keycloak.json file in springboot application - spring-boot

Is it necessary to have a keycloak.json file even if we have configured everything in for a spring boot application.

If you are using Spring Security Adapter, add bean KeycloakConfigResolver in your configuration file. It will use instead of WEB-INF/keycloack.json
public KeycloakConfigResolver KeycloakConfigResolver() {
return new KeycloakSpringBootConfigResolver();
See: Creating a SecurityConfig class section

Assuming yours spring-boot application , if you are using keycloak-spring-boot-starter spring-boot adapter, Then you have all your configurations in
You can find examples here


Define properties in a custom file, for Spring data JPA

I have a custom properties file for my spring boot application for database configurations. I use spring data JPA for persistence, By default spring boot choose to load the configurations.
How to avoid it and use any custom file, to read the database configuration on application startup
Example :
Thank you
You will avoid future complications if you use just one and the classic
Spring requires more than just database configurations so replace the entire by a simple is not a good idea.
Anyway, if you need to add more properties alongside you could use
one of the following approaches:
You could load extra properties alongside the or replace it entirely if you delete the
In your main class:
public class PropertiesConfiguration {
public PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer properties() {
final PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer ppc = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();
final List<Resource> resourceLst = new ArrayList<Resource>();
resourceLst.add(new ClassPathResource(""));
ppc.setLocations(resourceLst.toArray(new Resource[]{}));
return ppc;
You could replace the entire file at the moment of run of your jar with spring parameter --spring.config.location
java -jar app.jar --spring.config.location=/foo/bar/
Similar to PropertiesConfiguration but without java code, just #annotations
#PropertySources({#PropertySource(value = "")})
public class Application {

Split jackson configuration into separate properties

I'm using Spring Boot 2.2.5.RELEASE and would like to split my into separate files. There are already similar questions on StackOverflow but none of them seem to work for configuring Jackson.
My current non working solution is the following:
- (without Jackson configuration)
- (includes Jackson configuration)
Jackson configuration class:
public class JacksonConfiguration {
Please note, I've tried different ways to specify the path including:
Spring Boot does not seem to use the configuration. If I copy it over into the - it works.
Content of
My application is annotated with #SpringBootApplication , so it should scan for additional properties.
I just realized the problem is the testing, not the productive code itself. If I start the application it works. What doess not work is testing with #JsonTest. I can fix this problem by adding the following line to my tests #ContextConfiguration(classes = {JacksonConfiguration.class}). But in turn, this causes the annotation #JsonComponent to stop working but only for the #JsonTest annotated classes.
See the documentation here. Here is an excerpt from the documentation
In order to resolve ${...} placeholders in definitions or
#Value annotations using properties from a PropertySource, you must
ensure that an appropriate embedded value resolver is registered in
the BeanFactory used by the ApplicationContext. This happens
automatically when using in XML. When
using #Configuration classes this can be achieved by explicitly
registering a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer via a static #Bean
You need to create a bean like this
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer devPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer() throws IOException {
PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer configurer = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
configurer.setLocations(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources("file:pathtToFile"));
return configurer;

"httptrace" endpoint of Spring Boot Actuator doesn't exist anymore with Spring Boot 2.2.0

With Spring Boot 2.2.0 the "httptrace" Actuator endpoint doesn't exist anymore. How can I get this functionality back?
The functionality has been removed by default in Spring Boot 2.2.0.
As a workaround, add this configuration to the Spring environment:
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include: httptrace
and provide an HttpTraceRepository bean like this:
// #Profile("actuator-endpoints")
// if you want: register bean only if profile is set
public class HttpTraceActuatorConfiguration {
public HttpTraceRepository httpTraceRepository() {
return new InMemoryHttpTraceRepository();
http://localhost:8080/actuator/httptrace works again.
You need to enable httptrace by having following application properties. By default it is disabled
management.trace.http.enabled: true
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include: httptrace
and Requires an HttpTraceRepository bean. You can use Your own Custom implementation or InMemoryHttpTraceRepository

What Is the Correct Way To Use AbstractReactiveWebInitializer

I've got a Spring WebFlux application running successfully as a standalone spring boot application.
I am attempting to run the same application in a Tomcat container, and following the documentation, I've created a class that extends AbstractReactiveWebInitializer. The class requires that I implement a method getConfigClasses that would return classes normally annotated with #Configuration. If the working spring boot app started with a class called ApplicationInitializer, then the resulting implementations would look like this:
#SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = "my.pkg")
public class ApplicationInitializer {
public static void main(String... args) {, args);
public class ServletInitializer extends AbstractReactiveWebInitializer {
protected Class<?>[] getConfigClasses() {
return new Class[] {ApplicationInitializer.class};
When deployed, the only thing that starts is ApplicationInitializer, none of the autoconfigured Spring Boot classes (Cloud Config, DataSource, etc) ever kick off.
The documenation states this is the class I need to implement, I just expected the remainder of the spring environment to "just work".
How should I be using this class to deploy a Reactive WebFlux Spring Boot application to a Tomcat container ?
After some additional research, I've narrowed it down to likely just Cloud Config. During bean post processing on startup, the ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor should be enriched with additional property sources (from cloud config), but it appears to be the default Spring properties instead, with no additional sources.
The misisng properties is causing downstream beans to fail.
Spring Boot does not support WAR packaging for Spring WebFlux applications.
The documentation you're referring to is the Spring Framework doc; Spring Framework does support that use case, but without Spring Boot.
you can extend SpringBootServletInitializer, add add reactive servlet on onStartup method

Spring Boot Jersey and Monitoring URL's

We have a simple Spring Boot application with Jersey.
Spring Boot provides default monitoring end points
public class JerseyConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public JerseyConfig() {
// registering resources from rest package
The REST end points that are provided by Spring Boot are not available in the context of a Spring Boot Jersey Application.
The Spring Boot dependency includes Jersey, starter-actuator, starter-tomcat.
Our REST resources show up fine, but the ones provided by Spring Boot for monitoring dont show up.
E.g returns a 404
If you are using it as a Filter you need to tell Jersey not to handle those requests. E.g. by putting the Jersey resources under a separate path, like "/api/*" or something:
public FilterRegistrationBean jersey() {
FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return bean;
(from here).
Or by declaring that your admin endpoints are "static" (via another init parameter ""):
public FilterRegistrationBean jersey() {
FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return bean;
where we have set management.contextPath=/admin in the Spring Boot external configuration (otherwise you'd have to enumerate all the endpoints in the regex).
You can also tell Jersey to ignore unresolved requests (instead of sending a 404). That would also achieve your goal, but might affect your client apps (if they rely on a 404 for their behaviour).
