less long then the TockTimer, or calls may overlap
var retryWaitSeconds = heartBeatTockTimerSeconds / 2;
// how many retry attempts did we have?
var currentRetryAttempt = 0;
// helper function to wait a few seconds
$.wait = function(miliseconds) {
var defer = $.Deferred();
setTimeout(function() { defer.resolve(); }, miliseconds);
return defer;
// first routine start of the connection
function registerSignalRConnection() {
if (currentRetryAttempt > maxRetryAttempt) {
console.log("Clearing registerHeartBeatTockTimer");
heartBeatTockTimer = 0;
throw "Retry attempts exceeded.";
if (connection !== null) {
console.log("registerSignalRConnection was not null", connection);
connection.stop().catch(err => console.log(err));
console.log("Creating new connection");
connection = new signalR.HubConnection("/signalr", { transport: signalR.TransportType.ServerSentEvents });
connection.on("Heartbeat", serverTime => { console.log(serverTime); });
connection.start().then(() => {
console.log("Connection started, starting timer.");
}).catch(exception => {
console.log("Error connecting", exception, connection);
function registerHeartBeatTockTimer() {
// make sure we're registered only once
if (heartBeatTockTimer !== 0) return;
console.log("Registering registerHeartBeatTockTimer");
if (connection !== null)
heartBeatTockTimer = setInterval(sendHeartBeatTock, heartBeatTockTimerSeconds * 1000);
console.log("Connection didn't allow registry");
function sendHeartBeatTock() {
console.log("Standard attempt HeartBeatTock");
connection.invoke("HeartBeatTock").then(() => {
console.log("HeartbeatTock worked.") })
.catch(err => {
console.log("HeartbeatTock Standard Error", err);
$.wait(retryWaitSeconds * 1000).then(function() {
console.log("executing attempt #" + currentRetryAttempt.toString());
console.log("Current retry attempt: ", currentRetryAttempt);
Client version based on ExternalUse's answer...
import * as signalR from '#aspnet/signalr'
import _ from 'lodash'
var connection = null;
var sendHandlers = [];
var addListener = f => sendHandlers.push(f);
function registerSignalRConnection() {
if (connection !== null) {
connection.stop().catch(err => console.log(err));
connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
connection.on("Heartbeat", serverTime =>
console.log("Server heartbeat: " + serverTime));
connection.on("Send", data =>
_.each(sendHandlers, value => value(data)));
.catch(exception =>
console.log("Error connecting", exception, connection));
setInterval(() =>
.then(() => console.log("Client heatbeat."))
.catch(err => {
}), 10 * 1000);
export { addListener };
