Tried to install golang command but it shows command is not found - go

I have set my $GOPATH=$HOME/go and $GOROOT=usr/local/go
I tried to follow this tutorial so that I could do hot reload on my golang webserver
I installed it via
go get
then I tried to run
gin -h
It shows command is not found
I have checked that the library is installed in my $GOPATH/bin
What should I do?

you need to add these commands to your shell startup (.bashrc or similar) or do them manually before using gin
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH


How to install Golang on chrome os

I tried the method from and I keep getting "-bash: go: command not found".
I tried but I dont know what command to run when I get to the "Use sftp or scp on the ARM64 device to get the tar.gz file" stage. Any help???
You don't need to compile from source in Developer mode, you can just use the Chromebrew-provided version.
If your Chromebook is relatively new, you can enable the Linux VM now built into ChromeOS to install Go without developer mode. Follow the steps from the following Google Support article to enable this feature- This has been tested on a Samsung Chromebook Plus on version 71.0.3578.127. If this feature is not available for you, you will need to enable Developer Mode.
This tutorial will show you how to install, build, and run Go on Chrome OS.
Please note this has only been tested on a 64GB LTE Pixel, however it should work on other Chromebooks. Note that enabling developer mode reduces the security guarantees offered by Chrome OS.
Install Go
First download the latest version of Go for Linux from the Go Downloads page.
After that, open a shell by hitting (CTRL+ALT+T) and typing in shell then hit enter. Then extract it using the following command (when replacing < Go Linux package > with the name of the file you downloaded):
sudo tar xpvf ~/Downloads/< Go Linux package > -C /usr/local
Go should now be installed you can test this by typing /usr/local/go/bin/go. If it installed correctly, you should see the Go help prompt. Go is now installed.
Create a Workspace
To keep this simple just create a folder called /usr/local/go/work. Also, create a folder called src inside /usr/local/go/work/.
Add the following to ~/.bashrc:
export GOPATH="/usr/local/go/work"
export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/go/bin:${GOPATH}/bin"
This will allow you to run your Go programs in your shell.
Test if it worked
First create a folder inside of your /usr/local/go/src folder. After that create a file in your folder called hello.go with the following in it:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, Chrome OS!")
Now, run go install hello. Then, run ${GOPATH}/bin/hello (or just hello if you setup your GOPATH above) and you should see Hello, Chrome OS!.
Collected from :
If you want to download Go on a Chromebook in Dev Mode, without installing Linux follow these steps:
Enable Dev mode, in case you have not already.
Download the latest version of Go for Linux (
Type Shell
mkdir ~/Coding
tar -xzf ~/Downloads/ADD YOUR VERSION HERE -C ~/Coding/
echo "sudo mount -i -o remount,exec /home/chronos/user/" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "sudo mount -i -o remount,exec /tmp/" >> ~/.bash_profile
export GOROOT=~/CS/go *Where you extracted Go*
export GOPATH=~/Downloads/go *Where you wanna keep your Go projects*
PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin *This adds everything to PATH*
To make sure everything works restart your Terminal and type go version you should see the version you installed

Why /user/local/go isn't recognized as a Go SDK in GoLand

I'm trying to setup GoLand to use WSL 2 as in this guide:
I've installed Go in the Ubuntu distro following the linux instructions on the GoLang website, and go version prints outs the version I downloaded, so it appears that Go is working inside WSL.
So now I tried to create a new project in GoLand, and I'm getting errors, which appear to come from the fact that the SDK isn't loaded in GoLand. The guide doesn't offer much guidance on this, so I just tried to add a local SDK.
When I select /usr/local/go I get an error that it's not a valid SDK.
So I created the ~/go directory, and then updated my .zshrc file to export the GOPATH and GOROOT environment variables, even though they already showed up when I ran go env, doing this got them to show up on a simple env call.
But I'm still getting the invalid SDK error like above.
Is there a configuration step I'm missing that isn't spelled out in the guide? I came across this old post about creating symlinks to fake the expected directory structure. I haven't done this because it's a really old post, has comments that say this has been fixed, and seems like a really odd solution.
Support for Go SDK in WSL2 will be available in the next 2021.3 release, please see GO-10618.
October 2021 update.
2021.3 reaches Early Access Program at the moment. GoLand suggests selecting Go SDK on WSL2 mount if the location of the project is on WSL2 as well.
I experienced this on my Debian machine and I wasn't using WSL2. I found that the actual cause of the issue is that Goland is unable to read the directory /usr/local/go/bin due to inadequate permission.
A possible solution is to run the script as root. The script can be found in the bin/ directory of the Goland IDE folder. Here is a simple command to do run Goland as the root
export HISTIGNORE='*sudo -S*' && echo "sudo-password-here" | sudo -S /
export HISTIGNORE='*sudo -S*' tells bash history to ignore caching any command matching sudo -S* to bash history. This way, your sudo-password isn't saved into the bash-history file.
echo "sudo-password-here" | pipes your sudo password as input to the next command.
sudo -S tells bash to read input for password prompt from stdin, which has been provided through the echo command.
Alternatively, you can just install the latest version of Goland. Hopefully, it doesn't come with this bug

