How to Avoid Copies When Doing Method Chaining in C++ - c++11

I love to use method chaining to completely initialize objects and then store them in const variables. When analyzing the resulting code it turns out that this means the execution of many copy constructors. Therefore I have wondered whether C++ 11 move semantics might help optimizing method chaining.
Indeed I have been able to significantly speed up my code by adding overloads with ref qualifiers to my chain methods. Please consider this source code:
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class Entity
Entity() :
data(0.0), text("Standard Text")
std::cout << "Constructing entity." << std::endl;
Entity(const Entity& entity) :
data(, text(entity.text)
std::cout << "Copying entity." << std::endl;
Entity(Entity&& entity) :
data(, text(std::move(entity.text))
std::cout << "Moving entity." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Cleaning up entity." << std::endl;
double getData() const
return data;
const std::string& getText() const
return text;
void modify1()
data += 1.0;
text += " 1";
Entity getModified1() const &
std::cout << "Lvalue version of getModified1" << std::endl;
Entity newEntity = *this;
return newEntity;
Entity getModified1() &&
std::cout << "Rvalue version of getModified1" << std::endl;
return std::move(*this);
void modify2()
data += 2.0;
text += " 2";
Entity getModified2() const &
std::cout << "Lvalue version of getModified2" << std::endl;
Entity newEntity = *this;
return newEntity;
Entity getModified2() &&
std::cout << "Rvalue version of getModified2" << std::endl;
return std::move(*this);
double data;
std::string text;
int main()
const int interationCount = 1000;
// Create a temporary entity, modify it and store it in a const variable
// by taking use of method chaining.
// This approach is elegant to write and read, but it is slower than the
// other approach.
const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTimePoint =
for (int i = 0; i < interationCount; ++i)
const Entity entity = Entity().getModified1().getModified1().getModified2().getModified2();
std::cout << "Entity has text " << entity.getText() << " and data "
<< entity.getData() << std::endl;
const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point stopTimePoint =
const std::chrono::duration<double> timeSpan = std::chrono::duration_cast<
std::chrono::duration<double>>(stopTimePoint - startTimePoint);
std::cout << "Method chaining has taken " << timeSpan.count() << " seconds."
<< std::endl;
// Create an entity and modify it without method chaining. It cannot be
// stored in a const variable.
// This approach is optimal from a performance point of view, but it is longish
// and renders usage of a const variable impossible even if the entity
// won't change after initialization.
const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTimePoint =
for (int i = 0; i < interationCount; ++i)
Entity entity;
std::cout << "Entity has text " << entity.getText() << " and data "
<< entity.getData() << std::endl;
const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point stopTimePoint =
const std::chrono::duration<double> timeSpan = std::chrono::duration_cast<
std::chrono::duration<double>>(stopTimePoint - startTimePoint);
std::cout << "Modification without method chaining has taken "
<< timeSpan.count() << " seconds." << std::endl;
return 0;
The version without method chaining is approximately 10 times faster here than the other one. As soon as I replace
the version without method chaining remains only 1.5 times faster than the other one. So this is a great improvement.
Still I wonder whether I could optimize the code even more. When I switch to
then I can see that there are new entities created for every call to getModified1() or getModified2(). The only advantage of move construction is that creation is cheaper. Is there a way to even prevent move construction and work on the original entity with method chaining?

With the help of Igor Tandetnik I guess that I can answer my question!
The modification methods have to be changed to return rvalue references:
Entity&& getModified1() &&
std::cout << "Rvalue version of getModified1" << std::endl;
return std::move(*this);
Entity&& getModified2() &&
std::cout << "Rvalue version of getModified2" << std::endl;
return std::move(*this);
and the initialization has to happen like this:
const Entity entity = std::move(Entity().getModified1().getModified1().getModified2().getModified2());
Then the method chaining code is almost as efficient as the other code. The difference is one call to the move constructor and one additional destructor call for the temporary instance which is negligible.
Thank you for your help!


What does "boost::wrapexcept<boost::system::system_error> : body limit exceeded" mean?

