Using Arrays to Calculate Previous and Next Values - clickhouse

Is there a way I can use Clickhouse (Arrays?) to calculate sequential values that are dependent on previously calculated values.
For e.g.
On day 1, I start with 0 -- consume 5 -- Add 100 -- ending up with = 0 - 5 + 100 = 95
My day2, starts with what I ended up on day 1 which is 95 -- again consume 10 -- add 5 -- ending up with 95-10+5=90 (which will be the start for day3)
ConsumeArray [5,10,25]
AddArray [100,5,10]
Calculate EndingPosition and (= StartingPosition for Next day)
Day1 Day2 Day3
StartingPosition (a) = Previous Ending Position | 0 95 90 Calculate
Consumed (b) | 5 10 25
Added (c) | 100 5 10
EdingPosition (d) = a-b+c | 95 90 75 Calculate

Just finish all the add/consume operations first and then do an accumulation.
WITH [5,10,25] as ConsumeArray,
[100,5,10] as AddArray
arrayCumSum(arrayMap((c, a) -> a - c, ConsumeArray, AddArray));


R: How to solve Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular in Mahalanobis distance

I am trying to run an Explanatory Factor Analysis on my questionnaire data.
I have data for 201 participants and 30 questions. The head of my data looks somehow like this (I am showing only the first 5 questions to give an idea of the dataset structure):
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 Q5
1 14 0 20 0 0 0
2 14 14 20 20 20 1
3 20 18 20 20 20 9
4 14 14 20 20 20 0
5 20 18 20 20 20 5
6 20 18 20 20 8 7
I want to find multivariate outliers ,so I am trying to calculate the Mahalanobis distance (cases with Mahalanobis Distance p values bigger than 0.001 are considered outliers).
I am using this code in R-studio (all_data_EFA is my dataset name):
distance <- as.matrix(mahalanobis(all_data_EFA, colMeans(all_data_EFA), cov = cov(all_data_EFA)))
Mah_significant <- all_data_EFA %>%
transmute(row_number = 1:nrow(all_data_EFA),
Mahalanobis_distance = distance,
Mah_p_value = pchisq(distance, df = ncol(all_data_EFA), lower.tail = F)) %>%
filter(Mah_p_value <= 0.001)
However, when I run "distance" I get the following Error:
Error in solve.default(cov, ...) :
Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[26,26] = 0
As far as I understood, this means that the covariance matrix of my data is singular, hence the matrix is not invertible and I cannot calculate Mahalanobis distance.
Is there an alternative way to calculate multivariate outliers or how can I solve this problem?
Many thanks.

Finding tuples if it only exists in all occurrences of a constraint

Database (all entries are integers):
1 | 20
8 | 20
10 | 20
5 | 4
9 | 4
10 | 4
1 | 11
9 | 11
Suppose my constraint is having a budget of >= 10.
I would want to return ID of 1 only in this case. How do I go about it?
I've tried taking the cross product of itself after selecting budget >= 10 and returning if id1 = id2 and budget1 <> budget2 but that does not work in the case where there's only 1 budget that is >= 10. (EG below)
1 | 20
8 | 20
10 | 20
1 | 4
5 | 4
9 | 4
10 | 4
9 | 4
If I were to do what I did for the first example, nothing will be returned as budget1 <> budget2 will result in an empty table.
EDIT1: I can only use relational algebra to solve the problem. So SQL's exist, where and count keywords cant be used.
Edit2: Only project, select, rename, set difference, set union, left join, right join, full inner join, natural joins, set intersection and cross product allowed
The question is not completely clear to me. If you want to return all the ID for which there is a budget greater than 10, and no budget less than 10, the expression is simply the following:
π(ID)(σ(BUDGET>=10)(R)) - π(ID)(σ(BUDGET<10)(R))
If, an the other hand, you want all the ID which have all the budgets present in the relation and greater then 10, then we must use the ÷ operator:
R ÷ π(BUDGET)(σ(BUDGET>=10)(R))
From your comment, the second case is the correct one. Let’s see how to compute the division from its definition (applied to two generic relations R(A) and S(B)):
R ÷ S = πA-B(R) - πA-B((πA-B(R) x S) - R)
where R is the original relation, and
S = π(BUDGET)(σ(BUDGET>=10)(R)),
that is:
Starting from the inner expression:
πA-B(R) is equal to πID(R) =
then πA-B(R) x S) is:
1 20
1 11
5 20
5 11
8 20
8 11
9 20
9 11
10 20
10 11
then ((πA-B(R) x S) - R) is:
5 20
5 11
8 11
9 20
10 20
then πA-B((πA-B(R) x S) - R) is:
and, finally, subtracting this relation from πA-B(R) we obtain the result:

