Gradle: find and build all projects in folder - gradle

I have a folder with a lot of projects inside it (too much to manually write build files for them)
The projects are mostly in a flat layout:
-project 1
-project 2
-project 3
-project 4
-project 5
( -project 5.1)
But can be nested as shown above, and I need to account for this.
Ideally the following should happen:
I can run user#user:/root gradle build and every project in the directory shoudl be built as long as it contains a gradle build file
if a build fails just continue with the next one
How can I make this possible ?

How about this one-liner (not tested):
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d \( ! -name . \) -exec bash -c "cd '{}' && gradle build || true" \;
Or, more verbose:
dirs=($(find . -type d))
for dir in "${dirs[#]}"; do
cd "$dir"
gradle build || true

I came up with a working solution:
def flist = []
// change to you workspace name
new File('./Workspace').eachDir {
//blacklist any folders you want
if ( !='.gradle' && != 'master' &&!= 'Build-All') {
flist <<
// build task objects
flist.each { folder ->
task "${folder}"(type: GradleBuild) {
buildFile = "./Workspace/"+ folder + "/build.gradle"
dir = './' + folder
tasks = ['build']
// create super task
task (all, dependsOn: flist) {
You need to invoke it as such in the root directory: gradle :all --continue this has the benefit that any failing project builds will not halt the other builds.
Another bonus is that gradle gives a neat report about all failing builds.


Logic or automation that will carry out Junit XML test naming, stashing and unstashing

Within a Jenkinsfile, I am running regression tests in pytest and using the --junitxml flag to produce test output.
Each regression test runs in its own stage and captures an .xml file with the test output, I then stash these xml files (as each stage runs on a different agent). After all the regression tests have been run, the stashed files are then recovered for reporting once all tests are done.
Please see below:
stage ('Regression 01') {
agent {
label 'rhel1'
steps {
sh "cd /directory1/appServer && /home/appServer/py/venvs/*/bin/python -m " +
"pytest -m fast test-dir/ -c conf.cfg --junitxml /share/01.xml"
stash includes: '01.xml', name: 'test01'
stage ('Regression 02') {
agent {
label 'rhel2'
steps {
sh "cd /directory1/appServer && /home/appServer/py/venvs/*/bin/python -m " +
"pytest -m fast test-dir/ -c conf.cfg --junitxml /share/1.xml"
stash includes: '02.xml', name: 'test02'
post {
always {
unstash 'test01'
unstash 'test02'
junit "*.xml"
I have a total of 10 regression tests running which each stash a unique .xml file, I am also looking to add more, therefore hardcoding the XML test names is not feasible.
How can I create some sort of automation or logic within my Jenkinsfile that will do the XML naming, stashing and unstashing?

How to delete all "target" directories from gradle (after converting from maven)

I have a huge maven project, lot of people are using it. I'm currently working on converting it to gradle. One of the last steps will be that I merge the gradle files, and delete the pom.xml files. But I'd like to add a gradle task to clean the maven target directories (of all the sub-projects). In shell I would do something like:
find . -type d -name target -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
But I prefer this to be a gradle task. How do I add it? This is what I tried but it doesn't delete anything:
task cleanMaven(type: Delete) {
delete fileTree('.').matching { include '**/target/**' }
below will handle all modules of root project and prints true if a target dir existed and is deleted
allprojects {
task mvnClean {
doFirst {
def targetPath = project.projectDir.toString() + '/target'
println "target dir exists: ${Files.deleteIfExists(Paths.get(targetPath))}"
Based on #PrasadU's answer, but this also deletes all the contents of the target/ directories:
allprojects {
task mvnClean {
doFirst {
def targetPath = project.projectDir.toString() + '/target'

