NativeScript: Overlay transparent PNG frame in camera view and save the picture with the frame effect - nativescript

I need to take a picture with a frame effect.
Can I preview camera image with the transparent PNG and later save the image?

Use nativescript-camera-plus plugin to add preview within your app, style it around with your frame.
Once the picture is taken, use nativescript-bitmap-factory to create a new image that combines your frame and the actual image form camera.


Animate multiple overlay on image using FFMPEG

I am developing an app in which I need to overlay text images gif on an image and want to add animation on each overlay item and then save it as an mp4 video. Till now I can create the video but how can I add animation to the overlay

Xlsxwriter rotate image

I am downloading a number of images to my local drive then adding them to a spreadsheet using insert_image(). The images are correctly oriented in Windows Explorer and other image viewing apps. However when I add an image (portrait) to the spreadsheet it becomes rotated to landscape. Landscape images do not appear to be rotated.
I also have a URL link for each image. When I click the image it opens up in a viewer in the correct orientation. It appears as if the insert_image is not respecting the image orientation. The EXIF information does not contain orientation.
Is there a way to specify image orientation, or rotate the image before inserting?
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for your help. That does seem to be the behaviour. xlsxwriter insert images in the ‘raw’ orientation of the image.
I was trying to insert images which have exif information, where all image are captured in the same orientation - in supported viewers exif flag is used in to rotate the image to the way the camera was oriented when taking the photo. I have solved the problem by applying the rotation to the image before inserting it into excel using xlsxwriter.

How to extract on-screen area on XD of an image

I just received the XD file from the designer, now am trying to extract the nav area image from the canvas but image is too spread out from the canvas how it can be cropped to the area of the nav.
Use Adobe Photoshop To Resize them to Fit Original image
if you want part of image you can use one of image magnify plugins first
they will fit image to canvas
then use export
Also you can use Web Export Plugins

How to create auto blur effect on mouse hover

I was browsing the home page of
I was surprised by the UI effect of hover blur effect on the home screen. How can we develop such a feature on our website. Is it using CSS3 or some other javascript plugin libraries.
They use a blurred background image, a canvas and an unblurred version of the image. Moving the mouse 'draws' (a portion of) the sharp image onto an otherwise transparent canvas. This makes it look like some kind of magic, when in reality it's just selectively copying a src image onto a canvas. I imagine a second, off-screen canvas is used to allow the 'drawn' lines to have their opacity faded. This canvas is then used to blend the copied image with the blurred image. Look into "canvas blending modes"

Transparent CCColorLayer in cocos2d xcode

I have a game, where on click on one button i load one CCColorLayer. Once i load it, it has some background image. I want the main screen where i clicked the button should also be there when the new layer is opening.
So say new layer's name is image2.png and i already have image1.png. Then image2 is getting loaded on image1. image2 size is less than image1. So whatever parts are visible of image1 i should be able to see meaning by image2 should be transparent. And all these images are in CCLayer background.
Any helps is really appreciated.
Thank you,
Sounds like you need to set the size of the layer to be smaller than the first layer, or set the CCLayerColor to be transparent and load the second image as a sprite within that layer.
I just created different scene on same layer as transparent layer is not possible.