I'm trying to download this link using an C++ apllication. But the it encountered exception:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept'
what(): body limit exceeded
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I found out the problem is in http::write.
What on earth is going wrong? Does that mean I was just trying to download the whole file into the memory? If yes, can I continue using ssl::stream anymore? Or there's any alternative?
#ifndef __kernel_entry
#define __kernel_entry
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <windows.h>
#include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
#include <boost/beast.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/http.hpp>
#include <boost/process.hpp>
#include <boost/process/async.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
void handle_batch(std::vector<size_t> params) {
std::mutex s_mx;
if (!params.empty()) {
// emulate some work, because I'm lazy
auto sum = std::accumulate(begin(params), end(params), 0ull);
// then wait some 100..200ms
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
std::mt19937 prng(std::random_device{}());
// simple thread id (thread::id displays ugly)
auto tid = std::hash<std::thread::id>{}(std::this_thread::get_id()) % 100;
// report results to stdout
std::lock_guard lk(s_mx); // make sure the output doesn't intermix
<< "Thread #" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << tid
<< " Batch n:" << params.size()
<< "\tRange [" << params.front() << ".." << params.back() << "]"
<< "\tSum:" << sum
<< std::endl;
namespace net = boost::asio;
namespace ssl = net::ssl;
namespace beast = boost::beast;
namespace http = beast::http;
namespace process = boost::process;
using boost::system::error_code;
using boost::system::system_error;
using net::ip::tcp;
using stream = ssl::stream<tcp::socket>;
auto ssl_context() {
ssl::context ctx{ssl::context::sslv23};
return ctx;
void connect_https(stream& s, std::string const& host, tcp::resolver::iterator eps) {
net::connect(s.lowest_layer(), eps);
s.lowest_layer().set_option(tcp::no_delay(true));//dealt here
if (!SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(s.native_handle(), host.c_str())) {
throw system_error{ { (int)::ERR_get_error(), net::error::get_ssl_category() } };
auto get_request(std::string const& host, std::string const& path) {
using namespace http;
using std::cerr;
request<string_body> req;
req.method(verb::get);cerr<<"__met";"https://" + host + path);cerr<<"__tar";
//req.set(field::user_agent, "test");
req.set(field::host, host);cerr<<"__set";
std::cerr << req << std::endl;
return req;
int main() {
net::io_context io; // main thread does all io
net::thread_pool pool(6); // worker threads
// outside for lifetime
http::response_parser<http::buffer_body> response_reader;
beast::flat_buffer lookahead; // for the response_reader
std::array<char,512> buf{0}; // for download content
auto ctx = ssl_context();
ssl::stream<tcp::socket> s(io, ctx);
{ // synchronously write request
std::string host = "";
connect_https(s, host, tcp::resolver{io}.resolve(host, "https"));
}catch(std::exception& e){std::cerr<<e.what()<<std::endl;}
http::write(s, get_request(host, "/files/"));
http::read_header(s, lookahead, response_reader);
std::cerr << "Headers: " << response_reader.get().base() << std::endl;
// now, asynchoronusly read contents
process::async_pipe pipe_to_zcat(io);
std::function<void(error_code, size_t)> receive_zip;
receive_zip = [&s, &response_reader, &pipe_to_zcat, &buf, &lookahead, &receive_zip](error_code ec, size_t /*ignore_this*/) {
auto& res = response_reader.get();
auto& body = res.body();
if ( {
auto n = sizeof(buf) - body.size;
net::write(pipe_to_zcat, net::buffer(buf, n));
bool done = ec && !(ec == http::error::need_buffer);
done += response_reader.is_done();
if (done) {
std::cerr << "receive_zip: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
} else { =;
body.size = buf.size();
http::async_read(s, lookahead, response_reader, receive_zip);
// kick off receive loop
receive_zip(error_code{}, 0);
process::async_pipe zcat_output(io);
process::child zcat(
process::std_in < pipe_to_zcat,
process::std_out > zcat_output,
process::on_exit([](int exitcode, std::error_code ec) {
std::cerr << "Child process exited with " << exitcode << " (" << ec.message() << ")\n";
}), io);
std::function<void(error_code, size_t)> receive_primes;
net::streambuf sb;
receive_primes = [&zcat_output, &sb, &receive_primes, &pool](error_code ec, size_t /*transferred*/) {
std::istream is(&sb);
size_t n = std::count(net::buffers_begin(, net::buffers_end(, '\n');
std::vector<size_t> batch(n);
std::copy_n(std::istream_iterator<size_t>(is), n, batch.begin());
is.ignore(1, '\n'); // we know a newline is pending, eat it to keep invariant
post(pool, std::bind(handle_batch, std::move(batch)));
if (ec) {
std::cerr << "receive_primes: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
} else {
net::async_read_until(zcat_output, sb, "\n", receive_primes);
// kick off handler loop as well:
receive_primes(error_code{}, 0);;