How to convert a positive duration into a negative in Google Spreadsheet

I have to deal with time and duration in Google Spreadsheet App and I have to calculate with negative duration.
Begin | End | Duration | calculated in negative (for some reasons)
08:00 | 14:00 | 06:00 | no
10:00 | 15:00 | 05:00 | yes
If column 'Begin' and 'End' were formatted as "Time", the difference can be easily calculated in the duration column. However converting the duration value into a negative one with a simple solution like(end-begin)*(-1)seems not to be supported.
First solution:
With the following formula I achieved one goal:
[duration = end - begin]
(HOUR(duration)*60) + MINUTE(duration))(-1)
I had to convert the duration into minutes, multiply with -1 to convert the number into negative. But this leads to a strange behavior:
Begin | End | Duration | calculated in negative (for some reasons)
08:00 | 14:00 | 06:00 | no
10:00 | 15:00 | -7200:00:00 | yes
So I tried to divide it with 24, 60, 3600, but nothing seems to fit. Until I used the magic number 1440.
This number is a multiple of 60, exactly 24 times.
Final solution:
[duration = end - begin]
((HOUR(duration)*60) + MINUTE(duration))(-1))/1440
My questions are:
Does anyone know why to use the number 1440?
Is there another way to solve this problem?
Google Sheets treat dates and time like serial numbers (same as Excel does):
today() is 42 458;
tommorow = today() + 1 = 42 459;
each day counts one.
time is the number between 0 and 1. So we have 24 hours in 1, and 60 minutes in 1 hour. Therefore to get duration
in minutes: = 24 * 60 = 1440;
in seconds = 24 * 60 * 60 = 86 400;

Sum up custom grand total on crosstab in BIRT

I have a crosstab and create custom grand total for the row level in each column dimension, by using a data element expression.
Crosstab Example:
Cat 1 Cat 2 GT
A 101 0 0.9 10 112 105 93.8 10 20
B 294 8 2.7 6 69 66 95.7 10 16
C 211 7 3.3 4 212 161 75.9 6 10
GT 606 15 2.47 6 393 332 84.5 8 **14**
Explanation for GT row:
Those C and F column is summarized from the above. But the
% column is division result of F/C.
Create a data element to fill the VALUE column, which comes from range of value definition, varies for each Cat (category). For instance... in Cat 1, if the value is between 0 - 1 the value will be 10, or between 1 - 2 = 8, etc. And condition for Cat 2, between 85 - 100 = 10, and 80 - 85 = 8, etc.
The GT row (with the value of 14), is gathered by adding VALUE of Cat 1 + Cat 2.
I am able to work on point 1 and 2 above, but I can't seem to make it working for GT row. I don't know the code/expression to sum up the VALUE data element for this 2 categories. Because those VALUE field comes from one data element in design mode.
I have found the solution for my problem. I can show the result by using a report variable. I am assigning 2 report variables in % field expression, based on the category in data cube dimension (by using if statement). And then in data element expression, I am calling both of the expressions and add them.

how to group photos with similar faces together

In most face recognition SDK, it only provides two major functions
detecting faces and extracting templates from photos, this is called detection.
comparing two templates and returning the similar score, this is called recognition.
However, beyond those two functions, what I am looking for is an algorithm or SDK for grouping photos with similar faces together, e.g. based on similar scores.
First, perform step 1 to extract the templates, then compare each template with all the others by applying step two on all the possible pairs, obtaining their similarity scores.
Sort the matches based on this similarity score, decide on a threshold and group together those templates that exceed it.
Take, for instance, the following case:
Ten templates: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J.
Scores between: 0 and 100.
Similarity threshold: 80.
Similarity table:
A 100 85 8 0 1 50 55 88 90 10
B 85 100 5 30 99 60 15 23 8 2
C 8 5 100 60 16 80 29 33 5 8
D 0 30 60 100 50 50 34 18 2 66
E 1 99 16 50 100 8 3 2 19 6
F 50 60 80 50 8 100 20 55 13 90
G 55 15 29 34 3 20 100 51 57 16
H 88 23 33 18 2 55 51 100 8 0
I 90 8 5 2 19 13 57 8 100 3
J 10 2 8 66 6 90 16 0 3 100
Sorted matches list:
AI 90
FJ 90
BE 99
AH 88
AB 85
CF 80
------- <-- Threshold cutoff line
DJ 66
Iterate through the list until the threshold cutoff point, where the values no longer exceed it, maintain a full templates set and association sets for each template, obtaining the final groups:
// Empty initial full templates set
fullSet = {};
// Iterate through the pairs list
foreach (templatePair : pairList)
// If the full set contains the first template from the pair
if (fullSet.contains(templatePair.first))
// Add the second template to its group
// If the full set also contains the second template
if (fullSet.contains(templatePair.second))
// The second template is removed from the full set
// The second template's group is added to the first template's group
// If the full set contains only the second template from the pair
if (fullSet.contains(templatePair.second))
// Add the first template to its group
// If none of the templates are present in the full set, add the first one
// to the full set and the second one to the first one's group
Execution details on the list:
AI: fullSet.add(A); A.addTemplateToGroup(I);
FJ: fullSet.add(F); F.addTemplateToGroup(J);
BE: fullSet.add(B); B.addTemplateToGroup(E);
AH: A.addTemplateToGroup(H);
AB: A.addTemplateToGroup(B); fullSet.remove(B); A.addGroupToGroup(;
CF: C.addTemplateToGroup(F);
In the end, you end up with the following similarity groups:
A - I, H, B, E
C - F, J
