How to delete a user out of multiple instances of CRM Dynamics? - dynamics-crm

Need help with deleting a user out of 15 different instances of MS CRM Dynamics. Is there a faster way of doing this rather than deleting the person out one instance at a time?

Whether it is crm onpremise or online, deleting systemuser is not possible (atleast by supported way) & not recommended to do in unsupported way (like SQL Delete in onpremise).
You can remove all the security roles & teams she/he is part of (take care of all WF, records they own)
Only you can disable by doing so in onpremise or by revoking license in O365 portal to replicate in crmol
If the AD account is removed/disabled it should replicate in Dynamics
No way to do in bulk across organizations anyway
Based on comments, C# Console application can be developed, to iterate through multiple CRM connection strings & issue a sdk Service call to target system user record in each instance.


Dynamics 365 create subuser under a user account

Is there any possibility to create sub-users under a user account using one license, but taking into account they need to have full access to the main functionalities of the CRM.
No. Even by sharing a user between multiple people you would likely be breaching your licence terms.
Without understanding why you would want to do this, if the reason is cost, I would suggest investigating Power Apps and Team Member licences. They are a cheap way to access Dynamics data, although can be restrictive.

Can I clear users out of my AD without harming any entries in a Dynamics CRM?

Apologies for the basic question; we're having a spring clean of the office Active Directory and plan to remove a large number of legacy users. Saying good-bye to their email is not a problem, but we have an on-premise Dynamics CRM we occasionally refer to. My question is, will there be any implications for that if I delete a user who might have entered a case?
There is no direct link between CRM on-premise 2011 & Active Directory to pull all users overnight & sync. When you create a new user in CRM by giving domain name, it will verify in AD & pull the details to store in CRM. This will happen on tab out.
So when you delete/disable an AD user it won't flow down in Dynamics. But you have to disable them manually (no delete option available). Before doing that make sure to read these best practices.
Best Practices
Make sure to Re-assign any associated records/activities to another
User or Team before disabling User. If you don’t Re-assign the records
they will still be available, but they will still be assigned to the
disabled user.
It is very important to ensure that there are no Workflows owned by
the User to be disabled. All Published Workflows need to be owned by
an administrative account, not an employee’s account.
There are situations where a User’s account only needs to be disabled
for a short period of time, so records don’t necessarily need to be
Re-assigned. (Example: the User went on vacation for a month). Take
into consideration the User’s privileges for those records. If only
the User can modify that record, then no one will be able to modify
the record, if the owner is disabled.
Read this community thread as well.

ManageEntitlementState workflow in Dynamics 365 version 9

Since Dynamics 365 version 9 upgrade, we have observed new workflows automatically created on CRM instance namely- ManageContractLineState, ManageContractState, ManageEntitlementState.
As I can see from the ManageEntitlementState workflow, it is to handle the status of entitlements in CRM. But earlier this was not done using CRM workflows.
Now each workflow instance will be running for each entitlement in our system which is a huge problem since it puts unnecessary load on our machine.
Is anyone else able to see these workflows on their instances? And why is MS adding these workflows?
October 2018 Release notes talks about deeper integration of entitlements between D365 offerings namely Field service & Sales (work order). There may be background automations happening to achieve this & Workflow is part of it.
Entitlement management
With this release, the Field Service application includes the ability to define entitlements and associate
them with work orders in field service scenarios. Entitlements help
service agents understand the service terms that customers are
eligible for.
This capability helps service organizations ensure
customers receive the appropriate on-site support that aligns with
their allowed entitlements, and that customers are charged according
to their negotiated terms.

How to delete a user in MSCRM 4.0

Do you know of a way to get rid of CRM User accounts in MSCRM 4.0? After some user accounts have been deleted in AD we're faced a lot of issues while importing the organisation to another server stating that there are issues with the user mapping.
What kind of idea is behind the fact that no user accounts can be deleted from the crm installation? Is there any tool or undocumented Webservice API call to get rid of crm users?
Thanks for sharing yours insights
There is no working way of actually removing CRM users from the database; I think one reason is that it would cause all the records previously owned by a now deleted user having no owner at all (the same goes for the createdby and modifiedby fields), which would put the database in an illegal state.
The official way of removing a user from the CRM system is deactivating the systemuser record. This does not sever the connection to the AD user, however, but I think deactivated users should not cause problems when reimporting the organization; I'm not sure of that, though.
You could theoretically delete the systemuser records from the database using SQL, but that's highly unadvisable.
Changes in the AD users are actually causing various issues with MSCRM quite often; a larger customer even had us develop a solution for automatically synchronizing their CRM users with the state of the AD because managing that manually proved to be too much work in a large environment with a few hundred users.

CRM user activity

Is there a way to track user activity in Microsft Dynamics CRM? The end result would be a list of users, showing a datetime for each access into CRM, and possibly what modules are being accessed.
Also, is there a way to tie users to database connections, as is done in AX?
Why do you want to do this? The reason I ask is because there are many different ways to log user access depening on purpose.
Detailed access logging can be performed by IIS (web log).
Logons are also tracked in the Event Log->Security log.
Changes to entities can be tracked by implementing an audit log using workflows (or buying a third party component to do this).
The third option is to write a .NET plugin that logs whatever you want on whatever event you want on the entities you choose. Lookup plugins in the Microsoft CRM SDK for more information on how to do this.