How to work out types required for std::for_each lambda function

I am confused about how to work out what type is required to use a lambda function in std::for_each. It seems I cannot use auto in this case as a parameter (Visual Studio 2013 complains anyway).
In the code below I would have thought I would use sections as the type for the for_each function, but in fact I have to use
const std::pair<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> >
And for the 'inner' type in this case what do I use?
My main question is how I work out what type to use?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>
// key=value pairs within a section
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> keyvalue;
// [section1] - top level
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> > sections;
class config
config() {
typedef sections::iterator iterator;
iterator begin() { return sections_.begin(); }
iterator end() { return sections_.end(); }
sections sections_;
void setup() {
// obviously we wouldn't hard code like this in a real program
sections_["programming languages"].insert(std::make_pair("C", "imperative"));
sections_["programming languages"].insert(std::make_pair("C++", "OOP"));
sections_["programming languages"].insert(std::make_pair("Java", "OOP"));
sections_["programming languages"].insert(std::make_pair("Haskell", "functional"));
sections_["programming languages"].insert(std::make_pair("Prolog", "logic"));
int main() {
config cfg;
std::for_each(cfg.begin(), cfg.end(), [](const std::pair<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> > sec) {
std::cout << "section name: " << sec.first << std::endl;
// what is inner type - thought it would be keyvalue ???
//std::for_each(sec.second.begin(), sec.second.end(), [](const keyvalue& pr) {
//std::cout << "first: " << pr << std::endl;
// I thought type would be sections ???
//std::for_each(cfg.begin(), cfg.end(), [](const sections& sec) {
// std::cout << "section name: " << sec.first << std::endl;
You can also use decltype for this purpose like this:
config cfg;
std::for_each(cfg.begin(), cfg.end(), [](const decltype(*cfg.begin())& sec) {
std::cout << "section name: " << sec.first << std::endl;
std::for_each(sec.second.begin(), sec.second.end(), [](const decltype(*sec.second.begin())& pr) {
std::cout << "first: " << pr.first << std::endl;
I'm not 100% certain how reference types affect this, so removing it might be more appropriate like const std::remove_reference<decltype(*cfg.begin())>::type& sec
Although it should be noted that VS2013 ItelliSense has trouble with decltype and will mark it as an error even if it compiles fine.
STL containers always define a value_type so in that case you can use decltype(inst)::value_type and you don't need the remove_reference shenanigans. So I would advise you to also add a value_type typedef to your type like this:
class config
typedef sections::value_type value_type;
Then you can do:
config cfg;
std::for_each(cfg.begin(), cfg.end(), [](const decltype(cfg)::value_type& sec) {
std::cout << "section name: " << sec.first << std::endl;
std::for_each(sec.second.begin(), sec.second.end(), [](const decltype(sec.second)::value_type& pr) {
std::cout << "first: " << pr.first << std::endl;

C++ Move constructor for class containing vector

I have written a move constructor for a class in the following way:
class A
std::vector<double> m;
A(A&& other)
: m{other.m}
Is this the correct way to move other.m to m?
Should I be doing this instead?
A(A&& other)
: m{std::move(other.m)}
Or perhaps I should be doing something else entirely?
The second snippet is the correct way to move other.m since it's a lvalue that needs to be turned into r-value-reference for std::vector move constructor to kick in.
even though, in this very specific example, it will be enough to simply write
A(A&& rhs) = default;
the compiler will generate a constructor that moves each member of rhs to the corresponing member of *this.
p.s. you also probably meant to make the constructor public.
Below program demonstrates how to use move constructor and move assignment operator
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
class MemoryBlock
std::cout << "Default Constructor"<<std::endl;
// Simple constructor that initializes the resource.
explicit MemoryBlock(size_t length)
: _length(length)
, _data(new int[length])
std::cout << "Constructor In MemoryBlock(size_t). length = and id ="
<< _length << "." <<id<< std::endl;
// Destructor.
std::cout << "Destructor In ~MemoryBlock(). length = and id ="
<< _length << "."<<id;
if (_data != nullptr)
std::cout << " Deleting resource.";
// Delete the resource.
delete[] _data;
std::cout << std::endl;
// Copy constructor.
MemoryBlock(const MemoryBlock& other)
: _length(other._length)
, _data(new int[other._length])
std::cout << " Copy Constructor MemoryBlock(const MemoryBlock&). length = and id ="
<< other._length << "." <<id<<"Copying resource." << std::endl;
std::copy(other._data, other._data + _length, _data);
// Copy assignment operator.
MemoryBlock& operator=(const MemoryBlock& other)
std::cout << "Assignment operator In operator=(const MemoryBlock&). length = "
<< other._length << ". Copying resource." << std::endl;
if (this != &other)
// Free the existing resource.
delete[] _data;
_length = other._length;
_data = new int[_length];
std::copy(other._data, other._data + _length, _data);
return *this;
// Retrieves the length of the data resource.
size_t Length() const
return _length;
//Move copy constructor
MemoryBlock(MemoryBlock&& other) noexcept
: _data(nullptr)
, _length(0)
std::cout << "Move Constructor In MemoryBlock(MemoryBlock&&). length = "
<< other._length << ". Moving resource." << std::endl;
// Copy the data pointer and its length from the
// source object.
_data = other._data;
_length = other._length;
// Release the data pointer from the source object so that
// the destructor does not free the memory multiple times.
other._data = nullptr;
other._length = 0;
// Move assignment operator.
MemoryBlock& operator=(MemoryBlock&& other) noexcept
std::cout << "Move assignment operator In operator=(MemoryBlock&&). length = "
<< other._length << "." << std::endl;
if (this != &other)
// Free the existing resource.
delete[] _data;
// Copy the data pointer and its length from the
// source object.
_data = other._data;
_length = other._length;
// Release the data pointer from the source object so that
// the destructor does not free the memory multiple times.
other._data = nullptr;
other._length = 0;
return *this;
size_t _length; // The length of the resource.
int* _data; // The resource.
static int id;
int MemoryBlock::id=0;
int main()
std::vector<MemoryBlock> v1;
MemoryBlock m1(100);
MemoryBlock m2(100);
MemoryBlock m3(100);
return 0;

