How to adjust bash file to execute on a single node - bash

I would like your help to know whether it is possible (and if yes how) to adjust the bash file below.
I have a principal Matlab script main.m, which in turn calls another Matlab script f.m.
f.m should be executed many times with different inputs.
I structure this as an array job.
I typically use the following bash file called to execute the array job into the HPC of my university
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -l h_vmem=5G
#$ -l tmem=5G
#$ -l h_rt=480:0:0
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#Run 237 tasks where each task has a different $SGE_TASK_ID ranging from 1 to 237
#$ -t 1-237
#$ -N mod
#Output the Task ID
echo "Task ID is $SGE_TASK_ID"
/share/[...]/matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nojvm -nosplash -r "main; ID = $SGE_TASK_ID; f; exit"
What I do in the terminal is
cd to the folder where the scripts main.m, f.m, are located
type in the terminal qsub
Question: I need to change the bash file above because the script f.m calls a solver (Gurobi) whose license is single node single user. This is what I have been told:
" This license has been installed already and works only on node A.
You will not be able to qsub your scripts as the jobs have to run on this node.
Instead you should ssh into node A and run the job on this node directly instead
of submitting to the scheduler. "
Could you guide me through understanding how I should change the bash file above? In particular, how should I force the execution into node A?
Even though I am restricted to one node only, am I still able to parallelise using array jobs? Or array jobs are by definition executed on multiple nodes?

If you cannot use your scheduler, then you cannot use its array jobs. You will have to find another way to parallelize those jobs. Array jobs are not executed on multiple nodes by definition (but they are usually executed on multiple nodes due to resource availability).
Regarding the adaptation of your script, just follow the guidelies provided by your sysadmins: forget about SGE and start your calculus through ssh directly against the node you have been told:
for TASK_ID in {1..237}
#Output the Task ID
echo "Task ID is $TASK_ID"
ssh user#A "/share/[...]/matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nojvm -nosplash -r \"main; ID = $TASK_ID; f; exit\""
If the license is single node and single user (but multiple simultaneous execution), you can try to parallelize the calculus. You will have to take into account the resources available in the node A (number of CPUs, memory...) and the resources that you need for every single execution, and then start simultaneously as many calculus as possible without overloading the node (otherwise they will take longer or even fail).


Set environment variables in bash file calling a Matlab script

I have the following bash file launching some Matlab m-files (main.m and f.m which are scripts) 4 times (4 tasks).
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -l h_vmem=4G
#$ -l tmem=4G
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#Run 4 tasks where each task has a different $SGE_TASK_ID ranging from 1 to 4
#$ -t 1-4
#$ -N example
#Output the Task ID
echo "Task ID is $SGE_TASK_ID"
/share/apps/[...]/matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nojvm -nosplash -r "main; ID = $SGE_TASK_ID; f; exit"
The f.m script uses the Gurobi toolbox and I have been told that in order for the file to execute properly I have to set the environment variable
where [...] contains the path.
I am a very beginner on how to write bash files and I apologise if my question is silly: where/how/what should I write on the batch file above to use the Gurobi toolbox?
I have googled on how to set environment variables but I got confused between setting, exporting, env. There are many similar questions on in this forum but, since they apply to apparently differently structured batch files, I couldn't understand whether their answers can be tailored also to my case.
Within your bash file, just add the following line before launching the matlab m-files:
export GRB="/apps/[...].lic"
Environment variables are owned by a process, a running process can't change environment of another running process, when creating a new process exported variables of parent are set in child process by default, the environment variables changed in child process can't affect parent process.
GRB=/apps/[...].lic will set variable GRB to a value in bash process it can be seen using echo "$GRB" for example but this variable is not exported, means that when calling matlab, for matlab process environment variable GRB will not be set. Using export GRB before calling matlab will make the variable exported to matlab process.
There's also a syntax to set environment variable for a new process without affecting current bash process: GRB=/apps/[...].lic /share/apps/[...]/matlab ....
For further details man bash /export /^ENVIRONMENT
Also compare output of following commands, set (a builtin, a bash "function" no new process created), env (/usr/bin/env a command, a new process is created and only sees exported variables)
$ set
$ env
the first shows variables, whereas the second environnment which is a subset of first.

Array job with unknown task number

I would like to submit an array job on a cluster running SGE.
I know how to use array jobs with the -t option (for instance, qsub -t 1-1000
What if I don't know how many tasks I have to submit? The idea would be to use something like (not working):
qsub -t 1-
The submission would then go for all the n tasks, with unknown n.
No, open-ended arrays are not a built-in capability (nor can you add jobs to an array after initial submission).
I'm guessing about why you want to do this, but here's one idea for keeping track of a group of jobs like this: specify a shared name for the set of jobs, appending a counter.
So, for example, you'd include -N myjob.<counter> in your qsub (or add a #PBS script line for it):
-N myjob.1
-N myjob.2
-N myjob.n

