- How can I import css and javascript with relative path - read-eval-print-loop

enter image description here
This doesn't work. I can't import css, js and images.
Someone could help me.

Just use html/css/javascript template.
Relative path works there.


Dropzone Ui Square Not Showing

my Dropzone Ui Default not showing after upload.
The container is also not showing up.
Dropzone css file is working fine, but I don't know why this happening. It has been 3 hour II trying to solve it by myself.
seems like your Dropzone css is not imported. Please import Dropzone CSS CDN/File.
This is what dropzone CDN looks like (choose correct version):
If this doesn't Solve the issue. please share some code so we can have
a good idea of what's the issue.

How to do a simple import of a style in Preact as you would do in React?

In React, in order to style a component, I simply import the style file that sits in the same directory as the component, e.g., import './style.scss'. It's simple and easy, no problems there.
However, I can't seem to make this work in Preact. The style file just never get applied, even after following the docs and of course installing node-sass and sass-loader. I see plenty of examples out there using CSS modules and a few with CSS in JS, but I'd like to do a bog-standard import if possible.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Apparently the solution was to disable CSS modules altogether by installing css-loader and adding the following to my preact.config.js:
const css = helpers.getLoadersByName(config, 'css-loader')[0];
css.loader.options.modules = false;

How can I import a single font-awesome icon?

I am attempting to import fa-carot-down, but I don't want to import the whole library. I need a single icon, but I'm not sure how to include it.
I'm using Webpack and SASS, if that makes any difference.
Alternatively, any means to get a carot icon for my dropdown would be appreciated.
You can try IcoMoon and Fontello as it helps you create your own library of fonts.
Furthur you can bundle it together with webpack to import the necessary icons
Now svg's are supported in IcoMoon

Xcode can't import PDF asset

Since Xcode6 can use vector assets, our designer starts to export PDF format assets instead of PNG. this's very very convenience but I found that I can't import PDF through "import action" by right click, see the PDF files is unavailable state with gray color:
And I can import it by dragging it directly.
Is there anything I am wrong?
Please check the following link, it might be of help :

How to change logo in Joomla template, Entropy?

First time using Joomla and having a big issue. I was able to locate the css files that contains the background image url for the logo but i can't find the path that the css is referring to:
I am using the Entropy them by RocketThemes.
Your logo path is : /templates/rt_entropy_j15/images/logo/style3/logo.png
The urls that you found are are relative. The url of your image is therefore relative to the location of the css file you found. The ../ means go up one level - so instead of /templates/rt_entropy_j15/css/ (the location of the css file you are examining), one level up is /templates/rt_entropy_j15/ then go into the /images/ sub-folder (within /templates/rt_entropy_j15/ ) then navigate the /logo/style3/ folder tree and find your logo.png in place.
Firebug or similar debugging tools are always the best way to work through these kinds of problems.
