Why can't I pass these arguments in Remix? - arguments

I'm trying to deploy OpenZeppelin PaymentSplitter.sol but I'm getting the following error in Remix:
creation of PaymentSplitter errored: Error encoding arguments: Error: expected array value (arg="", coderType="array", type="string", value="0x075e829D8420786210b728df8D75CE2E5375A57a")
I've tried passing:
"0x075e829D8420786210b728df8D75CE2E5375A57a",10 (I believe this should the correct way)
"0x075e829D8420786210b728df8D75CE2E5375A57a", 10
"0x075e829D8420786210b728df8D75CE2E5375A57a", "10"
but each one produces the same error.
Can anyone shed any light on why this isn't working, please?
Thanks in advance

The parameters expected are in array, so if you wanna pass those above values, pass like this:
[0x075e829D8420786210b728df8D75CE2E5375A57a], [10]
Hope it helps!


What does this FreeType2 error code mean?

Using FreeType2, I'm calling FT_Load_Glyph, and getting a return value of 0xFFFFFFFF. According to https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/reference/ft2-base_interface.html#ft_load_glyph, a non-zero value means an error.
However, this error isn't listed at https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/reference/ft2-error_code_values.html. Can anyone explain to me what this error code means?
I asked this question over at https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freetype/freetype/-/issues/1063#note_955441, and was told that it is invalid offset (11040).

Error when using DateAdd on a parameter in SSRS

I am trying to set a range of dates. I receive a parameter called #EffectiveDate and i want to set a range from 3 years prior to the effective date.
As an example. This is working code.
CStr(Format(CDate(DateAdd(DateInterval.Year, -3, Today())),"yyyy"))
But when I try to use the parameter like below
=CStr(Format(DateAdd(DateInterval.Year, -3, CDate(Parameters!EffectiveDate.Value)),"yyyy"))
I get an error. I don't know what the error is. All i see is #Error when running the report.
The parameter is set up as "Date/Time" in SSRS and I even convert it just incase.
The following code does work though
So it does seem like it is the "DateAdd" method
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Can you try this code
=CStr(Format(CDate(DateAdd(DateInterval.Year, -3, CDate(Parameters!EffectiveDate.Value))),"yyyy"))
Try if this works
=CStr(Format(CDate(DateAdd("yyyy", -3, Now())), "yyyy")) 'Result =2015
and if this works try it with your Parameter (instead of Now()). If it doesnt work then, something is wrong with your Parameter

VBA application.run, MAc excel 2016

Once again thanks in advance for your help.
I am having trouble using application.run, it does not report any error but the code crashes. The project is big and application.run was the simplest way I found to pass a function as an argument...
I simplified the issue to this:
MsgBox Application.Run("Application.WorksheetFunction.Var_S", ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").Range("B3:B974"))
This is simplified, but I cannot manage to get even this to work.
However the following gives the intended result hence the issue is from the use of application.run and not the var function itself.
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.Var_S(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data").Range("B3:B974"))
Hence I know the issue comes from the way I use application.run. As I said no error is reported but the code stops. nothing is returned and anything after application.run is not executed..
My guess is that I do not have the correct syntax, but I could not find lots of documentations about this. Based on what I read this is supposed to be the correct syntax.
Instead of Application.Run you can use
MsgBox CallByName(Application.WorksheetFunction, "Var_S", VbMethod, _
Function Var_S returns a value. You're not getting an error because it's running properly. In example #2 you're telling it what to with the returned value. What should it be doing with the response in example #1? If you'd like to simply further as an example, instead the Var_S function, try it with the Now() function, which returns current date: Application.Run "now()" ... again, it runs the function just fine. Application.Run runs a function, whereas MsgBox displays data.

How does Soundcloud API with pagination work?

I used the code given via SoundCloud:
This is the error in my terminal results read:
I can't figure out what I did wrong.. :\
This is the result of when I type just "puts tracks"
You can see where the next_href is displayed at the bottom.
If you take a look at the data returned, it might be that it is in a sub-property called "collection", so the correct iterator is "tracks.collection.each"

matlab size function throw an exception

I'm trying to get the size of an image in matlab, here is the code:
img = imread('folder\image1.jpg');
I'm getting this error :
"Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals"
I dont know why this happens, any help to know the issue would be appreciated
Judging from your comments your error occurs because you overloaded the size function with a variable.