running sh command in jenkinsfile to find all extensio file in the folder

I am running a shell script within the Jenkins pipeline and i want to run find command to get all extension files and copy them to the scan folder inside the "AppName" folder
here's the code:
stage("SCA Check"){
checkout scm
conf.findAll { key, value -> key.contains("token.") }.each { key, value ->
tokens << string(credentialsId: value, variable: key.replace('token.',''))
withEnv(vars) {
dir(dirpath) {
dir(AppName) {
git url: gitURL,
credentialsId: 'bitbucket-https-url-rdonly',
branch: branchName
sh """#!/bin/bash
echo '${scaInfo}'
python --version
cp '${AppName}' && cd '${AppName}' && mkdir scan
"find . -regex '.*\.\(sql\|conf\|py\|csv\|coveragerc\|css\|eot\|etlconf\|hql\|html\|idx\|ini\|js\|json\|log\|map\|md\|pack\|pdf\|sample\|sh\|svg\|ttf\|txt\|woff\|woff2\)$' -exec cp {} scan/ \;"
echo find
cd scan && zip * && mv .. && cd ..
python '${scaInfo}'
But this gives error while running pipeline:
Branch event
Obtained jenkinsfile from 1ace31daa88df82dd21cb4a04251065b78562fdf
Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED
[Bitbucket] Notifying commit build result
[Bitbucket] Build result notified
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WorkflowScript: 108: unexpected char: '\' # line 108, column 22.
find . -regex '.*\.\(sql\|conf\|py\|csv\|coveragerc\|css\|eot\|etlconf\|hql\|html\|idx\|ini\|js\|json\|log\|map\|md\|pack\|pdf\|sample\|sh\|svg\|ttf\|txt\|woff\|woff2\)$' -exec cp {} scan/ \;
1 error
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ErrorCollector.failIfErrors(
How would i resolve the issue so that i would get all the extension files within the dir & sub-dir & copy to the "scan" folder so that i would go ahead and create zip file of the folder and ship to different location

Some files are not included during a Tar Gradle task

I just observed a very weird behaviour from a Gradle Tar task.
Let's take a simple example, 2 files :
/tmp/test$ ls
test1.txt ##test2##
Here is a simple Tar task :
task('testHash', type: Tar) {
from "/tmp/test"
extension = 'tar.gz'
compression = Compression.GZIP
The file ##test2## is skipped for some reason, after running gradle testHash :
/path/to/gradle/project/foo$ tar tvf build/distributions/foo-1.0.tar.gz
It seems to happen when the filename is containing # character both at the beginning and the end.
A regular tar is working well :
/tmp/test$ tar czvf test.tar.gz *
/tmp/test$ tar tf test.tar.gz
I am using Gradle 4.1. Any explanation ?
Thanks to Opal's comments, I adjusted my searches and found a workaround. There is maybe a cleaner way but this one works for me
task('testHash', type: Tar) {
doFirst { {
DirectoryScanner.removeDefaultExclude it
from "/tmp/test"
extension = 'tar.gz'
compression = Compression.GZIP
FYI, here are default excludes
There are a set of definitions that are excluded by default from all
directory-based tasks. As of Ant 1.8.1 they are:
Ant 1.8.2 adds the following default excludes:

Maven tool is not set in Jenkins pipeline

I have this stage in my Jenkins pipeline:
stage('Build') {
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
sh '''for f in i7j-*; do
(cd $f && ${mvnHome}/bin/mvn clean package)
In Jenkins » Manage Jenkins » Global Tool Configuration I have a Maven installation called M3, version 3.3.9.
When running this pipeline, mvnHome is empty because I get this in the log:
+ /bin/mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/***SNIP***/ 3: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/***SNIP***/ /bin/mvn: not found
I did find a path /var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/M3 on the Jenkins server, which works, but I would prefer not to use a hard coded path to mvn in this script.
How do I fix this?
EDIT: Summary of the answer, using tool and withEnv.
My working code is now:
stage('Build') {
def mvn_version = 'M3'
withEnv( ["PATH+MAVEN=${tool mvn_version}/bin"] ) {
sh '''for f in i7j-*; do
(cd $f && mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none | tee ../jel-mvn-$f.log) &
You can use your Tools in Jenkinsfile with the tool and withEnv snippets.
Should looks like this:
def mvn_version = 'M3'
withEnv( ["PATH+MAVEN=${tool mvn_version}/bin"] ) {
//sh "mvn clean package"
The easiest way should be to use is tools directives:
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
maven 'M3'
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'mvn -B -DskipTests clean package'
M3 is the name pre-configured in Global Tool Configuration, see the docs:
What about using the construct:
withMaven(mavenOpts: MAVEN_OPTS, maven: 'M3', mavenLocalRepo: MAVEN_LOCAL_REPOSITORY, mavenSettingsConfig: MAVEN_SETTINGS) {
sh "mvn ..."
