Center of a graph - algorithm

Given an unoriented tree with weightless edges with N vertices and N-1 edges and a number K find K nodes so that every node from a tree is within S distance of at least one of the K nodes. Also, S has to be the smallest possible S, so that if there were S' < S at least one node would be unreachable in S' steps.
I tried solving this problem, however, I feel that my supposed solution is not very fast.
My solution:
set x=1
find nodes which are x distance from every node
let the node which has the most nodes in its distance be one of the K nodes.
recompute for every node whilst not counting already covered nodes.
do this till I find K number of K nodes. Then if every node is covered we are done else increase x.

This problem is called p-center, and you can find several papers online about it such as this. It is indeed NP for general graphs, but polynomial on trees, both weighted and unweighted.

For me it looks like a clustering problem. Try it with the k-Means (wikipedia) algorithm where k equals to your K. Since you have a tree and all vertices are connected, you can use as distance measurement the distance/number of edges between your vertices.
When the algorithm converts you get the K nodes which should be found. Then you can determine S by iterating through all k clusters. There you calculate the maximum distance for every node in the cluster to the center node. And the overall max should be S.
Update: But actually I see that the k-means algorithm does not produce a global optimum, so this algorithm wouldn't also produce the best result ...

You say N nodes and N-1 vertices so your graph is a tree. You are actually looking for a connected K-subset of nodes minimizing the longest edge.
A polynomial algorithm may be:
Sort all your edges increasing distance.
Then loop on edges:
if none of the 2 nodes are in a group, create a new group.
else if one node is in 1 existing goup, add the other to the group
else both nodes are in 2 different groups, then fuse the groups
When a group reach K, break the loop and you have your connected K-subset.
Nevertheless, you have to note that your group can contain more than K nodes. You can imagine the problem of having 4 nodes, closed two by two. There would be no exact 3-subset solution of your problem.


Find the cheapest value in graph

I have an undirected, weighted graph given with n nodes and m edges. In this graph it is possible to start at a node and visit all other nodes exactly once and return to the starting node (this may be not important). I need to pick n / 2 (n is even) edges such that every node is connected by only one edge and the sum of edges is minimal possible. One more thing should be satisfied, edges should not intersect between themselves.
I've tried brute force and it's too slow. I am not very familiar with graph theory, so maybe there exists some algorithm for this. What I'm looking for is a hint (or web link) to the algorithm that solves this problem.

Efficient algorithm to extract a subgraph within a maximum distance from multiple vertices

I have an algorithmic problem where there's a straightforward solution, but it seems wasteful. I'm wondering if there's a more efficient way to do the same thing.
Here's the problem:
Input: A large graph G with non-negative edge weights (interpreted as lengths), a list of vertices v, and a list of distances d the same length as v.
Output: The subgraph S of G consisting of all of the vertices that are at a distance of at most d[i] from v[i] for some i.
The obvious solution is to use Dijkstra's algorithm starting from each v[i], modified so that it bails out after hitting a distance of d[i], and then taking the union of the subgraphs that each search traverses. However, in my use case it's frequently going to be the case that the search trees from the v[i]s overlap substantially. That means the Dijkstra approach will wastefully traverse the vertices in the overlap multiple times before I take the union.
In the case that there is only one vertex in v, the Dijkstra approach runs in O(|S|log|S|), taking |S| to be the number of vertices (my graph is sparse, so I ignore the edges term). Is it possible to achieve the same asymptotic run time when v has more than one vertex?
My first idea was to combine the searches out of each v[i] into the same priority queue, but the "bail out" condition mentioned above complicates this approach. Sometimes a vertex will be reached in a shorter distance from one v[i], but you would still want to search through it from another v[j] if the second vertex has a larger d[j] allotted to it.
You can solve this with the complexity of a single Dijkstra run.
Let D be the maximum of the distances in d.
Define a new start vertex, and give it edges to each of the vertices in v.
The length of the edge between start and v[i] should be set to D-d[i].
Then in this new graph, S is given by all vertices within a length D of the start vertex, so apply Dijkstra to the start vertex.

Destroy weighted edges in a bidirected graph

On my recent interview I was asked the following question:
There is a bidirectional graph G with no cycles. Each edge has some weight. Also there is a set of nodes K which should be disconnected from each other (by removing some edges). There is only one path between any two nodes in K set. The goal is to minimize total weight of removed edges and disconnect all nodes (from set K) from each other.
My approach was to run BFS for each node from K set and determine all paths between all pairs of nodes from K. So then I'll have set of paths (each path is a set of edges).
My next step is to apply dynamic programming approach to find minimum total weight of removed edges. And here I stuck. Could you please help me (just direct me) of how DP should be done.
This sounds like the Multiway Cut problem in trees, assuming a "bidirectional" graph is just like an undirected one. It can be solved in polynomial time by a straightforward dynamic programming. See Chopra and Rao: "On the multiway cut polyhedron", Networks 21(1):51–89, 1991. See also this question.
This problem can be solved using disjoint Sets. In this problem you need to make set of each vertex like forest. Then, join the vertices which belong to two different sets through the edges which are in the graph such that -
1) if one of the set contains a node which is mentioned in the k set of nodes, then the node becomes the representative element.
2) if both the sets contain the unwanted node (node present in the k set of nodes), then find the minimum weight edge in both the sets and compare them, then compare the minimum one of them with the edge to be joined and find the minimum. Then delete the edge which we found so that no path exists b/w them.
3) if none of the set contain the unwanted node, then join one set to the other set.
In this way you find the minimum total weight of the destroyed edges in a very good time complexity of the order of O(nlogn).
Your approach will also work but it will prove to be costly in terms of time complexity.
Here is the complete code - (GameAlgorithm.cpp)

