Wake process up when data has been written in shared memory area - fork

We have an application that consits on a CORE process that is connected with multiple processes (they are all children of the CORE process).
To exchange data, they use different shared memory areas. These areas are created like this:
fd_value = shm_open(shm_key, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL , S_IRWXU);
pshm = mmap(NULL, memory_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_value, 0);
And the different processes attach to these areas like this:
shm_fd = shm_open(shm_key, O_RDWR, S_IRWXU);
pshm = mmap(NULL, memory_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shm_fd, 0);
This creates several descriptor files located in /dev/shm/
Currently, each process has a periodic timer. The process sleeps until the timer expires, then it wakes up, checks if there are new data in that shared memory area, and if not, it goes back to sleep in a infinite loop. If there is new data it performs some routines and again goes back to sleep.
However, this introduces a latency in the data transmitted as sometimes it occurs the data arrives right after the process has gone to sleep, so the data needs a whole period of the timer to be seen by the process and be processed.
We can always reduce the period (increase the frequency) but this increases the CPU usage a lot.
How could we implement a more optimal solution with some "polling" mechanism to poll the data written in the shared memory area so the process receives a signal every time new data is written rather than having to wake up periodically?
How would we need to configure the shared memory areas in order to achieve this?


Why does WriteProcessMemory need the handle value passed in, not the ID of the target process?

In the Windows system, we can modify the memory of another process across processes. For example, if process A wants to modify the memory of process B, A can call the system function WriteProcessMemory. The approximate form is as follows:
BOOL flag = WriteProcessMemory(handler, p_B_addr, &p_A_buff, write_size); ...
This function return a Boolean value, which represents whether the write operation is successful. It needs to pass four parameters, let's take a look at these four parameters:
handler. This is a process handle, and it can be used to find B process.
p_B_addr. In process B, the address offset to be written into memory.
p_A_buff. In process A, the pointer to the write data buffer.
write_size. The number of bytes to write.
I am confused about the first parameter handler, which is a variable of type HANDLE. For example, when our program is actually running, the ID of process B is 2680, and then I want to write memory to process B. First I need to use this 2680 to get the handle of process B in process A. The specific form is handler=OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 2680), and then you can use this handler to fall into the kernel to modify the memory of process B.
Since they are all trapped in kernel functions to modify memory across processes, why is the WriteProcessMemory function not designed to be in the form of WriteProcessMemory(B_procID, p_B_addr, &p_A_buff, write_size)?
Among them, B_procID is the ID of the B process, since each process they all have unique IDs. Can the system kernel not find the physical address that the virtual address of the B process can map through this B_procID? Why must the process handle index of the B process in the A process be passed in?
There are multiple reasons, all touched on in the comments.
Lifetime. The process id is simply a number, knowing the id does not keep the process alive. Having a open handle to a process means the kernel EPROCESS structure and the process address space will stay intact, even if said process finishes by calling ExitProcess. Windows tries to not re-use the id for a new process right away but it will happen some time in the future given enough time.
Security/Access control. In Windows NT, access control is performed when you open a object, not each time you interact with the object. In this case, the kernel needs to know that the caller has PROCESS_VM_WRITE and PROCESS_VM_OPERATION access to the process. This is related to point 3, efficiency.
Speed. Windows could of course implement a WriteProcessMemoryById function that calls OpenProcess+WriteProcessMemory+CloseHandle but this encourages sub optimal design as well as opening you up to race conditions related to point 1. The same applies to "why is there no WriteFileByFilename function" (and all other Read/Write functions).

what happens during context switch between two processes in linux?

Let's say process p1 is executing with its own address space(stack,heap,text). When context switch happens, i understand that all the current cpu registers are pushed into PCB before loading process p2. Then TLB is flushed and loaded with p2 address mapping and starts executing with its own address spaces.
What i would like know is the state of p1 address space. Will it be copied to disk and updates its page table before loading process p2?
The specifics of a context switch depend upon the underlying hardware. However, context switches are basically the same, even among different system.
The mistake you have is " i understand that all the current cpu registers are pushed into stack before loading process p2". The registers are stored in an area of memory that is usually called the PROCESS CONTEXT BLOCK (or PCB) whose structure is defined by the processor. Most processors have instructions for loading and saving the process context (i.e., its registers) into this structure. In the case of Intel, this can require multiple instructions saving to multiple blocks because of all the different register sets (e.g. FPU, MMX).
The outgoing process does not have to be written to disk. It may paged out if the system needs more memory but it is possible that it could stay entirely in memory and be ready to execute.
A context switch is simply the exchange of one processor's saved register values for another's.