QSUB: Specify output and error files for each task in Job Array

Hopefully this is not a dublicate and also not just a problem of our cluster's configuration...
I am submitting a job array to a cluster using qsub with the following command:
qsub -q QUEUE -N JOBNAME -t 1:10 -e ${ERRFILE}_$SGE_TASK_ID /path/to/
The idea is to specify an error file (also analogously the output file) that also contains the task ID from within the job array.
So far I have learned that the line
inside the, does not work, because it is a comment and not evaluated by bash. My first line does not work however because $SGE_TASK_ID is only set AFTER the job is submitted.
I read here that escaping the evaluation of $SGE_TASK_ID (in that link it's PBS' $PBS_JOBID, but a similar problem) should work, but when I tried
qsub -q QUEUE -N JOBNAME -t 1:10 -e ${ERRFILE}_\$SGE_TASK_ID /path/to/
it did not work as expected.
Am I missing something obvious? Is it possible to use $SGE_TASK_ID in the name of an error file (the automatic naming of error files does that, but I want to specify the directory and if possible the name, too)?
Some additional remarks:
I am using the -cwd option for qsub inside, but that is NOT where I want my error files to be stored.
I have next to no control over how the cluster works and no root access (wouldn't know what I could need it for in this context but anyway...).
Apparently our cluster does not use PBS.
Yes my scripts are all executable and where applicable started with #!/bin/bash (I also specified the use of bash with the -S /bin/bash option for qsub).
There seems to be a solution here, but I am not quite sure how that works and it also appears to be using PBS. If that answer DOES apply to my question and I misunderstood it, please let me know.
I would appreciate any hint into the right direction.
Thank You!
I didn't know this either, but it looks like Grid Engine has something called "pseudo environment variables" like $TASK_ID for this purpose. This should work:
qsub -q QUEUE -N JOBNAME -t 1:10 -e ${ERRFILE}_\$TASK_ID /path/to/
From the man page:
-e [[hostname]:]path,...
If the pathname contains certain pseudo
environment variables, their value will be expanded at
runtime of the job and will be used to constitute the
standard error stream path name. The following pseudo
environment variables are supported currently:
$HOME home directory on execution machine
$USER user ID of job owner
$JOB_ID current job ID
$JOB_NAME current job name (see -N option)
$HOSTNAME name of the execution host
$TASK_ID array job task index number

How to see the output of a job submitted through qsub in my terminal?

I am submitting this simple job to SGE through qsub. How can I see the output of the job which is a simple echo in my terminal. I mean I want it directly on screen not diverting the output to a logfile or something.
So here is the job stored in Dummyjob:
#$ -j y
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -q long.q
sleep 30
echo "I'm done!"
And this is the qsub command:
qsub -N job_1 -cwd./Dummyjob
Thank you!
It doesn't do that. You're referring to a batch facility, e.g., How to submit a job using qsub.
Looking at the command-line options, these are the possibilities:
-o <output_logfile> name of the output log file
-e <error_logfile> name of the error log file
-m ea Will send email when job ends or aborts
You can ask it to send mail when the job is done (successfully or not). Or you might be able to make it write to a fifo, e.g., in one terminal you would do
mkfifo myFakeFile
tail -f myFakeFile
and then use
-o myFakeFile
when submitting (in that order, so that something is waiting). But if the program does any checking, it will not write to a fifo (because it is not a regular file).
Further reading:
qsub - submit a batch job to Sun Grid Engine.
6.3.2 Creating a FIFO (The Linux Programmer's Guide)
The previous answer mentions that you are submitting a 'batch job script' and this is true, so you will not see the output on your terminal (tty) but the stdout/stderr will be sent to output files. However that doesn't mean you can't run an interactive job through Grid Engine. You can, just use 'qrsh' instead of using 'qsub' and the script will be run on a remote machine chosen by Grid Engine - the results will be displayed on your screen.
Note: You might have to configure qrsh in your Grid Engine Cluster for this to work.

QSUB a process for every file in a directory?

I've been using
qsub -t 1-90000
to submit my tasks on a Sun GridEngine cluster, but now find myself with data sets (super large ones, too) which are not so conveniently named. What's the best way to go about this? I could try to rename them all, but the names contain information which needs to be preserved, and this obviously introduces a host of problems. I could just preprocess everything into jsons, but if there's a way to just qsub -all_contents_of_directory, that would be ideal.
Am I SOL? Should I just go to the directory in question and find . -exec 'qsub {}'?
Use another script to submit the job - here's an example I used where I want the directory name in the job name. "run_openfoam" is the pbs script in the particular directory.
cd $1
qsub -N $1 run_openfoam
You can adapt this script to suit your job and then run it through a loop on the command line. So rather than submitting a job array, you submit a job for each dir name passed as the first parapmeter to this script.
I tend to use Makefiles to automate this stuff:
INPUTFILES=$(wildcard *.in)
%.out :
#echo "mycommand here < $< > $#" | qsub
Then type 'make', and all files will be submitted to qsub. Of course, this will submit everything all at once, which may do unfortunate things to your compute cluster and your sysadmin's blood pressure.
If you remove the "| qsub", the output of make is a list of commands to run. Feed that list into one or more qsub commands, and you'll get an increase in efficiency and a reduction in qsub jobs. I've been using GNU parallel for that, but it needs a qsub that blocks until the job is done. I wrote a wrapper that does that, but it calls qstat a lot, which means a lot of hitting on the system. I should modify it somehow, but there aren't a lot of computationally 'good' options here.
I cannot understand "-t 1-90000" in your qsub command. My searching of qsub manual doesn't show such "-t" option.
Create a file with a list of the datasets in it
find . -print >~/list_of_datasets
exec ~/ $(sed -n -e "${SGE_TASK_ID}p" <~/list_of_datasets)
qsub -t 1-$(wc -l ~/list_of_datasets) job_script