Running wp-cli from bash script results in path error

I have successfully installed wp-cli on my remote server and created the "wp" alias. I use Putty to connect via SSH, and everything works just fine. First, I used a .user_bashrc file to set the alias with:
alias wp='/www/htdocs/w019d58a/wp-cli.phar'
The path is set in .user_bashrc using:
export PATH=/www/htdocs/w019d58a/:$PATH
However, when I tried to run wp-cli from a bash script, I got a "wp command not found" error. I contacted the support, and they recommended a symlink. So, I created a symlink using:
ln -s /www/htdocs/w019d58a/wp-cli.phar wp
Everything works but the installation process. I can, for example, install a plugin using:
wp plugin install akismet
Unfortunately, I can't download WordPress via the bash script using:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal
I always get the error:
Error: Too many positional arguments:
Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress installation.
Pass --path=path/to/wordpress or run wp core download.
I tried to add the path using:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal --path="/www/htdocs/w019d58a"
No luck. I stil get the same error.
I can download and install WordPress directly from the console and do further operations using a script. But I can't download and install it from the script due to the path error.
Any ideas how to fix that?
I've just found out, that the download is working fine:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal
It's the config create part that causes trouble:
wp config create --dbname=d123456 --dbuser=d123456 --dbpass=123456 --dbhost=localhost --dbprefix=wplcli_

Installing Glassfish, Wildfly using homebrew on Mac OSX

Trying to install Glassfish(Java EE App. Server) and Wildfly App Server using Homebrew .
used these above mentioned tutorials .
I got the following errors while trying to run them by typing just "glassfish" & "wildfly-as" respectively.
-bash: glassfish: command not found
-bash: wildfly-as: command not found
Searched about it and I think it has something to do with $PATH. I don't understand $PATH Variable . Need help.
The issue is that there are two asadmin scripts. One at $GLASSFISH_HOME/bin and one at $GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/bin
Here are full instructions to get your domain up
brew update
brew install glassfish
you should see message, add that line to your .bash_profile
==> Caveats
You may want to add the following to your .bash_profile:
export GLASSFISH_HOME=/usr/local/opt/glassfish/libexec
Open a new terminal then, cd $GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/bin
./asadmin start-domain --verbose
Browse to http://localhost:8080 for welcome page and http://localhost:4848 for admin console
I actually installed Wildfly-Application Server using homebrew but could not find a way to run it.
This tutorial helped me .
And for glassfish, my installation was again successful using homebrew but was not able to run it . I did figure it out when I ran the following commands.
$ cd /usr/local/opt/glassfish/libexec/bin
$ ./asadmin
asadmin> start-domain
You need to understand about the PATH variable. It is an environment variable on Unix-like operating systems, specifying a set of directories in which executable programs are located. In general, each executing process, or user session, has its own PATH setting.
So, you need to add the glassfish home path to your actual path variable.
Now, as per your problem with running the Glassfish server; try this:
export GLASSFISH_HOME=/usr/local/opt/glassfish/libexec/
Add it to your bash profile, if you do not want to do this everytime.

k8s oidc issues with helper package (k8s-oidc-helper: command not found)

I am facing issues with k8s-oidc-helper package installed with go. However when i run any of the commands with it it gives command not found error. I am running this on ubuntu 16.04 VM. How can i resolve this?
I have resolved this issue. The path set was incorrect for `go'
I checked the environment of go and accordingly set the path.
export GOPATH=/usr/lib/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
sudo go get -u
now the helper package works
