Nativescript - Sidedrawer error(this._ios.setMainView is not a function) - nativescript

Suddently i have this problem, which is the error on the title of this question...i was trying to implement the radlistview and honnestly i really donĀ“t know what i did, the complete error is this:
JavaScript error:
file:///app/tns_modules/nativescript-ui-sidedrawer/ui-sidedrawer.js:263:34: JS ERROR TypeError: this._ios.setMainView is not a function. (In 'this._ios.setMainView(content)', 'this._ios.setMainView' is undefined)
Can anyone please tell me what is wrong?


Error while using add ons simple ruler on ckeditor4

I want to use add ons simple ruler on ckeditor4 in my Codeigniter4 project. But I receive this kind of error. Already tried to browsing the solution in internet but I can't found the solution.
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
at ckeditor.js:1335:234
at ckeditor.js:1339:3160
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')
at Object.loadPart (ckeditor.js:568:143)
at l (ckeditor.js:279:29)
at a.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js:278:394)
at a.r (ckeditor.js:10:246)
at a.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js:12:91)
at (ckeditor.js:13:286)
at a.fireOnce (ckeditor.js:12:251)
at a.CKEDITOR.editor.CKEDITOR.editor.fireOnce (ckeditor.js:13:442)
at k (ckeditor.js:276:322)
at Object.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js:276:442)
The code from error require is not defined ckeditor.js:1335 is
And code from error cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split') ckeditor.js:568 is
split(",")[0]?CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.getUrl(a()+"skin.js"),function(){b(c,d)}):b(c,d)},getPath:function(a){return CKEDITOR.getUrl(d(a))},icons:{},addIcon:function(a,b,c,d){a=a.toLowerCase();this.icons[a]||(this.icons[a]={path:b,offset:c||0,bgsize:d||"16px"})},getIconStyle:function(a,b,c,d,e){var f;a&&(a=a.toLowerCase(),b&&(f=this.icons[a+"-rtl"]),
I confused because I'm using the feature CKEditor4 builder online and while using those add ons, always error. But if I remove the add ons(simple ruler), the error is gone. I already put jquery on my assets. And I dont know why this error happen. Are anyone have the solution of this? Thanks.

Kendo UI - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'jQuery' of undefined

Has anyone dealt with 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'jQuery' of undefined' being thrown from kendo.aspnetmvc.js?
I am using the latest build 2016.1.112, but it was happening on the previous as well 2015.2.1111. I was hoping the upgrade was going to solve the problem but no luck.
Make sure the order of the JS files are in correct Order.Below is the order i used to fix the bug i got.
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/kendo/2017.1.223/kendo.all.min.js</script>
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/kendo/2017.1.223/kendo.aspnetmvc.min.js")"></script>
Initially the script file kendo.aspnetmvc.min.js was before kendo.all.min.js, which was the cause of the error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'jQuery' of undefined"

Uncaught TypeError: t.addEventListener is not a function in hammer.js in chrome browser

I have been using the hammer.js and jquery.hammer.js. In hammer.js i'm getting the addEventListesener error that is in chrome browser.
And the version which i'm using is 1.0.6, both hammer.js and jquery.hammer.js.
If any one faced this kind of error, please let us know it.
I had this same issue and after some research I figured it out. You need to download the jquery plugin from hammers GitHub.(
If your using it for a swipe feature you code should look something like this...
$(".element").hammer().on("swiperight", function(){
//code her

Prototype error in Magento

I'm using the HelloResponsive EE theme on a Magento 1.13 EE deployment.
In setting up an extention for the eWAY gateway, I was told there was an error in the Prototype.js file that was interfering with the JSON post.
Uncaught TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object prototype.js:126 addMethods prototype.js:126 create prototype.js:115 (anonymous function) wishlist.js:38
for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) klass.addMethods(properties[i]);
The custom theme does use JQuery as well, so this may be a conflict issue. But when I try moving the JQuery call before the Prototype call, the JQuery functions stop working.
Can anyone help explain 1. whether or not the error is related to the Prototype / JQuery conflict (I am using a noConflict script) and 2. how best to fix this?
Take a look at the answer in this thread and see if it can help you. Essentially, I had an outdated template file in my theme that was missing some key variable definitions:

prototype.js issues

I am trying to migrate my application from prototype 1.5 to 1.7
However I get errors using getElementsByClassName
My piece of code looks something like this = Element.getHeight(Element.getElementsByClassName(cell.element,"Day")[0])
However I get javascript error "Element.getElementsByClassName is not a function"
Any idea how to resolve this error ?
Make your Prototype code more Prototype-y. = cell.element.down('.Day').getHeight();
