graphql using nested query arguments on parent or parent arguments on nested query - graphql

I have a product and items
id: Int
style_id: Int
items: [items]
id: Int
product_id: Int
size: String
I want to query products but only get back products that have an item with a size.
So a query could look like this:
products(size: ["S","M"]) {
items(size: ["S","M"]) {
But it seems like there should be a way where I can just do
products {
items(size: ["S","M"]) {
And in the resolver for the products I can grab arguments from the nested query and use them. In this case add the check to only return products that have those sizes. This way I have the top level returned with pagination correct instead of a lot of empty products.
Is this possible or atleast doing it the other way around:
products(size: ["S","M"]) {
items {
And sending the size argument down to the items resolver? Only way I know would be through context but the one place I found this they said that it is not a great idea because context spans the full query in all depths.

I agree with #DenisCappelini's answer. If possible, you can create a new type which represents only Products that have an Item.
However, if you don't want to do that, or if you're just interested in general about how a top-level selector can know about arguments on child selectors, here is a way to do that:
There are 2 ways to do it.
To do this:
products {
items(size: ["S","M"]) {
In graphql, resolvers have this signature:
(obj, args, context, info) => {}
The 4th argument, info, contains information about the entire request. Namely, it knows about arguments on the child selectors.
Use this package, or a similar one because there are others, to parse info for you:
The above is quite a lot of work, so if you want to do this instead:
products(size: ["S","M"]) {
items {
Then in your resolver for products, you need to also return size.
Suppose this is your resolver for products:
(parent, args) => {
return {
id: '',
style_id: ''
Modify your resolver to also return size like this:
(parent, args) => {
return {
id: '',
style_id: '',
size: ["S", "M"]
Now in your resolve for products.items, you will have access to the size, like this:
(product, args) => {
const size = product.size

I found this useful #reference
//the typedef:
type Post {
_id: String
title: String
private: Boolean
author(username: String): Author
//the resolver:
Post: {
author(post, {username}){
// usage
posts(private: true){
author(username: "theara"){

IMO you should have a ProductFilterInputType which is represented by a GraphQLList(GraphQLString), and this resolver filters the products based on this list.
import { GraphQLList, GraphQLString } from 'graphql';
const ProductFilterInputType = new GraphQLInputObjectType({
name: 'ProductFilter',
fields: () => ({
size: {
type: GraphQLList(GraphQLString),
description: 'list of sizes',
Hope it helps :)

these are few tweaks you can add and make your design better and also filter items properly.
1- change your product schema:
id: Int! # i would rather to use uuid which its type is String in gql.
styleId: Int
items: [items!] # list can be optional but if is not, better have item. but better design is below:
items(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, filter: ItemsFilterInput, orderBy: [ItemsOrderInput]): ItemsConnection
2- have a enum type for sizes:
enum Size {
3- change item schema
id: Int!
size: Size
productId: Int
product: Product # you need to resolve this if you want to get product from item.productId
4- have a filter type
input ItemFilterInput {
and: [ItemFilterInput!]
or: [ItemFilterInput!]
id: Int # you can use same for parent id like productId
idIn: [Int!]
idNot: Int
idNotIn: [Int!]
size: Size
sizeIn: [Size!]
sizeNotIn: [Size!]
sizeGt: Size # since sizes are not in alphabetic order and not sortable this wont be meaningful, but i keep it here to be used for other attributes. or you can also trick to add a number before size enums line 1SMALL, 2MEDIUM.
sizeGte: Size
sizeLt: Size
sizeLte: Size
sizeBetween: [Size!, Size!]
5- then create your resolvers to resolve the below query:
product {
items(filter: {sizeIn:[SMALL, MEDIUM]}) {
# if returning `ItemsConnection` resolve it this way:
product {
items {
edges {
node { # node will be an item.
Relay has a very good guideline to design a better schema.
I also recommend you to add edges and node and connection to your resolvers to be able to add cursors as well. having product {items:[item]} will limit your flexibility.


