Result number for Boolean queries with Apache Lucene - elasticsearch

When benchmarking Apache Lucene v7.5 I noticed a strange behavior:
I indexed the English Wikipedia dump (5,677,776 docs) using Lucene with the SimpleAnalyzer (No stopwords, no stemming)
Then I searched the index with the following queries:
the totalHits=5,382,873
who totalHits=1,687,254
the who totalHits=5,411,305
"the who" totalHits=8,827
The result number for the Boolean query the who is both larger than the result number for the single term the and the result number for the single term who, when it should be smaller than both.
Is there an explanation for that?
Code snippet:
analyzer = new SimpleAnalyzer();
MultiFieldQueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(new String[]{"title", "content","domain","url"},analyzer);
// Parse
Query q = parser.parse(querystr);
// top-10 results
int hitsPerPage = 10;
IndexReader indexReader =;
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
// Ranker
TopScoreDocCollector collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(hitsPerPage);
// Search, collector);
// Retrieve the top-10 documents
TopDocs topDocs=collector.topDocs();
ScoreDoc[] hits = topDocs.scoreDocs;
System.out.println("query: "+querystr + " " + hits.length+" "+String.format("%,d",totalHits));

The explanation is that the default operator is OR and not AND as you assume. Searching for the who returns documents that have either the or who or both.
the - 5,382,873
who - 1,687,254
the OR who - 5,411,305
I.e. most documents that contain who also contains the, except for 28 432 documents which are added to the result set when you retrieve both.
You can change this behavior by changing the default operator:


Using a single query for multiple searches in ElasticSearch

I have a dataset with documents that are identifiable by three fields, let's say "name","timestamp" and "country". Now, I use elasticsearch-dsl-py, but I can read native elasticsearch queries, so I can accept those as answers as well.
Here's my code to get a single document by the three fields:
def get(name, timestamp, country):
search =
search = search.filter("term", name=name)
search = search.filter("term", timestamp=timestamp)
search = search.filter("term", country=country)
search = search[:1]
return search.execute()[0]
This is all good, but sometimes I'll need to get 200+ items and calling this function means 200 queries to ES.
What I'm looking for is a single query that will take a list of the three field-identifiers and return all the documents matching it, no matter the order.
I've tried using ORs + ANDs but unfortunately the performance is still poor, although at least I'm not making 200 round trips to the server.
def get_batch(list_of_identifiers):
search =
batch_query = None
for ref in list_of_identifiers:
sub_query = Q("match", name=ref["name"])
sub_query &= Q("match", timestamp=ref["timestamp"])
sub_query &= Q("match", country=ref["country"])
if not batch_query:
batch_query = sub_query
batch_query |= sub_query
search = search.filter(batch_query)
return search.scan()
Is there a faster/better approach to this problem?
Is using a multi-search going to be the faster option than using should/musts (OR/ANDs) in a single query?
EDIT: I tried multi-search and there was virtually no difference in the time. We're talking about seconds here. For 6 items it takes 60ms to get the result, for 200 items we're talking about 4-5 seconds.

Elasticsearch 5 - Field distinct values without aggregation

I'm working with a time-based index storing syslog events.
All the data is coming from different sources (PCs).
Suppose I have this kind of events:
timestamp = 0
source = PC-1
event = event_type_1
timestamp = 1
source = PC-1
event = event_type_1
timestamp = 1
source = PC-2
event = event_type_1
I want to make a query that will retrieve all the distinct value of "source" field for documents where match event = event_type_1
I am expecting to have all exact values (no approximations).
To achieve it I have written a cardinality query with an aggregation specifying the correct size, because I have no prior knowledge of the number of distinct sources. I think this is a expensive work to do as it consumes a lot of memory.
Is there any other alternative to get this done?

