How can I determine what part of text in a scroll view is visible on screen from an Xcode UI test? - macos

I'm new to the Xcode User Interface testing framework. I can successfully manipulate the screen elements, but cannot work out how to produce a meaningful assertion about what text is visible in a scrolling view.
The test I would like to write would go as follows: launch the app, type lots of text into a text view (enough that the first line scrolls out of view), assert that the first line of text is not visible, scroll the view back up to the top, then assert that the first line is now visible. Note that the purpose of this test is to ensure my app has wired things up correctly, not to test Apple's code.
XCUIApplication allows me to type into my NSTextView instance, and also allows me to scroll the associated NSScrollView. But how do I assert whether the first line of text is currently visible? The value attribute on XCUIElement provides the entire text content of the view, whether or not it is currently displayed.
The accessibilityRange(forLine:) and accessibilityString(for:) methods on NSTextView would be ideal, but I can't see how to access them as the UI test only has access to an XCUIElement, not the underlying NSTextView.
Have I missed something, or is there a better way to approach this?

If you set the accessibility identifier in the storyboard or in code for the text view you can get the text view via (assuming you gave it the id "textview1" and the window it's in has the default accessibility identifier of "Window"):
let textview1TextView =["Window"].textViews["textview1"]
but that won't actually get you what you need.
Instead, set the accessibility identifier of the scrollview and get that:
let scrollview =["Window"].scrollViews["scrollview1"]
Then use that to get the scrollbars (you should only have one in this case; you can use scrollbars.count to check.
let scrollbars = scrollview.scrollBars
print("scrollbars count: \(scrollbars.count)")
Then you can use the value attribute of the scrollbar to get it's value:
(you're converting a XCUIElemenTypeQueryProvider into an XCUIElement so you can get it's value):
let val = scrollbars.element.value
it will be 0 at the top and a floating point value when scrolled (one line of text in my test code showed a value of {{0.02409638554216868}}.
Documentation that will help you explore further:
Note that you can put a breakpoint in the middle of your test, run it and then use the debugger console to examine things:
(lldb) po scrollbars.element.value
t = 749.66s Find the ScrollBar ▿ Optional<Any>
- some : 0
(lldb) po scrollbars.element.value
t = 758.17s Find the ScrollBar ▿ Optional<Any>
- some : 0.05421686746987952
and while in the debugger you can even interact with your app's window to scroll it manually (which is what I did between typing in those two po calls), or perhaps add text and so on.
OK OP now noted that they're interested in the specific text showing or not rather than the first line in view or not (which is what I previously answered above).
Here's a bit of a hack, but I think it'll work:
Use XCUICoordinate's click(forDuration:, thenDragTo:) method to select the first line of text (use the view frame to calculate coordinates) and then use the typeKey( modifierFlags:) to invoke the edit menu "copy" command. Then use NSPasteboard methods to get the pasteboard contents and check the text.
Here's a quick test I did to validate the approach (selecting the first line of text using XCUICoordinate as noted above is left as an exercise for the reader):
// stopped at break point on next line and I manually selected the text of the first line of text in my test app and then hit continue in the debugger
textview1TextView.typeKey("c", modifierFlags:.command)
print( NSPasteboard.general.pasteboardItems?.first?.string(forType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.string) ?? "none" );
-> "the text of the first line" was printed to the console.
Note that you can scroll the selection off screen so you have to not scroll after doing the select or you won't be getting the answer you want.


NSButton wrap title dynamically

What I want to accomplish:
I need a checkbox with a title text that dynamically wraps and breaks on multiple lines depending on a dynamic width established by the parent view. I need a solution that I can use in IB and that will display there as it's shown at runtime. I'm using XCode 13.1, working in a XIB-File targetting MacOS.
What I'm doing:
I create an NSButton in IB. In the attributes inspector I set its style to Check, under "Control" I choose Word Wrap for "Line Break" and finally I set a very long text as the title such as Asd Asd Asd lit tle words and many of them asd asd lit tle ones.
What's happening:
When setting up the button as described above (case 1) and shrinking its width, it will be displayed - in IB and at runtime - like this:
When manually adding a line break to the title as suggested in this similar question by pressing Option + Enter (case 2, here after "them") the title starts wrapping correctly and all the other necessary breaks are generated:
However this solution is not applicable for my case since it only works for a static width, but my checkboxes need to adjust their width dynamically as described above.
Without that additional manual line break it's most interesting that apparently the checkbox is already reacting and changing its position according to the new wrapped height of the title while the title text itself is just clipped by the bounds of the control instead of being displayed in a wrapped fashion.
What I'd expect:
I'd expect the title to wrap in case 1. Since it doesn't: Is this a bug or a feature? How can I make case 1 work and get the title to wrap dynamically depending on its length and the width of the button? Do I just need to set another attribute in the inspector I missed so far? Or is there only a programmatic solution?
To answer the question why I don't use an appropriately short label: Don't ask me, I'm just a developer following specs & reqs and unfortunately I don't have a saying on what would be a good length of text here.
The credits for this answer goes to #Willeke's comment: "AppKit doesn't support multiline checkboxes." The interesting behaviour of the checkbox in case 1 suggesting otherwise seems to be just a glitch or bug.
What I ended up with: I opted for a workaround. I'm placing a checkbox-button (with Image Position "Image only" in IB) right beside a multiline-label, putting both in a custom view, adding the necessary constraints. With a few positioning adjustments I know have a solution that looks exactly like a singleline checkbox, that I can copy-paste in IB and that is solved by Autolayout - in IB and at runtime - without any additional code.