is system(const char *command) lead to cpu sys 100%

I create one background thread B,and in func of B,
void func()
system('gzip -f text-file'); // size of text-file is 100M
I found sometime the sys of one cpu(my server has more than one cpu core) is 100%.
strace the progress, I found clone syscall consume more than 3 seconds, which is almost execution time of gzip.
**17:46:04.545159** clone(child_stack=0, flags=CLONE_PARENT_SETTID|SIGCHLD, parent_tidptr=0x418dba38) = 39169
**17:46:07.432385** wait4(39169, [{WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 0}], 0, NULL) = 39169
so my question is,
1. is system('gzip -f text-file') lead to 100% cpu sys ?
2. what is the root cause
sys_clone without CLONE_MM does full copy of virtual memory mapping from parent process into child process, according to https://www.kernel.org/doc/gorman/html/understand/understand021.html
343 Allocate a new mm
348-350 Copy the parent mm and initialise the process specific mm fields with init_mm()
352-353 Initialise the MMU context for architectures that do not automatically manage their MMU
355-357 Call dup_mmap() which is responsible for copying all the VMAs regions in use by the parent process
VMA count for process with 60GB in 2000 mmaps is high, and dup_mm may take lot of time.
You want to do small external run (gzip), but the fork is not best solution for such large programs. All copies of vma will be trashed by doing exec: http://landley.net/writing/memory-faq.txt
For example, the fork/exec combo creates transient virtual memory usage
spikes, which go away again almost immediately without ever breaking the
copy on write status of most of the pages in the forked page tables. Thus
if a large process forks off a smaller process, enormous physical memory
demands threaten to happen (as far as overcommit is concerned), but never
So, it can be better for you to:
check vfork+exec pair (aka posix_spawn), which will suspend your huge process for small time, until child will do exec or `exit)
create separate helper process before doing all the 60GB of mmaps; communicate with it using pipes/sockets/ipc/anything. Helper process is small and will sleep most time on ipc. When you needs gzip, you just asks helper to run it.
or integrate compression into your program. Gzip and bzip2 both has good libraries, zlib and libbz2, and there are wrappers in boost.

CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile with interprocess (un)synchronized multithreaded access?

I use a Shared Memory area to get som data to a second process.
The first process uses CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ..., PAGE_READWRITE, ...) and MapViewOfFile( ... FILE_MAP_WRITE).
The second process uses OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_WRITE, ...) and MapViewOfFile( ... FILE_MAP_WRITE).
The docs state:
Multiple views of a file mapping object
are coherent if they contain identical data at a specified time.
This occurs if the file views are derived from any file mapping object
that is backed by the same file. (...)
With one important exception, file views derived from any file mapping
object that is backed by the same file are coherent or identical at a
specific time. Coherency is guaranteed for views within a process and
for views that are mapped by different processes.
The exception is related to remote files. (...)
Since I'm just using the Shared Memory as is (backed by the paging file) I would have assumed that some synchronization is needed between processes to see a coherent view of the memory another process has written. I'm unsure however what synchronization would be needed exactly.
The current pattern I have (simplified) is like this:
Process1 | Process2
... | ...
/* write to shared mem, */ | ::WaitForSingleObject(hDataReady); // real code has error handling
/* then: */
::SetEvent(hDataReady); | /* read from shared mem after wait returns */
... | ...
Is this enough synchronization, even for shared memory?
What sync is needed in general between the two processes?
Note that inside of one single process, the call to SetEvent would certainly constitute a full memory barrier, but it isn't completely clear to me whether that holds for shared memory across processes.
I have since come to believe that for memory-access synchronization purposes, it really does not matter if the concurrently accessed memory is shared between processes or just withing one process between threads.
That is, for Shared Memory (the one shared between processes) on Windows, the same restrictions and guidelines apply as with "normal" memory within a process that is just shared between the threads of the process.
The reason I believe this is that a process and a thread are somewhat orthogonal on Windows. A process is a "container" for threads, and in order for the process to be able to do anything, it needs at least one thread. So, for memory that is mapped into multiple process' address space, the synchronization requirements on the threads running within these different processes should be actually the same as for threads running within the same process.
So, the answer to my question Is this enough synchronization, even for shared memory? is that shared memory requires the same synchronization as "normal" memory. But of course, not all synchronization techniques works across process boundaries, so you are restricted in what you can use. (A Critical Section for exampled cannot be used across processes.)
If both of those code snippets are in a loop then in addition to the event you'll need a mutex so that Process1 doesn't start writing again while Process2 is still reading. To be more specific, the mutex must be acquired before reading or writing and released after reading or writing. Make sure the mutex has been released before calling WFSO in Process2.
My understanding is that although Windows may guarantee view coherency, it does not guarantee a write is fully completed before the client reads it.
For example, if you were writing "Hello world!" to the view, it could only be partially written when the client reads it, such as "Hello w".
Therefore, the view would be byte coherent, but not message coherent.
Personally, I use a mutex to guarantee thread-safe access.
Use Semaphore should be better than Event.

when using shared memory in unix

When you code a data supplier app in C for Unix that uses shared memory when do you detach the shared memory only when the server exits or when you are finished updating the shared memory ?
AFAIK, keeping it attached will not bother.
However since the attachment tracks the number of processes attached, if that count is >0, then you won't be allowed to destroy your shm until that count get back to 0 (in other words when all process are detached).
If you have a main process attached, I'm not sure you will be able to destroy it from an external "administrative" process for you shm.
In my personnal experience, I don't detach the SHM after write operations, only at process exit.
