magento 2 and laravel not support due to different php version - laravel

I had a simple query but don't know how to work on it, I am working on two Different Project one is in Laravel 5.6 and other is in Magento 2.1. Now my problem comes when i am trying to install both on the same server because my Laravel support PHP 7.1 and i am using a theme Magento(Porto) which support 7.0.
I want to know how to install both on my server. I have already a built side of Laravel. I had to check some google it gives me multiple PHP version related help. but how to implement it.

I am not sure which development server you are using at your local machine. However, you can have more than one PHP version.
You can switch between versions. Refer below.
Perhaps, this may help you.
Multiple PHP versions in Wamp under Windows 7
If you are using Ubuntu try below,


IDN conversion failed

I built a system with laravel-admin and guzzle. I send api requests to Shopify with Guzzle and everything works fine on my local environment. However, when I try to create a product in production , it gives me this error.
IDN conversion failed
I looked into it on Google, and it seems Guzzle is giving me this error because I get the error only when I try to create the kinds of products that I sync with Shopify with guzzle.
There is not much information about the error on Google, and I am lost as to why it is happening. Has anyone experienced the same issue?
Could you please add PHP and Guzzle versions to the question? I'm one of the authors of this feature, and (unfortunately) there were some issues related in specific cases. But to say something I need more details.
Generally, try to upgrade to the latest version. Things probably should be fine with the latest Guzzle 6.5.2.
I've also suddenly started running into this issue. I have PHP version 7.2.30 running on the server and cURL version 7.19.7.
It worked fine yesterday, and wasn't working properly this morning. Nothing has changed, other than I upgraded Laravel and all dependencies. However, I think the particular code in the Guzzle Utils.php file where this error is being triggered has been around for quite a while. I tried downgrading Laravel to versions from much earlier this year, and Guzzle stayed the same.
We recently updated our web server, but that didn't make a difference to the PHP version nor should it have affected configuration.
This error I'm getting right now is baffling and I have no idea how to troubleshoot it.
EDIT: I found a simple work around for this problem through server configuration. After digging through the codebase in Laravel I noticed that Symfony provides polyfils if the intl extension is not installed. As such, I just disabled the intl extension on the server, which caused it to use the polyfils, which resolved the problem for me.
I checked first to see what version of ICU the intl was using, and it was an older version and hence the reason I got the errors.
So if you are running Laravel or anything else Symfony based and are having this problem, this could be a simple solution if you can't upgrade to a newer version of PHP for whatever reason. We are running a Plesk-based server, so we are dependent on them providing PHP and all the various extensions and we can't control their upgrade timing.
If you don't have that problem, then your other option would be to upgrade your PHP yourself and ensure the intl extension is up to date and compiled against a more current version of ICU.

Browser Version and laravel Version

Is there any concept like Laravel version vs browser version.
For example, Laravel 5.6 is compatible with Firefox 59.0.2 or not.
Any feedback will be appreciated.
Laravel is written in PHP. And PHP is a server-side language. Laravel doesn't get executed in the browser.
They do have a set of default css/javascript packages that are used. You can look them up and take a look at their browser support.
Laravel tends to only choose packages that are stable and have a huge browser support.

Upgrading to Laravel 5.4.0 from 5.1

I am using Laravel 5.1 and I would like to know how to upgrade to the latest version of Laravel which is 5.4.
Can we directly upgrade to Laravel 5.4 From 5.1 ?
The best way to upgrade is to follow the steps for each version. So upgrade to 5.2 then 5.3 then finally 5.4. The upgrade guides look lengthy but it most cases it wont take to much time because the guide covers all potential changes but they won't all apply to your application.
Alternatively you could install a fresh version of 5.4 then copy your application code into the new Laravel. Since the upgrade for each version is relatively straight forward and this method would lose your git history I wouldn't recommend it.
Another paid method would be to use Laravel Shift which will automate the upgrade process for you.
Edit: As #Scott mentioned you should make sure your server meets the server requirements for your target Laravel version. Specifically make sure you have PHP >= 5.6.4 installed
Well, you first you need to update your composer.json file. Around line 9, you should be requiring in the framework itself. Change that to use version 5.4.*. After that, run a composer update and then, yes, you do need to go through your files manually to address any incompatibilities.
after you replace provider folder to the new version.

Upgrade from Laravel 4.1 to directly Laravel 5.3

I have an app which was developed 3-4 years back in Laravel 4.1 and as per the current need I've been asked to port the web application written in Laravel 4.1 to current stable and recent version of Laravel 5.3 directly (without stepwise upgrade to 4.2/5.0/5.1 or 5.2). Is it better to port which may take a lot of time due to architectural change difference or rewrite everything from scratch in the latest Laravel 5.3 version?
Thank you,
Depending on the size of your application, it may be easier to just create a new 5.3 application and copy over your files and making the necessary modifications as you go.
There would be no way to just directly upgrade from 4.1 to 5.3 - you'd have to do all the steps in between in some manner.

Will upgrading PHP break JOOMLA?

I have a client who has JOOMLA! V1.5.1, and it currently is running on PHP 4.4.9. Does anyone know if upgrading to PHP5 break my site? Will upgrading to a newer JOOMLA! version break my site?
Thanks a lot
There might be a few functions on Joomla 1.5.1 that won't work if you upgrade to PHP 5.3+. Therefore you should also upgrade Joomla to 1.5.26 to ensure maximum security and stability for that particular version. Once both PHP and Joomla have been upgraded, everything will work smoothly.
To upgrade your PHP version, you will need to talk to your host, and why he is still running his servers on PHP 4.49 I do not know.
To update Joomla to the latest version, I would recommend download this package:
Joomla 1.5.0 to 1.5.26
I know its not the update for 1.5.1, but it will still work.
As for upgrading to Joomla 2.5, this doesnt have to be done. It is entirely up to you. Just be sure that all your etension will be compatible.
Hope this helps.
Nothing must change if you just upgrade PHP. Is there custom PHP build used or installed from packes (like .rpm or .deb)?
If you have simple wibsite and will follow guidelines on upgrading Joomla ( listed here: ) then process must go smoothly.
But if there are any extensions which do not have their Joomla 2.5 versions, you'll get in trouble because old ones wimply won't work after upgrade.
Use akeeba backup to backup your site before upgrade and try to backup/restore at separate place to just have a proctice. I confgure it to use zip format because it does not require any extra software to restore site, but that's up to you.