Can I set tab text color or icon to indicate validation errors on the page in Xamarin TabbedPage (iOS and Android)?

I want users entering data across multiple tabs to be able to see at a glance whether and where they have validation errors / fields not populated. I can indicate errors for the selected form in the form body, but for unselected tabs I want to use red color and/or a red icon in the tab to indicate if it is failing validation.
I see various posts explaining how to use a custom renderer or effect to set tab text color for all tabs or selected/unselected tabs (e.g. here, here, here modifying the framework itself and here). However, the posts I've seen do not show a way to change the color of a SPECIFIC tab. In this case I want to either change the color or add/remove an error icon that would show beside the Title in the tab header based on the validation results for the page accessed via the tab. Is that possible?
I also found this - seemed more promising because it does seem to change tabs based on their positions or title rather than just on whether they were selected or not, but it seems to be dependent on using bottom tabs, which I'm not doing.
I also have found this, and element.Children[i] does get me the ContentPage from which I can determine what color I want the tab's test to be, and it's possible that the tab variable that's returned by activity.ActionBar.GetTabAt(i) somehow gives me access to update the tab's text color, but I'm not seeing any method or property that seems promising - basically I still don't see how to get access to the UITabBarItem so I can call SetTitleAndAttributes on it to set its text color. (Also, if I declare the tab variable by its type of Android.App.ActionBar.Tab instead of using var, I get a note saying that type has been deprecated. It seems upon investigation that the whole ActionBar class has been deprecated. But how can that be when it still exists as a property of Android.App.Activity, which is not deprecated?)
Many thanks for your assistance!

