Can't paste magic code in Teams bot channel - botframework

We are using .NET SDK Version of the bot framework on azure as azure webapp.
During the authentication process I get magic number which I have to paste in the Teams conversion. The problem is when I'm using "copy paste" I get authentication error.
I came across this Issue where this problem is mentioned as bug but I couldn't find any solution.
Anyone familiar with this issue ?

This is a known bug in the Teams channel here, where magic codes cannot be copy-pasted, possibly due to the aforementioned font issue. Possible work arounds include attempting to copy-'paste as plain text', pasting into a notepad-like program (strips the rich text from the copy), or manually typing it out.


Mac/iPad Results in Dropped Blazor Server-side Connections

I recently received a report from a Mac/iPad user who used my Blazor server-side application. The problem seems to be that when they put the Safari browser in the background (e.g. switching to another application like Twitter to talk with me), the application disconnects:
This does not occur with any device/browser combination that I have tried with Windows (my native/development environment).
I am in the process of acquiring an iPad to test this on in my local environment, but I am wondering if anyone out there has had any experience with this and/or if there is a remedy to it.
Any assistance/pointers would be appreciated.
According to this Reddit thread, this appears to be due to a known issue:
It is captured here in this issue with Github:

Normal stopped working in IE 10. syntax error webchat-es5.js

I am using sdk v4 bot embedded in sharepoint 2016 page using iframe webchat[Token] url. It stopped working in IE 10. I remember it worked before 3 weeks. Please help as we put the bot in production.
There was a recent update to webchat, so I'm guessing this is a webchat version issue. Do you have the ability to use directline channel with botframework-webchat instead? There are a number of samples. In the getting-started full-bundle sample, you can see where the latest version is specified. You can use this to specify a later version, though I'm not sure if it will let you go far enough back.
You are also going to need to customize the formatting, as the new webchat comes through with essentially no formatting. There are a number of samples on that site showing the different formatting options as well.
For shorter term fix, you may be able to request your specific bot app ID to be reverted by contacting the Microsoft contact from this github issue, though I would recommend also working on updating your implementation as that probably won't be available forever.

How to debug a Bot Framework BOT running on Microsoft Teams

I uploaded a BOT in Microsoft Teams, but for some reason, it behaves different than other channels. The bot wont understand my input, and LUIS would return none intent.
In other channels it works well, as well in the BOT Emulator.
This appear to be MS documentation about it, but it doesn't really explain what I need.
There's a way for me to debug the BOT running on Microsoft Teams??
Please! Thank you!
Ngrok is a good tool for setting up your bot on azure and debugging locally. This will help to find issues as you can walk through your code as described here to see where specifically your code is breaking.
The problem with LUIS using Microsoft Teams was that the activity receive the message in HTML. I found this SO question that helped me eliminate the HTML tags. On the other hand, Ngrok is the tool needed to accomplish remote debugging, and this blog describe the steps very well.
Please also look at Jmeter with
Which allows you to do some testing without Ngrok directly to your IIS Express instance while debugging.

Windows 10 Mobile: Accessing device log (like logcat on Android)

I'm trying to find a way to view the device log of a Windows 10 Mobile Device.
I have already searched my way through various forums but it seems to be very new topic not many have come across so far.
So my question is:
How do I do this?
I'm looking for something vaguely equivalent to Android Studio's Logcat.
I know my way around in Visual Studio, I hoped there would be some way to do it via the debug console, but as far as I know that thing is limited to the current app you are developing.
Any help would be nice. I'm kind of lost here.
Currently there is no equivalent of Logcat.
But I can advise you some alternatives:
1) Visual Studio Console: you can display information from the code directly on the Visual Studio console. To do it just add below line to the fragment of your code:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("This is information to be displayed on the VS Console...");
You can also change the color of the font:
a. For example for errors you can set it to be RED:
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
If you need some more complex solution you can try Microsoft HockeyApp.
With this tool you can measure performance of your app. Not only bugs but also how many users use your app (they can even contact you to report errors).
Third solutuion here is to use this official Logging APIs samples avilable on GitHub:
Hope this wil help you.

Parse Unity WebGL - SignUpAsync Task Not Completing

I'm having trouble signing up users through Parse in my Unity app. In the editor, everything works as expected, but once I build it to the WebGL platform, I have a problem.
When I call SignUpAsync() on a user, it is correctly setting up the user as intended on the Parse server and also sending the user email verifications (because I have it set to do so), however the actual task from the app does not receive any callback from Parse about its completion. In other words, task.IsCompleted is never set to true, no matter how long I wait. No errors are being thrown, and if I attempt to log in with the same credentials afterwards, it works. But there is still no way for the app to know that it's done signing up.
I don't know if this is a bug with Parse or its connection to WebGL, or if it's somewhere on my server. Does anyone have any ideas for things to check?
Parse's Unity SDK does not support WebGL since WebGL does not support threading and tasks.
I've been searching for a solution and found reference to people who say they have either grabbed the open source parse SDK and replaced tasks with coroutines OR swapped out the Unity SDK for the RESTful API.
Hope that helps point you in the right direction.