segfault when accessing static std::map

I'm trying to refactor a rather complicated piece of code and run into segfaults during loading the library. This is a minimal example of what I could single out to be the source of the segfault:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
class Manager {
class Action{
static bool registerAction(const Action* a, const char* name);
namespace Actions {
class ExampleAction : public Manager::Action {
namespace {
static bool available = Manager::registerAction(new ExampleAction(),"ExampleAction");
namespace {
typedef std::map<const std::string,const Manager::Action*> ActionList;
static ActionList sActions;
bool Manager::registerAction(const Action* a, const char* name){
std::cout << "attempting to register action " << a << " as " << name << std::endl;
sActions[name] = a;
std::cout << "done" << std::endl;
return true;
int main(){
std::cout << "hello!" << std::endl;
for(auto it:sActions){
std::cout << it.first << std::endl;
std::cout << "world!" << std::endl;
return 0;
It compiles fine with g++ 4.8.4 using the --std=c++11 flag, but upon execution, this happens:
attempting to register action 0x1ebe010 as ExampleAction
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The line attempting to register comes first, which is of course expected, but the line assigning the value to the static map instance causes the crash, and I don't understand the reason. I'm probably being stupid here, but still - any suggestions on how to fix this?

Mac OS X : boost interprocess semaphore timed_wait : Abnormal CPU consumption

After porting a code segment from Windows to Mac OS X, I found it to consume a whole CPU core while running; the responsible call for the CPU consumption is boost::interprocess::interprocess_semaphore::timed_wait.
Here follows the code portion which reproduces this behaviour.
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/interprocess_semaphore.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/mapped_region.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread_time.hpp>
#include <iostream>
static bool gStopRequested(false);
struct ShmObj
boost::interprocess::interprocess_semaphore mSemaphore;
ShmObj() : mSemaphore(0) {};
~ShmObj() {};
int main(char* argc, const char** argv)
boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object* lShmObj = NULL;
std::string lShmObjName("My_Boost_Interprocess_Test");
boost::interprocess::mapped_region* lRegion;
ShmObj* lObj;
//Create shared segment
lShmObj = new boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object(boost::interprocess::create_only, lShmObjName.c_str(), boost::interprocess::read_write);
catch (boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception &ex)
if (ex.get_error_code() != boost::interprocess::already_exists_error)
std::cerr << "Some error" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Already exists, just taking it back." << std::endl;
lShmObj = new boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object(boost::interprocess::open_only, lShmObjName.c_str(), boost::interprocess::read_write);
catch (boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception &ex2)
std::cerr << "D'oh !" << std::endl;
if (!lShmObj)
lRegion = new boost::interprocess::mapped_region(*lShmObj, boost::interprocess::read_write);
lObj = new (lRegion->get_address()) ShmObj;
// The loop
while (!gStopRequested)
boost::system_time lDeadlineAbsoluteTime = boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(500);
if (lObj->mSemaphore.timed_wait(lDeadlineAbsoluteTime))
std::cout << "acquired !" << std::endl;
std::cout << "tick" << std::endl;
Then, I read that unnamed semaphores were not available under Mac OS X, so I thought it could be because unnamed semaphores were not efficiently emulated... I then tried the following, unsucessfully:
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/named_semaphore.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread_time.hpp>
#include <iostream>
static bool gStopRequested(false);
int main(char* argc, const char** argv)
boost::interprocess::named_semaphore lMySemaphore(boost::interprocess::open_or_create, "My_Boost_Interprocess_Test", 1);
// The loop
while (!gStopRequested)
boost::system_time lDeadlineAbsoluteTime = boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(500);
if (lMySemaphore.timed_wait(lDeadlineAbsoluteTime))
std::cout << "acquired !" << std::endl;
std::cout << "tick" << std::endl;
I was actually expecting a better behaviour of boost::interprocess on Mac OS X because of the available Posix primitives, but it is actually not. Any idea for a resolution? Thanks a lot.
I successfully Used Mach semaphores instead of the ones of boost::interprocess... see
