Accessing Elastic Search from another machine in same network - elasticsearch

So I'm trying to configure Elastic Search to be able to access it from another machine in my network.
I've been searching and trying different things but none of them is working.
Already configured firewall and I set on elasticsearch.yml file. But still can't get access on [ES_host_ip]:9200 from the other machine.


How do I connect to an elastic search server from a remote computer?

Every guide or post about this topic says to just set 0 in the elasticsearch.yml file. However I tried that, along with applying other troubleshooting methods, and nothing seems to work. I'm starting to think maybe the configuration is right, but I am not connecting to it the right way?
This is what my yml file looks like,
discovery.seed_hosts: []
The elastic search server is hosted on an Azure virtual machine. Then when I try to connect to it via curl on my local machine I get a Failed to Connect, Timeout Error.
The issue was with the network settings which was blocking all the incoming traffic and once incoming traffic on port 9200, default port of Elasticsearch allowed, the issue got resolved.
Just for the reference, you just need to have config to make sure Elasticsearch isn't using the loopback address and this by default kicks in the production checks which can be avoided in case you are just running a single node discovery.type:single-node, this helps to troubleshoot such issues.

How to Access ElasticSearch From Server?

I am using elastic search in my ubuntu16.04 server. When i am trying to access elasticsearch from browser by using url ip:port/_cat/indices?v. I am getting site can't be reached. After that i am change the value to After change the ip the search engine not started. How can i access the elasticsearch in my browser.I changed the port also.
Thank you..
There can be many reasons for ES not being reachable. I would start with the obvious and make sure that:
ES is listening on the port: on the ES instance when you run 'curl
ip:port' you should get an answer. if not the service didn't start
make sure there are no firewall rules/security groups that prevent
access from remote network.
make sure network.publish_host is configure correctly:
more info here: ElasticSearch instance not reachable from outside the server - Azure Windows 2012

seting up local elasticdb

I have a question reagrdless testing a server and playing around with it. I have set up a local elasticsearch databse and kibana. Now I want to connect to the server from antoher PC on the same network.
My questions are, is that server already up and able for access or do I need apache/wamp or smth third to get the local elastic online for other useres? How to connect to the server when it's up? All the usefull info would be appreciated!
By default Elasticsearch listen on loopback interface (localhost /
You must change configuration. Edit the file elasticsearch.yml like this :
For listening on all IP addresses of your computer.

How can i connect to my elasticsearch cluster from another machine?

I want to connect my elasticsearch cluster from another machine i went through some documentation where they had mentioned that i had change the network.bind_host : 0 .But i didn't find the network.bind_host in my elasticsearch.yml . I got only in my elasticsearch.yml file.Even i tried it by giving as :0 but i cant able to connect from another machine. And i also tried removing ## before :0 which throws an error when starting elasticsearch cluster.
When i am connecting from another machine i have to give http://clustermachingip:9200 right?
Can anyone please help on this problem?
When you want to connect to an elasticsearch instance of an another machine, yes the address is http://clustermachingip:9200. Can you try setting network.bind_host: clustermachingip
If this doesn't work then you might want to check the connectivity to the machine you are trying to connect to using something like a ping command.
ping clustermachingip
You can just start elasticsearch in one machine and try one of the following curl commands from the other machine.
curl 'clustermachingip:9200/_cat/nodes?v'
curl 'clustermachingip:9200/_cat/health?v'
EDIT2: Clearing out confusion between, network.bind_host
The setting explained in Commonly used network settings
is a shortcut which sets the bind host and the publish host at the
same time. In advanced used cases, such as when running behind a proxy
server, you may need to set these settings to different values:
This specifies which network interface(s) a node should bind to in order to listen for incoming requests. A node can bind to multiple
interfaces, e.g. two network cards, or a site-local address and a
local address. Defaults to network.publish_host
The publish host is the single interface that the node advertises to other nodes in the cluster, so that those nodes can connect to it.
Currently an elasticsearch node may be bound to multiple addresses,
but only publishes one. If not specified, this defaults to the “best”
address from, sorted by IPv4/IPv6 stack preference, then
by reachability.
Set your in elasticsearch.yml to i.e. it will listen on all available bound addresses.
Check your connectivity to the host machine on the port (in case you haven't changed the port it will be 9200).
In case you are not able to connect to the host machine still, I will suggest checking your iptables and allow connections to port 9200.

Elasticsearch on Azure virtual machine

I have installed elasticsearch on Azure virtual machine.
I have installed the elasticsearch service which which automatically starts on system start up.
Everything works fine on VM. I can access the 9200 port of elasticsearch instance.
The problem is I can not access it with the help of dns name of the virtual machine i.e.
I have created endpoints for 9200 and 9300 port.
I want the Elasticsearch on just one VM for now.
Am I missing any steps?
The answer to my question is here.
I needed to add the following to my Elasticsearch config file [_local_, _site_]
This works like a charm.
This has been added in ElasticSearch since 2.x.x version.