Finding maximum number k such that for all combinations of k pairs, we have k different elements in each combination

We are given N pairs. Each pair contains two numbers. We have to find maximum number K such that if we take any combination of J (1<=J<=K) pairs from the given N pairs, we have at least J different numbers in all those selected J pairs. We can have more than one pair same.
For example, consider the pairs
For this case K = 2, because for K > 2, if we select three pairs of (1,2), we have only two different numbers i.e 1 and 2.
Checking for each possible combination starting from one will take a very large amount of time. What would be an efficient algorithm for solving the problem?
Create a graph with one vertex for each number and one edge for each pair.
If this graph is a chain or a tree, we have the number of "numbers", equal to number of "pairs" plus one, After removing any number of edges from this graph, we never get less vertexes than edges.
Now add a single cycle to this chain/tree. There is equal number of vertexes and edges. After removing any number of edges from this graph, again we never get less vertexes than edges.
Now add any number of disconnected components, each should not contain more than one cycle. Once again, we never get less vertexes than edges after removing any number of edges.
Now add a second cycle to any of disconnected components. After removing all other components. at last we have more edges than vertexes (more pairs than numbers).
All this leads to the conclusion that K+1 is exactly the number of edges in the smallest possible subgraph, consisting of two cycles and, possibly, a chain, connecting these cycles.
For each connected component, find the shortest cycle going through every node with Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
Then for each non-overlapping pair of cycles (in single component), use Dijkstra’s algorithm, starting from any node with at least 3 edges in one cycle, to find shortest path to other cycle; and compute a sum of lengths of both cycles and a shortest path, connecting them. For each overlapping pair of cycles, just compute the number of their edges.
Now find the minimum length of all these subgraphs. And subtract 1.
The above algorithm computes K if there is at least one double-cycle component in the graph. If there are no such components, K = N.
Seems related to MinCut/MaxFlow. Here is a try to reduce it to MinCut/MaxFlow:
- Produce one vertex for each number
- Produce one vertex for each pair
- Produce an edge from number i to a pair if the number is present in the pair, weight 1
- Produce a source node and connect it to all numbers, weight 1 for each connection
- Produce a sink node and connect it to all numbers, weight 1 for each connection
Running MaxFlow on this should give you the number K, since any set of three pairs which only contains two numbers in total, will be "blocked" by the constrains on the outgoing edges from the number.
I am not sure whether this is the fastest solution. There might also be a matroid hidden in there somewhere, I think. In that case there is a greedy approach. But I cannot find a proof for the matroid properties of the sets you are constructing.
I made some progress on it, but not yet an efficient solution. However it may point the way.
Make a graph whose points are pairs, and connect any pair of points if they share a number. Then for any subgraph, the number of numbers in it is the number of vertices minus the number of edges. Therefore your problem is the same as locating the smallest subgraph (if any) that has more edges than vertices.
A minimal subgraph that has the same number of edges and vertices is a cycle. Therefore the graphs we're looking for are either 2 cycles that share one or more vertices, or else 2 cycles which are connected by a path. There are no other minimal types possible.
You can locate and enumerate cycles fairly easily with a breadth-first search. There may be a lot of them, but this is doable. Armed with that you can look for subgraphs of these subtypes. (Enumerate minimal cycles, look for either pairs that share points, or which are connected.) But that isn't guaranteed to be polynomial. I suspect it will be something where on average it is pretty good, but the worst case is very bad. However that may be more efficient than what you're doing now.
I keep on thinking that some kind of breadth-first search can find these in polynomial time, but I keep failing to see exactly how to do it.
This is equivalent to finding the chord that chords the smallest cycle in the graph. A very naive algorithm would be:
Check if removal of an edge results in a cycle containing the vertices corresponding to the edge. If yes, then note down the length of the smallest cycle.

A linear-time algorithm for finding the longest distance between two nodes in a free tree?

Given a free tree, find an algorithm to find the longest path between two nodes that runs in linear time. Is this possible to do if the nodes don't store their level? If yes, how?
If the nodes do store their level then I would move the lower node up the tree to the same level as the other. Than I would keep moving up the tree until the nodes overlap. The distance would be the sum of each time a node was moved up the tree.
If all the edges between the two nodes could not be used more than once, the path is fixed. So the problem is to find the lowest common ancestor, you can read here:
There's a famous algorithm to solve it, and it's here:
I solved with the following code as an exercise to learn python:
def func(node):
global M
if (len(node)==0):
return 0
s=[func(nodes[n]) for n in node]
if len(s)>1:
return m1
for node in range(1,t+1):
for i in range(t-1):
print M
Note you can sort the nodes in linear time because you know the nodes go from 0 to N, so you move node 0 to position 0.. node 5 to position 5 etc.
