Using the unicode package for validation in Go? - validation

The unicode package in Go provides functions such as unicode.IsDigit and unicode.IsUpper. Are these safe to use for form input validation, password validation in particular?
How would you approach form validation in Go without using a third party package? From what I can gather regex is expensive and should be avoided if possible, is this a viable solution?
Here's an example using the unicode package:

I wouldn't say that regex is expensive and should be avoided if possible. It is the best tool for your case. Although there is nothing wrong to use unicode package for password validation, it might be more readable for other programmers to just use single regexp, where you can write all your password requirements into a single regular expression.
Ad regex performance:
You can read about golang regex implementation's performance here. I wouldn't care about it unless you're implementing a very critical performance heavy tool where you can especially measure that regex slows your program down.


Preconditions for SpEL DoS vulnerability CVE-2022-22950?

I'm a little confused about CVE-2022-22950 and the corresponding Spring advisory. The latter says that the vulnerability can be exploited through:
[...] specially crafted SpEL expression [...]
However, an application that allows users to craft SpEL expressions, allows these users to do pretty much anything. Including code injection, which has full impact on confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Plenty of other DoS opportunities here. Take this SpEL snippet for example, which executes the pwd command:
This command is fairly harmless, but it could be substituted with anything! Now, SpEL supports different EvaluationContexts which can be used to restrict what is allowed in a SpEL expression. E.g. the SimpleEvaluationContext forbids type expressions, like the one in the above SpEL snippet.
This leads me to 2 sets of questions:
Is CVE-2022-22950 even relevant for applications that use an unrestricted EvaluationContext for tainted SpEL expressions?
E.g. applications that trust selected users (like admins) enough to allow them executing arbitrary code? Or, ideally, have additional sand-boxing measures in place?
It seems that in such scenarios (questionable as they may be) this DoS vulnerability does not add anything new to the game. Would it make sense to improve the security advisory and warn against processing user-controlled SpEL code in a permissive EvaluationContext?
Does CVE-2022-22950 really require a "specially crafted SpEL expression"?
Or could an attacker exploit this DoS vulnerability by crafting data that will be processed by an otherwise harmless SpEL expression? E.g. sending a long list of query parameters to a web application that processes them using a hard-coded SpEL expression?
When I look at the code changes it seems that crafting the data might be enough? If so, the wording of the security advisory should be adjusted!
Looking at the original advisory (translated from Chinese) -
It looks like exploiting this does require evaluation of arbitrary SpEL expressions. However - it allows for DoS even when using the SimpleEvaluationContext which is normally considered safe (or at least safer than EvaluationContext) and for example doesn't allow for RCE even when evaluating an arbitrary expression. But with this vulnerability, it will allow for a DoS.
The vulnerable code shown in the advisory -
SpelExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
Expression expr = parser.parseExpression("new int[1024*1024*1024][2]");
SimpleEvaluationContext context = SimpleEvaluationContext.forReadOnlyDataBinding().build();

Practical approach to pretty print vs. string conversion

I'd like to trivially provide a mechanism for logging data using pretty prints rather than plain type->string conversions which doesn't interfere with data transfer through strings.
I can add a type.String() converter method - which will then automatically be used by the fmt library which is generally what is being used for logging output.
However, this is likely to interfere in other domains which use type->string conversion and default to using the .String() mechanic (maybe there is a better standard interface that should be used when "give me this thing as a scannable string" is desired?)
What is the "right Go way" or a practical approach for writing type->string converters which are intended for data I/O - such as HTTP URI params or database I/O etc., vs. pretty print to logs?

F# code quotation invocation, performance, and run-time requirements

Here are 4 deeply related questions about F# code quotations -
How do I invoke an F# code quotation?
Will it be invoked in a manner less efficient than if it were just a plain old F# lambda? to what degree?
Will it require run-time support for advanced reflection or code-emitting functionality (which is often absent or prohibited from embedded platforms I am targeting)?
Quotations are just data, so you can potentially "invoke" them in whatever clever way you come up with. For instance, you can simply walk the tree and interpret each node as you go, though that wouldn't perform particularly well if you're trying use the value many times and its not a simple value (e.g. if you've quoted a lambda that you want to invoke repeatedly).
If you want something more performant (and also simpler), then you can just use Linq.RuntimeHelpers.LeafExpressionConverter.EvaluateQuotation. This doesn't support all possible quotations (just roughly the set equivalent to C# LINQ expressions), and it's got to do a bit more work to actually generate IL, etc., but this should be more efficient if you're reusing the result. This does its work by first converting the quotation to a C# expression tree and then using the standard Compile function defined there, so it will only work on platforms that support that.