Need recommendations for Graphql resolvers structure

I am trying to make structure for GraphQl resolvers, but a bit stuck.
Imagine that we have different sale type entities
type Sale {
name: String
value: Float
type: Int
Currently we have a query which gets all the sales by type and compare them for different date ranges
type SaleResult {
name: String
main_value: Float
compare_value: Float
difference: Float
type: Int
input DateParamsInput {
start: DateTime!
end: DateTime!
input SomeFilterInput {
dateRangeMain: DateParamsInput
dateRangeCompare: DateParamsInput
type: [Int]
Query {
getSales(filter: SomeFilterInput) [SaleResult]
and now we were requested to add a switcher to grab data either without compare value or with it. We can add new query but I am trying to find a way to have single query for both cases
There is a solution, how I see it
Query {
getSales2(type: [Int]) {
sale {
diff(mainRange, compareRange) {
In this case we will have 2 nested resolvers: diff and value. The first one can return data with compare value and another one for single value
Another way
Query {
getSales2(type: [Int], mainRange) {
sale {
compare(compareRange) {
but in this case we have to have value before compare resolver starts and I am not sure this is the working approach
Since I have no one to validate this, I am asking for your help. Do you have any thoughts?

Is it possible to `readFragment` from apollo cache if it has no id?

I have a nested component in my app.
At the top of the page, I have a query like
query RepositoryPageQuery($name: String!, $owner: String!) {
repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
RepositoryDetailsFragment then includes
// list of branches
refs(first: 2, refPrefix: "refs/heads/") {
and finally
fragment BranchesFragment on RefConnection {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
Obviously, I am not happy, because I need to pass BranchesFragment info around 3 levels deep.
Instead, it would be great if I could read it from the cache directly in my BranchesList component.
I tried to use
fragmentName: "BranchesFragment"
But the problem is that this fragment does not have any id. Is there any way to deal with it and get the fragment info?
Alright, I suddenly came to the solution. Maybe it could be useful for others.
Imagine we have a hierarchy of query -> fragments and components -> subcomponents like this:
query RepositoryPageQuery(
$name: String!
$owner: String!
$count: Int!
$branchSearchStr: String!
) {
repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
component returns the following
<RepositoryDetails repository={data.repository} />
Has a fragment
fragment RepositoryDetailsFragment on Repository {
defaultBranchRef {
# the branches repository has
refs(first: $count, refPrefix: "refs/heads/", query: $branchSearchStr) {
and returns <BranchesList /> component.
So, instead of passing from RootPage to RepositoryDetails and then to BranchesList;
You can do the following in BranchesList
const client = useApolloClient();
fragmentName: "BranchesFragment",
id: "RefConnection:{}" // note this {} - apollow cache adds it when no id is present for the object
Make sure to also update type policy for the field and set keyArgs to []
So in this particular case:
RefConnection: {
keyFields: []
This will give the same result, but you won't have to pass props to nested components and instead can read from cache directly (just like one would do using redux)

Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided typename but the store already contains an object

After mutation when I am updating the cache, changes are reflected in UI but getting the below error
Invariant Violation: Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided typename but the store already contains an object with typename of ItemCodeConnection for the object of id $ROOT_QUERY.itemCodes({"filter":{"number":10000001}}). The selectionSet that was trying to be written is:
GraphQL query:
mutation createItemCodeSpec($input: createItemCodeSpecInput) {
createItemCodeSpecification(input: $input){
itemCode {
const GET_ITEM_CODE = gql`
query itemCode($filter: filterInput){
itemCodes(filter: $filter){
itemCodes {
item_code_spec {
itemCode {
Below is the mutation:
const [mutation, { data, loading, error}] = useMutation(
update(cache, { data: { createItemCodeSpecification } }){
const currentData = cache.readQuery({
variables: { filter : {number:itemCode} }
variables: { filter : {number:itemCode} },
data: {
itemCodes: {
itemCodes:, index) => {
return {
item_code_spec: index === 0? [
] : itemCode.item_code_spec
You simply need to add "id" for each subsection of your query. Adding "id" for "itemCodes" in your GET_ITEM_CODE query might solve your problem.
You have fields missing in your response mutation.
Basically, you should make your mutation results have all of the data necessary to update the queries previously fetched.
That’s also why is a best practice to use fragments to share fields among all queries and mutations that are related.
To make it work both query and mutation should have exactly the same fields.
Have a look here to see more in depth how cache updates work:

Use GraphQL to retrieve an object that contains an array of objects with different schemas