Searching without duplication - aggregations and tophit

I am beginning with ElasticSearch and really like it, hovewer I am stuck with quite simple scenario.
I am indexing such structure of a Worker:
NAME_SURENAME - not analyzed - this field is indexed for grouping purposes
NAME, SURENAME - analyzed
The task is simple - search 5 unique workers sorted by birth_date (unique means the same name and surename, even if they are in different age and are different people)
I read about aggregation queries and as I understand, I can get only aggregations without documents. Unfortunatelly I aggregate by name and surename so I won't have other fields in results in buckets, like for example document ID field at least. But I also read about TopHit aggregation, that it returns document, and i tried it - the second idea below.
I have two ideas
1) Not use aggregations, just search 5 workers, filter duplicates in java and again search workers and filter duplicates in Java till I reach 5 unique results
2) Use aggregations. I event tried it like below, it even works on test data but since it is my first time, please advice, whether it works accidentially or it is done correctly? So generally I thought I could get 5 buckets with one TopHit document. I have no idea how TopHit document is chosen but it seems to work. Below is the code
String searchString = "test";
BoolQueryBuilder query = boolQuery().minimumNumberShouldMatch(1).should(matchQuery("name", searchString).should(matchQuery("surename", searchString));
TermsBuilder terms = AggregationBuilders.terms("namesAgg").size(5);
terms.order(Terms.Order.aggregation("birthAgg", false)).subAggregation(AggregationBuilders.max("birthAgg")
.subAggregation(AggregationBuilders.topHits("topHit").setSize(1).addSort("birth_date", SortOrder.DESC));
SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = client.prepareSearch("workers")
Terms aggregations = searchRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet().getAggregations().get("namesAgg");
List<Worker> results = new ArrayList<>();
for (Terms.Bucket bucket : aggregations.getBuckets()) {
Optional<Aggregation> first = bucket.getAggregations().asList().stream().filter(aggregation -> aggregation instanceof TopHits).findFirst();
SearchHit searchHitFields = ((TopHits) first.get()).getHits().getHits()[0];
Transformer<SearchHit, Worker> transformer = transformers.get(Worker.class);
Worker transform = transformer.transform(searchHitFields);
return results;//, document boost not working

i am a beginner & developing my very first project with i.e. an address search utility, 3.0.3
using standard analyzer, query parser, (suppose i have a single field, Stored & Analyzed as well)
- sample data : (every row is a document with a single field)
(Postcode and street column concatenated)
UB6 9AH Greenford Road something
UB6 9AP Greenford Road something
UB1 3EB Greenford Road something
PR8 3JT Greenford Road something
HA1 3QD something Greenford Road
SM1 1JY something Greenford Road something
StringBuilder customQuery = new StringBuilder();
customQuery.Append(_searchFieldName + ":\"" + searchTerm + "\"^" + (wordsCount));
// this is for phrase matching
foreach (var word in words.Where(word => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(word)))
customQuery.Append(" +" + _searchFieldName + ":" + word + "*");
// this is prefix match for each word
Query query = _parser.Parse(customQuery.ToString());
_searcher.Search(query, collector);
all above (searching) working fine
if i search for "Greenford road" ,
i may want that row that has 'SM1' should come up (means i want to priorities result as per postcode)
i have tested Query-Time-Boost and it works fine
but i may have a long list of priority postcodes sometimes (so i don't want to loop over each postcode and set its priority at query time
but whatever document boost i set (at the time of indexing), it doesn't effect my search results
doc.Add(new Field(SearchFieldName, SearchField, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED));
if (condition == true)
doc.Boost = 2; // or 5 or 200 etc (nothing works)
please HELP
i tried to understand similarity and scoring, but its too much mathematics there...
please help....
I recently had this problem myself and I think it might be due to wildcard queries (It was in my case at least). There is another post here that explains the issue better, and provides a possible solution:
Lucene .net Boost not working when using * wildcard

queryContext - filtering with numbers neo4j/lucene

I'm trying to filter a wildcard query in neo/lucene using numeric range.
I want to search for all nodes (documents) having key "actor" starting with "rob" and age > 20:
WildcardQuery luceneQuery = new WildcardQuery( new Term("actor", "rob*" ));
QueryContext qx = new QueryContext(luceneQuery)
.numericRange("age", 20, null)
.sortNumeric("age", true);
IndexHits<Node> hits = lucene.query(qx);
Once I add numeric range the wildCard query does not works, it only orders by numeric range.
Is it possible to combine both wildcard and numeric?
I suspect you want to use a BooleanQuery to combine the WildcardQuery with the numeric range query. (I normally use QueryParser, myself, rather than building the queries by hand.)
For your example query, the QueryParser syntax would look like:
+actor:rob* +age:{20 TO 123}
where +age:{20 TO 123} asks for age > 20 AND age < 123 (the oldest well-documented person lived to 122). The "+" operators force both of those terms to occur in the document.
