I am a beginner in ThreeJS. I have spent quite a number of hours to figure out my requirements hence as a last venue I am here.
I am loading a 3D Shipping Container model using OBJLoader. I have added OrbitControls to rotate the camera.
My next task is to draw a grid on the required side of the model for the given number of cells and then highlight/shade particular cell with a given color.
The grid has to be fit within the length & height of the object side.
Please do give me guidelines/steps on how to achieve the above.
Any code samples would be great. I have gone through almost all of the ThreeJS Samples but none suits my requirement.
I am displaying a number of different models simultaneously in three.
Some models have the same texture, and it can make it hard to tell where one starts and another ends.
As an example, first image is from my three viewer, second image is from Blender:
It is not obvious in three where the two objects intersect.
I've so far attempted to alter lighting and material settings but have been without success on that front.
I also tried an outline post processing effect but due to what I think is a disorderly output from Sketchup (where the models were made) the outline effect is chaotic:
I am trying to find a good way to clearly delineate between models.
Raycaster from mouse position. De-emphasize the other models' opacity or something. Or if you're serious, you could try the clipping stencil. There's some really good examples for mesh BVH that demonstrates this. https://gkjohnson.github.io/three-mesh-bvh/example/bundle/clippedEdges.html
This question already exists:
Change dimensions of Cubical Shower 3d model in unity 3D
Closed 2 years ago.
Is it possible to change width of any fbx model in 3D without changing its realistic look so that after changing its dimension, the model should not be stretched?
If 2 objects are placed beside each other then need to increase the size of one object and change position of other object with respect to first object.
Thanks in advance.
this breaks down to two problems, if you want to scale an object in just one dimension it will always stretch, for example your your table:
While the board looks fine the legs will get stretched and look unrealistic.
Now the question is what can you do?
It depends on your model.
First of all has your model only one mesh? or has every component a single mesh?
Preferably you want your components to have a independent mesh object. For your table it would be something like this:
This way you can only scale your board and then transform the position of your legs accordingly so that they fit to the new board size.
If you have only one mesh there is not a lot you can do in Unity. For that you would need to go into Blender or any other 3D modeling tool and split the components manually.
Now if you only stretched the board and your model has a texture you will notice that it will look stretched.
What can you do about that?
Go to your texture and first of all check the wrap mode
in this case we want it on repeat, after that we need to change the material setting
since we stretched the geometry we need to change the tiling, befor it was on y = 1 but we scaled the y dimensions so now we need to adapt this number aswell and make the texture repeat. For a table this is doable, if we for example work with more complex textures that have specific parts this will not work and you have to change the texture manually.
now the texture looks better but you probably will have abrupt color changes, this is because the texture is repeated, i "circled" it on the picture. For this problem you have to change the texture in a picture editing program and make it seamless.
I hope this helped a bit, i know this is only the basics and to get a perfect texture and image you have to put in a bit more work, but for that i would highly recommend to read a tutorial.
I'm looking for a point where to start and how to do it right. I have a 3d model of an object. On this object are special points. Another thing I have is real photo of this object with source of light
coming from one of the points. What I want to achieve is to in some way comapre this photo and model to be able by basing on source of light to determine what specific point it is.
Which technology/library will allow me to achieve desired result and where I should start looking?
To be more accurate. I don't have any data yet. But camera will be placed in fixed position same as metal part. This part will be rotated only in single axis. And this part have different shapes on different angles so it will be easier (I think) to match it with 3d model.
I'm developing a game with THREEjs and webvr-boilerplate. I'm struggling a bit with how to properly render a HUD (score, distance, powerups etc) that always stays at the top of the scene. I've tried to have a plane (with a texture that's brought in from a hidden canvas element) but positioning it in space proves difficult since I can't match the right depth.
Any clues please? :)
Well, you shouldn't have a classic HUD, VR doesn't work like that.
You're searching for something called diegetic or spatial UI - that is the scores and other icons are rendered as geometry in scene space in a fixed position or distance (this one is called spatial UI). For best results, draw the information on some game object mimicking real displays, for example a fuel gauge on the dashboard of a car or visible remaining bullets on a gun (this one is called diegetic UI).
Unity has made a nice page describing these concepts.
I created a performance statistics HUD specifically for WebVR & THREE.js Projects.
While the default setup shows specific information, you can modify it to show custom graphics and other data.
And if you don't believe me, just check out the
StatVR video tutorial.
This might be a stupid question but I'm stuck and can't get passed it. I'm making a isometric game and I have my map built using tiles, I just followed this tutorial to build the map, http://www.binpress.com/tutorial/creating-a-city-building-game-with-sfml/137. But now I don't know how to add character sprites. Do I have to add these sprites using tiles as well or do I just draw the the sprites into position of the screen. Any help would be much appreciated.
As far as I can tell from the engine, just follow the "Textures and Animations" guide and draw the Animation to the screen after you have drawn the tiles. This isn't a complicated engine, so you are only working with 2D sprites being drawn to the screen (the 3D effect is merely tricks of painter's algorithm to make it work...there is no z-axis from what the tutorial indicates)
The depth is done by the order of tile rendering
The same goes for objects,players,etc... Let assume plane XY is parallel with the ground and Z axis is the altitude. Then your grid would be something like this (assuming diamond shape layout):
Order of rendering
You have to handle object,players and stuff sprites in the same way as tiles (and in the same time). so you should render all cells in specific order dependent on your grid layout and sprite combination equation. If your sprites can overwrite already rendered stuff then you should render from the most distant tiles to the closest to the "camera". In that case the blue direction arrow on above image is correct and Z axis should be increasing in the most inner loop.
So now if you got any object,player or stuff placed in cell (x,y,z) then you should render it directly after the cell (x,y,z) was rendered prior to rendering any other cell.
To speed up is a good idea to have objects and players in your tile map as a cell. But for that you have to have the tiles in the right manner and also your map representations must be capable of doing so.