Xcode UITest sometimes does not find property of XCUIElement

In my UI tests, the frame property of some XCUIElement are found, but not of others.
The accessibility identifiers used below are set in storyboard, and app is initialised in setUp() as XCUIApplication().
Here is the storyboard layout:
The two UI elements used in the test are Text Field and Add Button.
Here is the relevant code:
func test() {
// given
let mainViewNavigationBar = app.navigationBars[„NavBar“]
let navBarHeight = mainViewNavigationBar.frame.size.height
print("navBarHeight: \(navBarHeight)") // is printed out correctly
let addShoppingItemTextField = app.textFields["TextField"]
let textFieldHeight = addShoppingItemTextField.frame.size.height // error breakpoint here
print("textFieldHeight: \(textFieldHeight)")
The test stops at an error breakpoint at the second last line with the following message:
No matches found for Find: Descendants matching type TextField from input {(
Application, 0x60000019f070, pid: 13114, label: ‚xxx‘
I do not understand why the frame property, which should be defined for all XCUIElement, is found in the first case, but not in the second.
Oletha pointed out below, that my constant addShoppingItemTextField is an XCUIElementQuery that should be resolved when I try to read the frame property of the textField.
Indeed, when the program stops at the test error breakpoint and I print its description, I get
Printing description of addShoppingItemTextField:
Query chain:
→Find: Target Application 0x6080000a6ea0
↪︎Find: Descendants matching type TextField
↪︎Find: Elements matching predicate '"TextField" IN identifiers'
But the find fails, although Accessibility is enabled, and the Accessibility Identifier is set to TextField:
I also inserted in the app
in viewDidLoad(), and it printed out TextField correctly.
As a workaround, I set the test to recording, and tapped the textField. This created code for the access to the textField. I then replaced let addShoppingItemTextField = app.textFields["TextField"] by (the right side was generated by the recording):
let addShoppingItemTextField = app.otherElements.containing(.navigationBar, identifier:"WatchNotOK")
.children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element
.children(matching: .other).element
And now the code works without errors.
So it seems to me that the query for the accessibility identifier of a textField does not work correctly.
I give up: Without changing anything in the storyboard, the test now stops with the same test error (No matches found for Find: Elements matching predicate '"WatchNotOK" IN identifiers‘) at the line let navBarHeight = mainViewNavigationBar.frame.size.height. This did work all the time.
This indicates to me that Xcode UI tests are broken.
I contacted Apple, and they found my bug:
The view of my main view controller had its accessibility property set to true. This was wrong; it must be set to false:
The explanation is found in the docs to isAccessibilityElement:
The default value for this property is false unless the receiver is a standard UIKit control, in which case the value is true.
Assistive applications can get information only about objects that are represented by accessibility elements. Therefore, if you implement a custom control or view that should be accessible to users with disabilities, set this property to true. The only exception to this practice is a view that merely serves as a container for other items that should be accessible. Such a view should implement the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol and set this property to false.
As soon as I set accessibility of the main view to false, the UI test succeeded.
In addition with above answers... I would like to add one point
This may happen because the XCUIElement you are accessing is not available on screen.
Suppose you are executing test case for login screen and simulator is launching with dashboard not with login screen. This happen with my case. I tried to logout and then execute test case. Error disappears
The problem is not that the frame property is not found on the element, it's that the element itself could not be found.
Every XCUIElement is derived from an XCUIElementQuery. The first attempt to resolve the query is not, as you might expect, when you assign the value of addShoppingItemTextField, but the first time you access a property (other than exists) on addShoppingItemTextField.
Therefore, when you try to access the frame property on the XCUIElement object, the query for finding that element is resolved, but the element is not found - so you get the error saying 'No matches found...' on the line where you access frame. This can be a bit misleading, but the problem you're encountering is that the element could not be found. Try adjusting your query.

How to deselect the contents of a TextField in swift

I have a simple desktop app where a TextField should be focused when the window loads. I have this working, but it's a little annoying that, having loaded the users content into the TextField, the entire contents of the field become selected automatically. The user may want to start editing the content, but they will rarely/never want to replace it all at once (imagine a text editor doing this, to see what I mean).
I see there is an Action for selectAll: but what I want is the opposite Action of selectNone:
I tried passing nil to the selectText method, but that doesn't work:
I found a number of answers on StackOverflow that mention a selectedTextRange, but this appears to be outdated, because Xcode 6.3 doesn't recognize this as a valid property on TextField.
Can anyone explain how I do this?
It's been a while since I've dealt with NSTextFields to this level (I work mostly in iOS these days).
After doing a little digging I found this on the net:
NSText* textEditor = [window fieldEditor:YES forObject:textField];
NSRange range = {start, length};
[textEditor setSelectedRange:range];
window is the window containing your field, textField.
This requires the field editor to be managing your field, what can be done simply by previously selecting the whole text of the field using the selectText:sender method.
Here is the final swift code that I got working based on what Duncan C posted:
if let window = NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainWindow {
let textEditor = window.fieldEditor(true, forObject: textField)!
let range = NSRange(0..<0)
textEditor.selectedRange = range

Applescript and Microsoft Word

I'm working on a applescript to update the content of a document in Microsoft Word. The updating process is quite long (might take more than 5s). So I want to prevent users to change anything during the updating. Do you know whether Microsoft or Applescript a function like that?
In Windows, I can just display a User Form (which is a dialog telling that "we are updating... ") and close that form when it's done. However, I don't know whether I can do the same in Mac (with Applescript alone).
When you say "applescript", I don't know if you mean "plain" applescript or the AppleScriptObjC version. If you mean the latter, then I know ways to do it.
One way I've used during slow processes is to put an overlay view over the whole content view of the window. I make it translucent white to partially obscure the window, and put some kind of message (and maybe a progress indicator) on it. You can just use an NSBox (of the custom type) in IB to make this, and then make a subclass of NSBox to color the view and override mouseDown:. MouseDown:, doesn't need to have any code in it, just by overriding it, you capture any key and mouse events so they don't accumulate on the event queue, and get used by the view below after your overlay goes away. Here's code I've used:
script Overlay
property parent : class "NSBox"
on awakeFromNib()
set overlayColor to current application's NSColor's colorWithCalibratedWhite_alpha_(1,.8)
on mouseDown_(theEvent)
--log "mouseDown"
end script
I have this view as the top most view in the view hierarchy, and set its hidden property to true until I want to show it.
