How are Angular Prebuilt Themes generated? - angular-material2

I am looking at the Theme Guide
It informs me that there are several prebuilt themes available:
#import '#angular/material/prebuilt-themes/deeppurple-amber.css'; is one.
Where do these themes come from?
My problem stems from trying to create my own theme. If for example, I follow the excellent angular-ngrx-material-starter black-theme.scss, then I appear to not define enough colours. My mat-select is unstyled.
I need to add one of the prebuilt themes above in order to get a full theme, but now I have purples in my theme and a general miss match of colours which I don't want. Clearly I am missing the full range of colours in my theme.
I feel that if I could see the "source" of a pre-built theme, I might have some idea how to make my own.
Would anyone be able to shine a light on this for me?

Shot Answer
Answer for you if your angular project is using scss. The colours are surely there if you are using a default palate from the angular material module like the example you gave above. You probably just did not add the overlay themes. Mat-select is an overlay
In your main
#import '../node_modules/#angular/material/theming';
$anms-black-primary: mat-palette($mat-grey, 700, 300, 900);
$anms-black-accent: mat-palette($mat-blue-grey, 400);
$anms-black-warn: mat-palette($mat-red, 500);
$anms-black-theme: mat-dark-theme(
#include angular-material-theme($anms-black-theme);
.whatever-theme {
#include angular-material-theme($anms-black-theme);
export class AppComponent {
constructor(overlayContainer: OverlayContainer) {
Prebuilt themes are just generated by compiling the scss file. Most of theme variables and functions are in node_modules/#angular/material/_theme.scss
$(npm bin)/node-sass $FILE > $DEST_PATH/$BASENAME.css
Long Answer
To understand themes in angular you got to have a basic understanding of scss which is the default way to generate themes in angular.
To have a good example of scss styling in a proper angular project will be the material docs repo.
In node_modules/#angular/material/_theming.scss you can see how the theme variable are defined and define custom themes on your own.
A good answer for creating custom themes.
How can I use custom theme palettes in Angular?


Change the favicon of the Sphinx Read The Docs theme?

I'm already using a custom css to override some of the styles of the theme using
def setup(app):
This works fine. What other app. functions are available?
I can't find any documentation.
I'm looking for the function to override the favicon.
Thanks to #StevePiercy I found this documentation:
html_favicon = 'favicon.ico'
I put favicon.ico in my source folder, next to my .rst-files and it is working as expected:
In addition to Sphinx's native favicon support (, you can also use this Sphinx extension I created: With this extension, you can add multiple favicons, including apple-touch-icon and icons of different sizes. You can also use PNG or other supported file types.

Adding a Class to a Shopware Theme Plugin

We have a theme plugin which is encrypted with CodeIgniter. I only want to change the color of a button but the class does not exist. I assumed the theme pulled the button from the Bare or the Responsive Template. After searching for the button code I find it in the Bare ajax.checkout.tpl and add a class and even an inline style to the button. After clearing the Template cache, I still see no change. Am I wrong in thinking that the button is pulled from the Bare template file or have I simply missed a step?
You should have a look at the theme-inhertance:
Create a new theme with "injectbeforeplugins = false" and add an all.less to your individual theme. In this all.less you can override the class with your own styles.
Changing files in a custom plugin or the standard themes is considered bad practise. Since the Bare-Theme is loaded before the plugins, the plugin will override all changes in the bare theme. You need to change this in your own theme with "injectbeforeplugins = false" as described in the documentation.

Using Angular Material 2 CSS without JS?

We're using the Angular flavor of Material 2 ( for a main project, but would like to create a separate static (HTML/CSS) prototyping workspace that is able to access just the Material 2 CSS styles from that main project. The idea is that this separate directory will pull the compiled CSS from the Angular project, but allow for experimentation in HTML/CSS styling without configuring any JS.
Is it possible to compile the full CSS (components, typography, etc.) from the Angular Material 2 project, without needing AngularJS? It seems like there are styles being inserted by JS using the <style> tag.
Here's a basic demo of the SCSS file I've tried to build to load the Material styles:
#import "~#angular/material/theming";
#include mat-core();
This works for adding things like typography and the class names, but it doesn't add all of the possible styles for those classes. For example, the card component only gets very basic styles—it's missing the other styles such as padding that seem to be injected via JS.
I also tried the material-components-web project, which has compiled CSS here. It comes very close to doing the job. But unfortunately just renaming .mdc- to .mat- is not enough. The component names and usage aren't quite the same.
For example, material-components-web uses BEM: mdc-card__actions.
Whereas the Angular versions calls it .mat-card-actions.

KendoUI web custom theme

I am using KendoUI web widgets in my enterprise app. I need to create/customize a Theme as our corporate branding. After reading the docs, I realized that there is a tool called ThemeBuilder for this purpose available here
Now I need to understand the logic behind the color options this tool (ThemeBuilder) shows me. All the Themes are based on 4 primary colors as shown in the selection options. However, when i try to modify/customize any theme, I found that there are more to it? How the ThemeBuilder is calculating all other colors besides the 4 Theme colors?
If I need to create my own corporate theme with 4 primary colors, how do I pick rest of the colors as shown in ThemeBuilder?
On the second note, ThemeBuilder can generate css and less. Is there a way to generate Scss as we are using scss in our organization?
Does Telerik provide scss version of their source styles. I know they provide css and less in their source directory. But converting them to scss looks like a nightmare to me!
Appreciate your help.
I have to manually convert less into scss.
I have variablized their stuff make it compatible with org's themes and colors.

Foundation SASS amending button-radius

So I've recently set-up a new project using Zurb's Foundation. I've got the default setting working from the gem setup (
The problem I am having is amending the buttons. By default my buttons appear square & I want a nice rounded corner style. So within the _settings.scss I have amended the following line:
$button-radius: 30px;
But nothing happens. So after reading the documentation I tried creating my own button class and including the button mixin like so:
.your-class-name {
#include button($padding, $bg, $radius, $full-width, $disabled, $is-input);
But when I do this I get an error saying that $padding doesn't exist! This has royally confused me as it's used throughout Foundation (or so I understand).
Can anyone suggest what may be going wrong here. I can provide any additional information if need be.
Lastly, I don't think the $global-radius option is being applied, because when I change the property but it's not causing an error so I'm a little stumped!
Here is the top of my core SASS file:
// Global Foundation Settings
#import "settings";
// Comment out this import if you don't want to use normalize
#import "normalize";
// Comment out this import if you are customizing you imports below
#import "foundation";
The default $border-radius did not work due to a bug in Foundation. I ran into it as well, but when I now went to double-check, it appears to have been fixed already in this commit. The problem was that $button-radius was defined twice in the settings file, one for buttons in general, and one for buttons in forms. The latter has now been renamed to $form-button-radius.