Is there an easy way to replace a deprecated method call in Xcode?

So iOS 6 deprecates presentModalViewController:animated: and dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:, and it replaces them with presentViewController:animated:completion: and dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:, respectively. I suppose I could use find-replace to update my app, although it would be awkward with the present* methods, since the controller to be presented is different every time. I know I could handle that situation with a regex, but I don't feel comfortable enough with regex to try using it with my 1000+-files-big app.
So I'm wondering: Does Xcode have some magic "update deprecated methods" command or something? I mean, I've described my particular situation above, but in general, deprecations come around with every OS release. Is there a better way to update an app than simply to use find-replace?
You might be interested in Program Transformation Systems.
These are tools that can automatically modify source code, using pattern-directed source-to-source transformations ("if you see this source-level pattern, replace it by that source-level pattern") that operate on code structures rather than text. Done properly, these transformations can be reliable and semantically correct, and they're a lot easier to write than low-level procedural code that navigates and smashes nanoscopic actual tree structures.
It is not the case that using such tools is easy; such tools have to know how to parse the language of interest into compiler data structures, (e.g., ObjectiveC), process the patterns, and regenerate compilable source code from the modified structures. Even with the basic transformation engine, somebody needs to carefully define parsers (and unparsers!) for the dialects of the languages of interest. And it takes time to learn how to use such a even if you have such parsers/unparsers. This is worth it if the changes you need to make are "regular" (in the program transformation sense, not the regexp sense) and widespread (as yours seem to be).
Our DMS Software Reengineering toolkit has an ObjectiveC front end, and can carry out such transformations.
no there is no magic like that

Complicated Algorithm - How to store rules separate from processing code?

I'm working on a project which will do some complicated analyzing on some user-supplied input. There will be 3 parts of the code:
1) Input supplied by user, such as keywords
2) Rules, such as if keyword 1 is repeated 3 times in keyword 5, do this, etc.
3) And the analyzing itself which executes the rules and processes the user input, and generates the output necessary based on the processing.
Naturally this will lead to a lot of spaghetti code and many, many if statements in the processing code. I want to avoid that, and keep the rules (i.e. the if statements) separately from the code which loops through the user input and generates the output.
How can I do that, i.e. what is the best way?
If you have enough rules that you want to externalize, you could try using a business rules engines, like Drools in Java.
A business rules engine is a software system that executes one or more business rules in a runtime production environment. The rules might come from legal regulation ("An employee can be fired for any reason or no reason but not for an illegal reason"), company policy ("All customers that spend more than $100 at one time will receive a 10% discount"), or other sources. (Wikipedia)
It could be a little bit overhead depending of what you're trying to do. In my company we're using such kind of tools for our quality analysis tool.
Store it in XML. Easy to parse and update.
I had designed a code generator, which can be controllable from a xml file.
For each command I had a entry in the xml. I was processing the node to generate the opcode for that command. Node itself contains the actions I need to do for getting the opcode. For some commands I had to look into database, all those things I had put in this xml file.
Well, i doubt that it is necessary to have hughe if statements if polymorphism is applied correctly.
Actually, you need a proper domain model for your rules. This goes somehow into the direction of the command pattern, depending on the complexitiy of your code maybe in combination with the state machine pattern.
Once you have your model, defining rules is instantiate them correctly.
This could be done by having an xml definition, which is parsed and transformed into your model. But the new modern and even more fancy way would be using DSLs. If you program in Java and have a certain freedom about your libraries, this would be a proper use case for Embedded DSLs with Groovy. Basically you would need a Builder which constructs your model, that's all.
You always can implement factory that will create certain strategies according to passed parameters. And then you will use those strategies in your code without any if.
If it's just detecting keywords, a finite state machine or similar. If it's doing more, then other pattern matching systems, such as rules engines.
Adding an embedded scripting language to your application might help. The rules would then be expressed in scripts, executed by the applications on processing.
The idea is that scripts are easy to change and contain high level logic that will be executed by your application in details.
There are a lot of scripting languages available to do this : lua, Python, Falcon, squirrel, angelscript, etc.
Have a look at rule engines!
The approach from Lars may also be arguable.
