Achieve pixel perfect on Canvas? - user-interface

I want to make exact 1-pixel thick line without distortions. (means not appeared as 2-pixel lines or 1.5-pixel lines, etc) Because it seems like the Canvas just can't stand Pixel Perfect at times.

It is also depends on CanvasScaler setting, make sure that screen/canvas output is exactly at scale 1x.
Confirm that canvas final scale is all 1x
Also confirm that your displaying game window has 1x scale so that 1 pixel show up nicely too!
(View full unscaled image in another window if sprite in above image appear jagged)
For canvas scaler setting, if you use it in other mode such as "Scale with screen size", and its reference resolution did not match current game window, it will result in non 1x scaling.
If scale is non uniform, jagged or blurry line will start to appear on canvas.
Notice the middle sword sprite.
Canvas' pixel perfect tick box helped nothing so far.

Actually, sorry. Canvases try to respect screen pixels when scaling with PixelPerfect set to true.
The solution was pretty easy - just setting PixelPerfect to false. I got so used to set it to true (because of the UI style I was going for before) that I didn't even consider turning it off. I guess that's mainly due to its name - Pixel Perfect.


HTML5 canvas - make a mono mask efficiently without antialiasing

I am using pixel colour inspection to detect collisions. I know there are other ways to achieve this but this is my use case.
I draw a shape cloned from the main canvas on to a second canvas switching the fill and stroke colours to pur black. I then use getImageData() to get an array of pixel colours and inspect them - if I see black I have a collision with something.
However, some pixels are shades of grey because the second canvas is applying antialiasing to the shape. I want only black or transparent pixels.
How can I get the second canvas to be composed of either transparent or black only?
I have achieved this long in the past with Windows GDI via compositing/xor combinations etc. However, GDI did not always apply antialiasing. I guess the answer lies in globalCompositeOperation or filter but I cannot see what settings/filters or sequence to apply.
I appreciate I have not provided sample code but I am hoping that someone can throw me a bone and I'll work up a snippet here which might become a standard cut & paste for posterity from that.

Removing semi-transparent overlay on flattened image

A solution to this problem seems to not exist but I find it hard to believe it is not possible.
Imagine you have an image with a semi-transparent overlay (color=black, transparency=50%), whether over the whole image or just a portion, doesn't matter. How could one convert the pixels underneath to their original color, in essence removing the black overlay.
Just like a simple algebra equation we should be able to rearrange the variables to solve for the "original pixels" under the overlay. Something along the lines of -
original pixels * semi-transparent overlay = new pixelsoriginal pixels = semi-transparent overlay / new pixels
Obviously such an equation over simplifies the problem but I think that gets my point across. Since we know the color and percent transparency, why couldn't we "retrieve" the colors of the underlying pixels?
EDIT: Mark Ransom in the comments is correct, if you know the transparency is 50% then simply multiplying by 2 gets you to the original color. Any recommendations on how to apply this to a whole region in Photoshop or GIMP? Certainly doing it pixel by pixel is out of the question.
Thank you!
The "divide" layer mode will do what you want. In the case of semi-transparent black, use a gray with the value equal to the opacity value of the overlayed layer.

UI text display in World Space

I have added to my scene a simple text element on a Canvas that is set to World Space, so I can see it in VR, but no matter how much I change the size or how far away or close I get it to the camera, etc... it still shows a very blurry kind of text (which I use to display time).
The situation can be seen in the attached image, as well as my Canvas settings in the other image. Could someone please help me understand which setting(s) I should deal with to get this sorted?
It looks to me like the Canvas Scaler is the source of the problem here. For a Canvas set to the world space, the Canvas Scaler controls the pixel density of UI element in the Canvas.
To increase the pixel density (which should make rendered text sharper), you can raise the value of Dynamic Pixels Per Unit, which should increase the number of pixels used per unit to render your Text. I don't have an exact value for you, as this may vary based on circumstance; you'll just have to experiment to see what value works best for you.
An alternative workaround is to scale the Text way, way down, but increase its Font Size property proportionally.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

When using Photoshop/GIMP is it better to color->alpha and then resize, or vice versa?

I was making a circular icon with semi-transparency, so I started with a large filled-in circle with a black border, then I did white->alpha, and resized the image to my required size. Would it have made a difference if I resized first, and then did white->alpha?
In general, whenever you are re-sampling, this will have an impact if you are using any anti-aliasing, or the resampling algorithm is something other than nearest-neighbor.
Try the following exercise for a visual example:
In both cases, create your circular icon.
Case 1:
Change white-center of the circle to alpha (0%, fully transparent).
Re-sample (ie: down-sample to 25%) the entire image using something other than nearest neighbour (ie: actually use antialiasing of some sort)
Paste a copy of the result over a red background.
You should only see black and red colors inside the circle when you zoom in, with a smooth transition from black-to-red.
Case 2:
Re-sample (ie: down-sample to 25%) the entire image using something other than nearest neighbour (ie: actually use antialiasing of some sort)
Change white-center of the circle to alpha (0%, fully transparent).
Paste a copy of the result over a red background.
You should see a black outer circle, with a bit of a white halo inside of it, then the red center, with a smooth black-to-white transition, and a sharp white-to-red transition. This will depend on the aggressiveness factor you set with the magic-wand tool you are likely using to auto-select the region you want to modify the alpha properties of.
Now repeat case 2, but disable any sort of anti-aliasing, and enforce the use of a nearest neighbour algorithm rather than bi-cubic spline, Hermite, Gaussian, etc. Your results will look very similar to case 1, except you won't see the smooth transition from black-to-red when you zoom in, you will just see a sharp black-to-red transition.
In general, you will get the best subjective quality when working on your images first, then re-sampling later. If you paste it as its own layer, then you still have all the image data available any none is lost, the image is just rendered smaller.

Flash animation help

I am a complete novice when coming to using Flash but I am looking to create an animation similar to the line into text animation at:
where instead of running from the top of the screen I want the line to effectively stretch across my homepage horizontally.
I have created an animated gif that does the job but it takes a long time to stretch across 974 pixels in width, and if the frames are reduced it takes away any smoothing effect. I did this in photoshop by simply creating 20 or so frames, each increasing the size of the line by 60 pixels until the full page is covered.
Would I be better off creating the effect in Flash? And if so, where on earth do I start!! Would tweening do this, and how I would I implement it?
Thanks in advance for any help!
I am assuming you are talking about the line to the left of the main navigation? If this is the case, this is being done using a mask that is tweened. You can simply draw out the shape you want "wiped" across the screen and than on the layer above it, draw a box over the shape to be animated. Right click the layer the box is on and select "mask". You can now tween the mask to move from right to left over the shape you drew and it will appear to wipe over. Just remember, whatever the mask is currently over, is what will show through from the layer that is masked. Think of the mask as a window. This can be completely done without actionscript and only using the timeline.