I am trying to write a query to retrieve an object with the property linkedCards that contains an array of objects with different schemas.
I have 3 different schemas (built in Contentful):
CardA example:
id: 42,
productName: 'Laptop',
price: 999
CardB example:
id: 999,
title: 'Buy our refurbished Laptops today!'
CardC example:
id: 100,
linkedCards: [
id: 42,
productName: 'Laptop',
price: 999
id: 999,
title: 'Buy our refurbished Laptops today!'
allCardC() {
nodes {
linkedCards {
When I try to run the following GraphQL query I get
"Cannot query field "title" on type "CardACardBUnion". Did you mean to use an inline fragment on "CardA" or "CardB"?"
Is there a built-in way to do this or can I use the ids of CardA & CardB somehow? Perhaps have one query to get the ids of the cards in linkedCards and another query to get said cards?
As the error indicates, you need to use an inline fragment when querying a field that resolves to a union:
allCardC {
nodes {
linkedCards {
... on CardA {
... on CardB {
Fragments can be defined inline within a selection set. This is done to conditionally include fields based on their runtime type.
Unlike interfaces or regular object types, unions do not specify any particular fields, only the types that make up the union. That means a selection set for a field that returns a union must always use fragments to conditionally specify the fields depending on the actual type that the field resolves to.
It's like saying, "if this is the actual type of the returned object, request these fields".
You may find it useful to use a GraphQL interface to specify the fields that every card type has in common.
interface Card {
id: ID!
# type CardA implements Card { ... }
type CardB implements Card {
id: ID!
title: String!
type CardC implements Card {
id: ID!
linkedCards: [Card!]!
As #DanielRearden's answer suggests you still need to use (inline) fragments to select fields that are specific to one of the card types, but now that you know every card has an id field, you can select that directly.
allCardC {
nodes {
linkedCards {
... on CardB { title }

Different field types depending on args

My database is structured as following:
There is a Product table:
id (integer)
manufacture_id (integer)
state (boolean)
And there is a Product_translations table
product_id (integer)
language_id (integer)
name (string)
description (string)
When querying for a product I would like to be able to receive a name and description directly if I provide a language id as an argument, or receive a list of translations with all the language id's and name/description instead if I don't provide a language id.
Is there a way to achieve this without creating two different Types and two different Queries?
Yes and no.
When you specify the return type for your query (let's call it getProduct), you can only specify one type (or a union or interface... more on that later). That type (Product) will have an immutable list of fields. When you make a request to your server, you will have to identify a subset of those fields to have the server return. With this in mind, it's not possible (at least natively) to send a query have the server return a different subset of fields depending on those arguments.
That said, what you can do is define a type that includes all the possible fields, like this:
type Product {
id: ID!
name: String
description: String
translations: [Translation!]!
Then within your resolver for getProduct, you can fetch the product from the table and then check whether language was provided as an argument. If it wasn't, fetch the list of translations and set your product's translations property to it. If language was provided, fetch just that translation, use it to populate the name and description properties of the product, and set translations to an empty array.
In this way, depending on whether language is passed in as an argument, your returned Product will contain either A) null for name and description and a populated list of translations; or B) a name and description and an empty array for translations.
There is, IMHO, also a more elegant alternative: unions and interfaces.
As before, you'd need to construct your returned object appropriately based on whether the language argument is present. But instead of a type, you return a Union or Interface and then utilize the __resolveType field to return a specific type (each with different fields).
There's two advantages to this approach: One, you avoid returning unnecessary null fields. And two, if you use Apollo as a client, it automatically tacks on a __typename field that you can use on the client-side to easily determine the type that was actually returned by a query.
Here's an example you can plug right into Launchpad to play around with:
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
const typeDefs = `
type Query {
getProduct (id: ID, language: ID): ProductInterface
type Product implements ProductInterface {
id: ID
translations: [Translation!]!
type TranslatedProduct implements ProductInterface {
id: ID
name: String
description: String
type Translation {
language: ID
name: String
description: String
interface ProductInterface {
id: ID
const products = [
id: '1',
translations: [
language: '100',
name: 'Foo',
description: 'Foo!'
language: '200',
name: 'Qux',
description: 'Qux!'
const resolvers = {
Query: {
getProduct: (root, {id, language}, context) => {
const product = products.find(p => === id)
if (language) {
product.translation = product.translations.find(t => t.language === language)
return product
ProductInterface: {
__resolveType: (root) => {
if (root.translation) return 'TranslatedProduct'
return 'Product'
TranslatedProduct: {
name: (root) =>,
description: (root) => root.translation.description
export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
You can then request a query like this:
getProduct (id: "1", language: "200") {
... on Product {
translations {
... on TranslatedProduct {
